Attached: Ilhan-Omar.png (626x875, 540K)
Charles Lewis
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Leo Bell
James Hall
Benjamin Rivera
hahahahah Jews are being split.
Carter Rivera
based and incestpilled
Liam Richardson
Jordan Turner
Julian Brown
nope they are not newfag
Blake Jones
600-800 years ago someone almost succeeded
Liam Flores
Why do so many Jews LARP as Poles? is it because you hate the Poles?
Jordan Nelson
You people never fail to amaze me.
Supporting a 9/11 terrorist in congres.
Its either niggers and mudslimes who support this terrorist, or white people who suffer from the Stockholm syndrome.
Cooper Perry
t. Jew
Gavin Turner
Ilhan is so based! All we have to do is offer my state as a sacrifice to Islam and we can mildly criticize Israel without being racist!
James Nguyen
>Supporting a 9/11 terrorist in congres.
Israel did 9/11, and you're israeli.
Elijah Sullivan
Hey faggot if you're focusing on her religion you're JIDF and a zionist. it's that simple.
Colton Campbell
Yes, kikes and mudslimes are incredibly incestuous.
Carter Jones
Oh hi Shlomo, you sound upset
Anthony Miller
AMERICANS don't need any other labels.
Jose Johnson
That shows how stupid kikes are.
Hopefully kikes are less willing to donate to Democrats after the recent Omar incidents.
But since Jews have some huge love for open borders, (probably because many Jews were rejected from fleeing Germany for the US in the 1930s), I wouldn’t count on it.
Ayden Murphy
Xavier Ward
He's gunna smush yer face and throw tiny bagels at you
William Bailey
Omar’s supporters on Jow Forums are a bunch of niggers and Muslims who are pretending to be WN.
Elijah Nguyen
Jack Bell
Aiden Davis
They aren't split in the sense of hating each other or opposing each other, just theatre.
(((They))) always love to play both sides. That's why Omar can't be trusted the same way any other person in congress and even the President himself can't be trusted. They are all crooked and kike-controlled.
Bentley Jones
Actually the MINORITY of zionists hide behind American Jews. Not anymore though.
Nicholas Sanders
Cooper Ward
any faggot who supports a mudslime who wants to flood your county with somalis and kill your family because she doesn't like the jews should kill yourself
get a rope and do it
Carson Nelson
No one can Manifest Destiny Brothers
Christian Cruz
Lincoln Gray
Fuck this Clown World
Onwards and Upwards
Connor Roberts
Why are you JIDF faggots trying so hard to force your shitty clown meme?
Jayden Torres
Henry Bailey
>We Want Moshiach Now!
Jonathan Johnson
Has to be. No sane white American would support a mudslime.
Go to any mudslime country as an American an tell everybody that you are American. Pretty sure you'll end up on the internet under the gore section.
No white American would support a mudslime.
Brody Scott
Ayden Young
Based muslims
Juan Thompson
>Has to be. No sane white American would support a mudslime.
You kikes are so mentally ill you are too stupid to realize that AMERICANISM has nothing to do with religion or skin color. This is why you JIDF fags are failures,
Connor Thompson
supporting mudslimes is a sign you've lost, there is no hope in any future if it's got that bad
Nicholas Ross
>Pretty sure you'll end up on the internet under the gore section.
This statement reeks of boomer shill
Benjamin Butler
JIDF?? am no such actually the opposite
>what is a spectrum?
Bentley Baker
Justin Lewis
I don't think you JIDF faggots have come to terms with the fact Americans won't ever divide themselves based on skin color or religion.
You know why you're so mentally ill? You keep censorsing social media and still think it represents the real world.
Patriots have no skin color.
Easton Rogers
Benjamin Hill
They aren't being split though. They play both sides. This ensures there will be a continuation of their victim culture while still having enough power to make policy based on their victim status.
Don't fall for it, just call them out.
Charles Parker
Sky is the Limit
Asher Sanchez
he is putting his hope in the future on a nigger muslim who hates white people
fuck has it got this bad in the west?
Cooper Mitchell
>uses a few Moarpheus talking-points against Israel while mixing Civic Nationalist/Anti-White rhetoric
inb4 the same user claims Kushnershill is Moarpheus in a weak attempt to smear character.
Daniel Ramirez
Are you saying that a Muslim is as American as any other? Muslims also cannot be trusted and should not be allowed to live in your nation.
Oh and by the way America is divided by skin color and religion more then ever.
Asher Perez
No one is supporting because she is a Muslim. Shes just one of the few speaking out against the Zionists that happens to be a Muslim. But you know that, dont you Shlomo
Jason Perry
here's your hero bros, she's going to save the white man and the west
Dominic Roberts
I cannot fucking wait to watch the videos of the muslim armies killing israeli faggots like you.
