Using Ilhan Omar to get kikes to stop supporting Democrats

Kikes aren't important for their votes in elections. What they are important for is campaign contributions. They contribute a whole lot of money, usually to Democrats.

In order to turn kikes against the Democrats, we need to post videos of Democrats defending Ilhan Omar all over the place. Even better, we need to goad Omar into making more anti-Israel comments, so that way Democrats will defend her some more.

Even if we don't get the kikes to support Trump, at the very least we should get the kikes to stop spending so much money for Democrats. And maybe the kikes will stay home and won't vote.

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>we have really fucked ourselves, change tactics!
fuck off, rabbi

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Democrats would be unlikely to win campaigns without Jewish campaign money.

If we turn Jews against Democrats, Trump will win reelection with ease.

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Your mess, you deal with it.

The only people who think Omar is based is a bunch of niggers and Muslims on Jow Forums who pretend to be WN.

With that being said, she's an excellent tool to use to make Jews less anti-Trump. (Not that they'll be pro-Trump, but I think we can make Jews politically neutral.)

fuck yourself

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Ilhan Omar is queen of Jow Forums

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How is it a good thing to have Jews working to defeat Trump?

I'm arguing that we can decrease the desire of Jews to defeat Trump, and a whole bunch of people are criticizing me for that. And actually what I'm suggesting would greatly decrease Jewish power.

Something tells me this thread is full of a bunch of anti-white people larping as WN.

Ilhan Omar is queen of nothing except for incestual Somalian nigger Muslim terrorists.

Netanyahu dies this summer.

Attached: AOC.jpg (2066x1532, 754K)

Oh, God. You're the exact same liberal poster who always posts that exact same picture on about 10,000 different threads.

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Somali girls are beautiful

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t. schizo kike

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daily reminder that ilhan omar is not "based" she hates kikes only out of superstition. she hates us just like the kikes do.

Its because many jews want the best for america and think israel is doing bad things. Its almost like they arent part of a big conspiracy to enslave the white race.

She looks like a huge turd in a bandanna

>daily reminder that ilhan omar is not "based" she hates kikes only out of superstition. she hates us just like the kikes do.

Attached: ilhan_omar_talmudian_parasites2.jpg (1562x690, 180K)

She's worse than the jews.

seriously stop using buzzwords and use real arguments. she hates us and wants to turn your nation to an islamic one.

i do think that's a bit of a stretch. shes just a fucking retarded moslem nigger. the kikes know exactly what theyre doing putting her there.

HAHAHAHAH How does it feel knowing that you can't shape perceptions anymore? Nobody gives a fuck about the reasons you state these people are bad. Israelis like you need to understand it's fucking over.

Attached: Anti-Ilhan-Shills.jpg (1118x1524, 803K)

What the fuck do you even believe in? Is your sole concern about anything at all the state of Israel?

please just stop. every fucking time I get told im a "kike" and that its "over for me". i don't know if your a shill or not but your need to start backing up you're arguments instead of retarded buzzwords. She wants to islamificate your country.


Especially since she gets some WN (including David Duke) to like her.

This is just crazy enough to fucking work
Nobody in the history of the world has out Jewed
the Jew. Tread safe Jow Forums

as i said earlier i think its wrong to think shes the real enemy. the kikes are obviously behind this as a way to promote islam to the far right. especially with controlled op saying they like her.

Or we could just send them to the ovens