Pedos on Twitter

Has no one cared to try and stop the massive influx of pedos on Twitter? I mean this guy alone got some reports and it failed because they are "No contact" but it's still pedophilia. Is Twitter just such a libtard company that fucking pedos are now normal?


Attached: Screenshot_20190422-162230.png (2048x1139, 393K)

but love is love you bigot

The guy probably posts daily on /tv/.

Love is love, fag.

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Ah yes I forgot, sorry I guess I didn't have enough weed today

i wanna ask you something pol. if a fourteen year old girl was riding your dick with zero problems is that a naive little child or a straight up HOE

14 is peak age

Lynch mobs when?


Jack is a Pedo. Why would he stop pedos? OP is a fucking moron.

Meant for

150k followers rofl. IG should be 18+ lmfao.

>"I love white people"
Reason = "fucking Nazi!"
-gets fired-
-bank account levied-
-sent to jail for hate crime-
-raped by niggers in jail-
-stabbed by a Muslim for not converting-
wew I love this timeline...

if she's 14 i'm 14

Soon we'll kill of the pedophiles in Minecraft.

Inb4 dc politicians bipartisanly legalizing Pedophilia kekekekekeke

they did try in 2016-2017 and twitter banned the fuck out of anyone reporting pedo accounts and kept the pedo accounts up

it's a conditioned pedophilia victim


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too old they look 16 or more

Who gives a fuck. Twitter is just another idiotic shit website.

Imagine their cunts sticking out. So nice.

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Probably trying to normalize degenerate behavior. My dad used to say, "If you let queers get married, the next thing will be letting people molest kids." He doesn't seem like such a lunatic now.

Did you expect a site owned by this man to be against pedophilia?

Attached: dorsey baphomet.jpg (869x850, 110K)

This but unironically. They wouldn't have started menstruating if that was the case.

And I just got banned from twitter for calmly pointing out that a disproportionate percentage of religious violence is inspired by Islam.

Fuck this clown world. Day of the rope now.

Blame the fall of tumblr

can i get a honk honk?

That Tumblr turnaround was surprising desu. It's rare to see anyone make a moral decision like that which could cost them many users

fucking rich

That faggot's head is like 10cm high and 30cm wide.

>using Twitter
I don't care what kind of retarded faggot you are. Go away.

>not fucking them because of some gay law
>meanwhile the Clintons etc. are raping 9yos

Jow Forums against pedos in 2019
What a time
I remember over 10 years ago half of Jow Forums were pedos

hi newfriends, youre here forever

hot. would bang. jail's worth it kek

They actually read shit into right wing accounts but let garbage like this run wild. Bust up the social media monopolies.

actually twitter is used to buy children in live auctions
every technocrat is a pedosatanist tho

>I mean this guy alone got some reports and it failed because they are "No contact" but it's still pedophilia
..which isn't illegal. you retards never fail to amuse me..

you're either for freedom of speech or you're not, no matter what the subject is.

literally doing the baphomet in that pic

You haven't been on /b/ in a while.

Attached: 18 years old.jpg (647x340, 117K)

all ages

>libtard company that fucking pedos are now normal

yes it is

twitter is a clearweb front for pedophile markets such as child pornography and child prostitution. you're fighting a battle you cant win

True, I stopped going to /b/ because of all the traps, gayfur and other shit i dont want to remember

I hope at least the fact that these accounts are not banned, redpills zoomers about the nature of those in power.