Press F for this white family

Press F for this white family.
F for fuck Islam.
This poor man lost the loves of his life to Jihad and leftists want to minimize his suffering because he’s not a sandnigger

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Journalists, as ever, aren't human

What were your wife in kids doing over in Sri Lanka, dipshit?

He better burn some mosques or something. Instead he'll probably say he forgives the attacks and let an African sleep in his kids beds.

why the " "
around catastrophic? are they implying it's not?

A true Muslim would never do this.

prolly vacation

>lay with dogs
good riddance

NPR this morning said it was a "militant group of sri lankan citzens"
they did not say it was muzzies
was it muzzies? i've been very busy but i'd bet anything it was muzzies

A white man would though. Look at what they did to Iraq.

Toll paid
Stop traveling to third world shitholes

>send your family to nigland
>they're murdered

That's what he gets for being retarded

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>'catastrophic loss'

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Based. *Claps hands*

easter worshippers

Sri Lanka isn’t a vacation spot. It’s mostly poor with a few rich areas but it’s not touristy. Maybe Brits still believe that “Ceylon” has some Christian relevance or whatever but it don’t and never did

Yeah the Sri Lankan government confirmed it was a Jihadist group “with international connections”

this but unironically

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who did it? anyone who knows shit about shit have an idea of which persons or group perpetrated the attacks? 8 is a lot of coordinated attacks and apparently gov knew it was coming

Exploring, colonizing and enslaving primitives, as every citizen of the british empire should.

im sure he'll weigh up the options of having a family versus having some shitskin cooked foods and decide the food is worth more

I am sorry for his loss, but since when did Whites have brown eyes?

every successful islamic leader throughout history won their success through conquering infidel lands and enslaving their inhabitants for the Glory of Allah. Your lies only work on those who don't pay attention

He's never gonna recoup all that money he wasted on that girl's braces

singe ' means a direct quote bud

Showed my sister the article she said the same thing. Are they starting to wake up?

since hitler

since when did Estonians not have foreskins?
oh yeah, when they are Jewish.

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Most people accepted Islam voluntarily because they were oppressed by their leaders and Islam promised equality for everyone. Islam only acted against tyrants, not ordinary people.

a bunch of Sunni Muslims
and yes this was most definitely orchestrated from outside the country considering the scale of attacks

Shut up dawah nigger

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If you've read anything about Abu Bakr, Khalid, Omar, Muhammed, Rashid, etc., you'd know that is bullshit. Khalid best (Arab) muslim commander ever, btw.

c for culturally enriched, man says he's better for the experience. sucks muslim cocks to prove it, encouraged all of uk to be like him.

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Correct, a true Muslim would have sawed thier heads off starting from the back. The world will grow tired of Muslim's shit one day, and we will kill you all.

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>Reiterating the Jewish myth that Hitler was brown eyed
Both photos and written sources paint a different picture

Estonia is judenfrei

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>only acted against tyrants, not ordinary people

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If you read about early caliphs you actually find they were the most just and most enlightened rulers of their time. That's why the light of Islam spread. People accepted it because it was a better solution to social problems.

Careful, muslims do not like when people picture mohammed

Sri Lanka was a safe place. No one thought about this happening there.

Hitler had blue eyes

Nobody expects something like this to happen in a mostly Buddhist country user

India sponsored the terrorist groups LTTE in Sri Lanka for decades. The responsibility for terrorism in Sri Lanka lies with the poonigger Hindu who sponsors terrorism and destabilizes nations.

this makes sense. i thought the same. thanks

Won't bring back your burnt churches cuck.
>Muslims and their atheist liberal supporters burn churches
>White nationalists in response post memes on the internet

I understand your wife wanting to fuck foreign niggers but why take your kids with you while sex touring?

He probably killed them

> 300 people died and you only care about these three

>"I rather unsheath a sword to be used on the enemies of allah than sheath that sword for moral concerns"
t. early enlightened Caliph

That's like saying the Soviet Union gave East European countries the choice to become communists

Now he will either spend the rest of his life doing everything he can to destroy islam, or hes a worthless coward

Nah, people joined because they wanted to be part of a pillaging horde. Read the letter sent by the Persian Shah. He told the arab leader that he was already monotheist and that if they truly believed in god they would stop ravaging their cities by unleashing barbarians on them.

Everything from the battle of the ditch to Al Andulus had forced conversion, some more than others. Ottoman Turks were probably the worst muslims. But you and I know (as does everyone else) that forced conversions were a thing. The only place recorded where conversion wasn't "forced" was in Persia. But non-Persians were barred from major things like inheriting wealth/land, to other things as trivial as being hammed from riding a horse, if they were not muslim. You're a baiting fag. I'd love for you to cite some non-muslim sources about non-forced conversions in the Levant in the 7th century, though.

It is just common courtesy to not post pictures of Mohammed's decapitated head next to his toilet paper holder

S to spit on those white devils

don't forget about centuries of humilation and back breaking exploitation unleashed on the populations that refused to convert

He's a Muslim and post here regularly

Muslims actually didn't convert people on a large scale. Not for any humanitarian reasons though. Non-muslims had to pay "protection money" ie the jizya. Muslim apologists will claim muslims had to donate money, but that money went to the mosque and did not benefit secular rulers like the jizya did

Why would they be in a shit hole like that?

here we are
can't wait to see what is the true islam and what is the true muslim because i see that there's as much true islam as much there's muslim in the world.
Fix your book and your beliefs.

