Is global warming real or just another fad?

Is global warming real or just another fad?

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Most likely real but not certain.
Run down 97 percent of scientist agree number is misleading because it doesn’t count scientists that have no conclusion.
Climate has been tracked since 1880 and it really shows a clear correlation of global warming. Retarded right winger like crowder zoom in from 1960 to present day to make it seem like it goes up and down.

It's climate change now. It will be called something different in the next few years.
>Graph for climate change over time

OK supposing man-made climate change is real.
Why should I care when the white race has no future? I could care less if all the shitskin in the world starve and get flooded.

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Your the one who made a thread if climate change is real or not. Not why you should care. Now you know the facts do whatever you want dude.

global warming is real, but not man made

like summer and winter it gets colder and warmer over hundrets and thousends of years, it's normal

Jews are messing with weather for their rituals and they blame it on climate change

The climate has been constantly changing since there's been a climate. This doesn't mean we are affecting the change.

Ozone holes were a real issue and have been addressed for the most part.

>"The world is literally at risk of ending!"
>Unplugs TV before bed for 1 month then forgets

I fucking hate people. They complain and say something is a massive threat and could end the world, but then don't actually do anything about it.
>"Trump is literally a Nazi and is holding Mexicans in literal concentration camps!"
What the fuck are you doing here, then? Go protest in DC or some shit!

This, there is a history within the short existence of Mankind keeping records, showing a natural change in climate.

It is a cyclical change, and short of a massive effort, the impact humanity could have, is miniscule and very short lived, at best.

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I think the long term cycles theory is more likely than totally man made increase, which can be fixednwith carbon tax..I smell a rat.

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Wish this shithole would just burn up

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It's real and human influenced, but the star makes much more of a difference.

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doomers have accepted their fate.
comfortable in the fact that the legacy they leave behind will be a cypto wallet and a hard drive full of memes.

Holt shit I haven't heard the ozone layer meme in like a decade.

Really makes me think climate bullshit is all a hoax.

in the 70's, it was global cooling. We were going to have another ice age. Impending doom.

then around 1980, it changed to global warming. i shit you not. it was global cooling one day, and then they turned it around on a dime and warned us about global warming. islands were going to disappear, 75% of sea life extinct...blah blah the world only had 10 years back in 1990 to save the planet!

now its climate change. same old routine, just a different name. all intended to convince mindless twits into paying tax to the death cult.

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real but overrated

Yes, in addition to this there was an ozone hole over Australia which caused a big spike in skin cancer. Using the ozone depletion as an example of an unjustied panic is stupid, it was very real.

Of course it does but there is a strong correlation on human impact because of how fast it has happened. If you say it is not from people you would have to cherry pick from very few studies where a lot are funded by oil/gas companies.

>ozone layer meme
>Really makes me think climate bullshit is all a hoax.
Well it was real and the ban on CFCs helped

Also, who are the scientists? What makes someone a scientist? Do you have to have a research position with the govt. or a business? If I graduate with a 4 year biology degree am I a scientist? They need to clarify who they are talking about when they say 97% of 'scientists'.

>Is global warming real or just another fad?

Look into Maurice Strong and his role in getting the UN to shill for this shit after he wasn't allowed to buy up the fresh water supply in western burger state.
Local environmental agency did it's job and stopped him, he got pissed.
*Thinking*, I'll get the UN to shill for "environmentalism" so they can take shit and supersede local laws.
Then he can run his scams and do whatever he want's, as long as some lefties are tricked by big MSM outlets into calling shit "green"
Are there real environmental problems? Yes
Is the UN, Greenpeace, or any other "environmentally conscious" doing shit about it? No

is anyone else seeing an abstract merchant??

kinda real
the earths climate obviously changes as we had an ice age and a not ice age before that but the idea that we can change that cycle especially through tax magic is an exercise in either folly or vanity

I remember that when I was a kid in the 70’s.
It wasn’t called global cooling tho. Anyone remember the tag line?


or deception

I found it.
Fucking New Ice Age.
They said the glaciers were starting to move down on us.

They should also state where the research grant came from.

if the worlds power players actually cared they would make real changes to the world not raise gas taxes and import infinite niggers