Michael Collins
>Patriots have no skin color.
t. Abdul the nigger
Cooper Mitchell
Austin Long
Josiah Sanchez
Kek, I'm German/Dutch master race and a leaf.
Noah Peterson
>Master race
Master cuck race
Jose Harris
No, you're an israeli. ONLY ISRAELI SHILLS say shit like
>I'm Irish Catholic white man
>I'm German/Dutch
You realize that this only makes you seem more jewish right? Holy fuck you israelis are stupid.
Julian Reed
Xavier Wright
He's obviously a shitksin muslim who thinks we are his allies. I don't care what you think about jews, get the fuck out of the west
Logan Perry
James Wilson
Why do Muslims call God by an Arabic name, even the non-Arabs? Even the proud Persians do it. Why say Allah and not Khuda? Why do "American" Muslims say Allah and not God? Turks, who are greater than the Arabs and subjugated them, say Allah and not Tanri or Tengri. Italian Muslims, they say "Allah, Allah" and not Dio. It's one thing to have a philosophical religious outlook, but why do you make yourselves servants of Arab supremacists?
Juan Butler
And you are black or just an Islamic apologist?
Jace Rogers
>He's obviously a shitksin muslim
Easton Miller
Kayden Martin
Also checked.
Isaiah Edwards
Is this how you rationalize everything in your low IQ inbred minds? All you can think about skin color. You Israelis are fucking morons. You have no legit arguments so you go to identity politics.
Blake Torres
Cooper Martinez
Ryder Nelson
Let the holy way begin
Xavier Nguyen
Daniel Williams
Benjamin Walker
you will never be my ally ahmed, removing you and the jews are both priorities
Levi Watson
Which is a greater threat to American culture and sovereignty?
There is only 1 correct answer
Jonathan Morris
Logan Richardson
The central bank
Jonathan Reyes
Charles Harris
Exactly. Play both sides, profit off both sides, buy everything cheap when both sides destroy each other.
Lend everyone money to rebuild
collect intrest
Carter Perez
>play both sides
Like the false flags in sri lanka and christchurch. White Nationalists and ISIS/Radical Islam
Kevin Sullivan
Obviously Jews. No contest
Jaxson Diaz
Levi Adams
Oliver Lewis
Henry Gomez
What's wrong jewboy is your diaper wet?
Levi Murphy
Christopher Smith
Blake Thompson
Whites aren’t allowed to directly pursue their own self interest anymore so everything has to be done through proxy using some fucking foreigner.
Don’t like israel? You’re white so that makes you antisemite. Better to get some bulb-headed mudslime nog to do your talking for you.
Don’t like camel jockeys because they are violent subhuman shit heads who rape white women and children? Sorry, this isn’t an issue. Tell me why they are bad for the gays or the jews.
Don’t like Mexicans turning the southern part of your country into the parking lot of a superama? Tough titties. Come back when you can articulate how increased immigration is bad for low income blacks.
Honk. Honk.
Juan Lee
Their shit is childish like they're subhuman or something. Get the fuck out of our new world.
Ethan Cox
Oy vey. Dancing Israelis did 9/11 you don't fool anyone rabbi
Grayson Morales
Don't talk about white people anymore you hideous kike.
Connor Sullivan
I used to think the same but now I consider them both equal threats from different directions. Muslims can breed very fast and there are so Fucking many of them in the west that it's a problem that cannot be ignored. Jews don't breed but destroy everything they touch.
Christopher Myers
Jaxon Edwards
>you either support kikes or you are a muslim terrorist
fuck off shlomo. i hate both
Henry Miller
Shhh don't tell him how to NOT stand out. These pathetic diaper wearing jews really can't help it.
Wyatt Martinez
May allah choke on a cock.
Eli Torres
Luis Cruz
>All you can think about skin color
After being on Jow Forums for the last couple of years, one might be excused for thinking skin color is a matter of some importance.
Thomas Carter
We can send them to Israel. Israel needs more diversity. It's such a racist society.
Liam Gray
>Shhh don't tell him how to NOT stand out. These pathetic diaper wearing jews really can't help it.
Don't worry. They haven't adapted for 6000 years, they won't adapt now.
Eli Evans
No matter how hard the MIDF and JIDF shill, you’re not changing anyone’s mind.
Any “based kike” or “based mudslime” posts are just sock puppets.
We want both of your shitty desert tribes gone.
That you’re starting to drag these fucking sand grudges into our countries and play them out on our political stages only cements that understanding.
You don’t belong here. Go home and hash it out there.