Because Islam means peace, enemies of Allah simply means enemies of peace. Which means the point I was making earlier was correct, Islam acted against the oppressors in that region and established land of peace. It is a fact of history that people of the Middle East had a glorious time under Islam.

So Goebbels and Robert E Lee weren't white people?

They were possibly misguided, but still a loss.

>can't wait to see what is the true islam

Here's an example. If a man suspects his wife has cucked him and wants a genetic test to protect his interests, Islam will not stop it. France would. That's the difference. Islam is just.

how to contact this man? would like to help him on his new mission

Honorary Aryans, also a status Hitler gave to some 150 000 Jews


>Non-muslims had to pay "protection money" ie the jizya.

This is Islamophobic. Jizya is simply tax. Are you saying a state should not be able to collect tax?

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Satanic Verses.

Islam literally translates to "submission".

Why the fuck do you sand nigger idiots think the rest of the world are also idiots?

>As much percentage Muslim as France
Can’t figure it out!

you lying sack of shit. Islam means submission. Muslims are those whom have sumnitted to Allah. Muslims wage jihad on those who have not submitted to Islam. Your lies are barely worth addressing

How about we introduce a UN tax, but only muslims have to pay it?

Islam means submit or die.

>A true Muslim would never do this.

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I feel bad, but It's difficult for me to have empathy for people who pretend like apes are human beings and get wrecked when this turns out not to be true.

Like, there are literally entire libraries worth of data that tell you "black skin = dangerous", but still these fucks go over there and then pikachu face when the non human monsters behave like non human monsters.

"Hurr durr they're people just like us sweetie". Good job letting the jews kill your family.

So people shouldn't be able to travel now? Kys

Islam is cancer and gas is the answer. You can go back to molesting goats for now.

It was more peaceful before Islam. The wars between Romans and Sassanids were fairly harmless in comparison to the collapse of society brough on by islam. Islam literally killed the ancient world. Before the muslims came North Africa was fertile, you turned it into a wasteland

He should buy a fertilizer company and go out with glory...

If everyone else has to pay comparable tax, sure. What Islamophobes never mention is that Muslims also had to pay special tax called Zakat. Jizya was just the Zakat for non-Muslims. Complete equality.

If they aren't whites then what the fuck were they? Joos?

Goebbels was Roman Catholic with Dutch ancestry and Robert E Lee had pure white English heritage. Eye color is not a good determinator of whiteness as plenty of Jews have blue eyes.

Ask yourself, what's the chance of it being Buddhists or Hindus?

what is wrong with any of that
except for shia killing
killing crusaders and mongols who came to kill our people and raze our lands is as 'islamic' as it gets.
as in we never let ourselves get cucked as you have


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Stop being edgelords. He lost his 3 youngest children. His oldest daughters instargram shows they were just exploring nature and out in a boat. They probably figured they’d go to a church for Easter while they’re there. Lots of people go to 3rd world countries for nature, not because they’re SJW. My family goes to Africa all the time for safaris.

Islam mean submission, and whoever doesn't follow the teaching of Muhammad is a kafir, and you could call a dictator, oppressor or whatever suits you

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Spain too. The Iberian peninsula has yet to recover from the devastation delivered to it by the Moors

innocent muslims died yet only the white ones dead are getting called out and Islam which had nothing to do w this,( literally a huge sin to kill innocent people) is getting blamed as always. y'all are falling for the kikes, artists.

former minority in a muslim country here. can confirm islam sucks hog balls

Why do you lot lie and say that Islam means peace when you know it literally translates to submission?

he let his wife and children travel to the shitskin lands. and why say fuck Islam when it's pretty (((obvious))) who was really behind this.
yeah local authorities are going to completely ignore warnings weeks in advance, without being told to do so.

blame the zionists and their puppets if you must blame anybody

Those land that were invaded by the Crusades were invaded by Islam first. I mean, nobody is good or bad in history
My point is, he has a misunderstanding of what his religion really is about

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because this paki can't read arabic, much like his prophet

only in direct retaliation for invasions committed by muslims against all of europe.


I was trying to be brief, but the real explanation is as follows. Islam means peace attained by submission of your will to God. But the focus is on the peace. For example, if you are an ordinary person ruled by a tyrant, and instead of being subject to the whims of a tyrant, you instead want to follow the impartial laws of sharia, then you will be more at peace. It has got nothing to do with submission in the sense of force. It is focusing on peace via accepting a superior system. A bit like Americans want to spread democracy overseas, Islam wants to spread peace through good law and order. Democracy will degenerate, but good law and order will not. That's why Islam spread so much - it promised a better life. How can you be against this.

> Letting your Wife and Kids travel to an Island populated by Streetshitting niggers

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my ass. The taxation in places like Armenia and Anatolia were so devestating they literally sapped eveey ounce of value from the region. That's not counting the blood taxes in the Balkans and demands of sultans, caliphs and emirs for the most beautiful woman woman to fill their harems.

No true scottsman amirite