Nazis should kill selves
>pathetic manchildren
>obsessed with identity delusion
>foist off humanity on abstract ideas and inanimate objects (love nations, races, guns, uniforms, etc. but not people)
>cog in death machine
>boring and widely hated
>always lose due to being obviously evil
Nazis should kill selves
shalom moshe
One day, I’m going to have you impaled.
>obsessed with violence
>blame everything on jews
He used a p38 to kill himself
Whoever made that pic should kill themselves and probably OP too
Look, a Jew.
>obsessed with identity delusion
So you don't like Israel then. Have you told your local anti-hate advisor?
so intolerant
>love is love
chill out
Bernie is a National Socialist.
Should Bernie kill himself as well? He seems to fit all of these qualifications.
>pathetic manchildren
>obsessed with class identity delusion
>foist off humanity on abstract ideas and inanimate objects (love nations, races, guns, uniforms, etc. but not people)
>cog in death machine
>boring and widely hated
>always lose due to being obviously evil
So does that mean we each get to kill 6 million Jews on our way out? If so that's like 3 Nazis martyred and all Jews are gone. Or are you denying the sacred six million? Because if you even entertain the idea that 5,999,999 Jews died in the hall of cost, then I'm sorry to inform you that you're one of us.
And, finally, you are all retarded. You can do rhetoric, but not logic.
All this is natural, not exclusivity. The way you project yourself to the Nazis only proves the point.
the heart of the man who is wrong always greedy, no matter what ideology they devise.
I can create a National Socialism in which it does not involve any aggression
what i wouldn't do to you kike
>Derides people as retarded and posts a pic to trigger Neo-Nazis.
>You are the one using rhetoric not logic.
We really need to start locking you retards up.
sloppy job mossad
follow yours
You must lay off the crack pipe mate.
What manchildren are you talking about?
Take a look at pic related, those are Nazis, not your ages-old and retarded strawman of wehraboos.
What scares me about the worldview prospects of your post is that you're talking of an "identity delusion".
What are you? Soulless matter? Take a look at yourself in the mirror and realize what you see is the spawn of millions of years of merciless competition against every living cell and natural force on the planet - and realize what has shaped your fore-fathers: being an US. I promise that your caveman grandpas every thought pattern included 2 basic decisionmaking factors: me, and us. Without the latter we would not be complete. We'd likely still be hunter-killers with half the brain size if nature didn't compel us to expand our individual struggles beyond the borders of selfishness, and to expend your being in sacrifice of your tribe. Growing up, you learn what your tribe looks like, and nature has wired you to look around you as soon as you become conscious and to recognize who you belong to - a healthy human being has an immortal loyalty to his parents. Your brain notices that your ethnic tribemates look like your parents, and that is what i suspect to be the singular cause for nationalism. Interestingly, that suspicion is also subject of a common anti-nationalism argument: "It's primal instinct, so it's bad and you must ignore it because progress". That's the circumcision of your entire biological niche. Mental self-mutilation at best. An us-identity is a vital part of our being.
I'm just as disgusted at you calling symbols and artifacts "inanimate objects".
Man is a mental powerhouse to learn and categorize. Get stung by a wasp once, and you will forever flinch when one comes flying by your face ever after. We are very efficient at building associations with objects, landscapes, animals and symbols.
Fixed for you
Your boring and widely hated point doesn't work out. It's your best right to find it boring, although it is, is my opinion, a bizarre glimpse of inner death. I find NatSoc simply glorious and no minute of the historical documentation of these glorious 12 years has managed to bore me. But what you're wrong about: you are appealing to the popularity of something.
>always lose due to being obviously evil
I'm taken aback when people declare the movement evil. It's often portrayed as a hateful movement, while in truth its soul burns with undying love for the Volk. I can tell you who calls it hateful: those who are outsiders of that love. Outsiders of your Volk. Loving something commands disdain for something else.
The nose shows
get out kike,
your people are committing genocide in the middle east and brainwashing americans so you can leech off them to do it
>Hurr durr Hitler killed himself.
>Oh wait the skull the Soviets found was a woman's.
Maybe instead of giving him (You)s just sage and ignore this user? Fucking hell lads...
>When you have killcount so high, you have to end yourself.
Yeah, I'll follow.
when you commit suicide after getting all your kill streaks