What is freedom of speech to you?

What is freedom of speech to you?

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No one is killing white people, but white people seem to be killing everyone else

Everything short of spewing death threats is protected under freedom of speech.
>not freedom from consequences
Niggers can't handle the big six letter word, so they respond with violence. That's what the second amendment is for.

Damn... you just proved Op's meme.

the ability for an idiot to speak their mind and have it corrected

>Said the 52% white country

How should the gov decide whats the boundary of Freedom of speech?
And when should it be considered hate speech?

Anything as long as its not a death threat to someone

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It should never be considered mumbo jumbo speech because what you asked is nonesense.

Cant tell if troll or not but (((you))) literally just proved OP correct

Never and never.

thats your best case for freedom of speech?

should be called Freedom of Expression instead
speech would include things like credible threats or calling for lawlessness

No consequences for everything except a threat. Even schools cannot discipline people for their right to freedom of speech. If you say fuck you to the teacher they can’t do shit lmao amirite fellow weedgangers?

I'm asking because der juden have taken over this site. You literally cannot say the n word without being ban hammered its ridiculous. Never was a problem before.


Cont. Which is crazy because where else can we speak our minds if not here.

It is the right to speak the truth without being shouted down by uneducated animals or the slaves of tyrants

so it is basically a dead thing in this brave new world , the only thing that is allowed is decadence through hiding the truth

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Simple the ability to fully retain the self influence! Even when I have certain ideology I analise it endlessly to make sure that it is my will, choice of thought and that is my freedom of expression. Don't care if I can't say it always, I can always censor and control my expressions speech no biggie so long as I retain my free opinions!

Then whats the point? Its kind of defeats the point