Spare me

spare me

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That can't be legal

Any country that allows that must be purged from the earth with nuclear fire.

How big would these ads need to be so they would even be legible? The ISS is huge but it’s only a dot in the sky

space is fake. if it was real this would have been a thing by the mid 80's

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They said the same thing about prescription commercials in the US

Maybe 2497 isn't so far off.

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I must have done something horrific in my past tumeline.

Not at all the same thing dumbass

there's literally nothing wrong with that. it's the right of private corporations and if you disagree then just vote with your wallet

>things need to be "held up" in 0-G
t. negative IQ

>public school education

No, but in 20 years space billboards will be acceptable.

fucking kek I hope you are being sarcastic and making a dig at capitalism and not some retard boomer.

>let us destroy beautiful things to sell chicken and bring more money to Jews
ofcourse the american says this

This is a precursor to a lot of sci-fi stories.
>corporation makes it to mars first
>lets say coke
>coke starts a mars colony
>makes coke with water from mars ice
>Drink Red Planet Coke™
>ships it to earth
>Coke colony eventually becomes entirely self sufficient
>declares mars is theirs
>also mars is now called Coca-Cola Major
>uproar and backlash
>Coke doesn't give a fuck
>more coke colonies start
>eventually company leaves earth entirely
>secures the planet from any other influences
>space battles

Who do you think makes the laws? Literally the only reason we don't have constant airplane/drone banner ads infecting every free space of sky is because it isn't cost effective (yet).

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>Any country that allows that must be purged from the earth with nuclear fire.
Yank thinks his country won't be the first to use it

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Which company or product would be the first to attempt this audacious feat?

pretty sure nasa just propagandizes for funding purposes not that space is fake

I want a generation of Ted Kazchinskys

I live in a big city, can't remember the last time I've seen more than 10 stars in the sky anyway, these sound nice.

Space is fake and gay, never going to happen.

Get some binoculars. Even in a city you can see a lot of stars, satellites and even planets. You need let your eyes adjust to the night sky for a while, you can’t just go from watching tv indoors to watching the sky and expect to see feint stars.

Holy shit if we are actually going to end up in a consumeristic dystopia with ads littering every inch of my vision just tell me. I’d rather fucking join commies than see this ever actualized.

>*sees flag*
>"pls be ironic pls be ironic pls be ironc"

>you are stargazing with your 3 year old son in a very northern part of the world in a cabin you paid fortune to stay for a few nights in
>you bring him outside into the sharp air and lie down in some slightly tall grass
>perfect cloudless night in late November
>your son is itching to know all about the stars
>you tell him about all of the constellations
>Ursa minor
>you spot something you know he will be interested in
>"hey, do you know what that star is? that's Polaris, the north star"
>some large cloud of light blocking out all of the stars
>"dad whats that!" he points

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wtf I want India to launch more rockets now

It has less to do with letting your eyes adjust, than light pollution.

can't wait for pornhub ads in the sky

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Next will be billboards in your dreams

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I understand light pollution but I have been able to see a lot of stars even in big cities. Obviously it’s nowhere near what it’s like in the country but it’s more than most people would expect to see.

oy vey goy.... remember that Project Bluebeam that those conspiracy nuts were going off about years ago.... yea totally dont look into that at all

>not China

>shitposting gifs in the sky

bring it

In the US, we have laws preventing banner in the sky spam. You need a permit to do it, and it's restricted to specific areas. The FAA controls the number of aircraft operating.

The FAA controls the sky over the US. Cost has fuck all to do with it.

The wealthiest, in the far future when this could potentially be feasible.

A space ad would have to be hundreds of miles across, involving thousands of satellites in perfect syncronicity, to do even an 8-bit sign visible from the ground.

This is all pure larping. And, would be prevented by treaty, if it were actually feasible.

This is an investor scam.

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its facing the wrong way, earthlings already eat YUM brand fast food.


Neo-boomers, yes

>Thinking free fall is zero G

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The light/airspace legality distance is measured in a strange term, candlesticks or something...and may vary depending where you are

Will we have IRL System Shock?

Trioptimum evil megacorps when?

i hope the chinks or the russonigs will shot any americunt satellite out of the orbit if they do such degenerate act.

Maybe some company will produce a special manmade Star that gives an extremely pleasing light show every hour, or maybe once a night. They won’t have any explicit advertising but via press and PR everyone will know that it is the T-Mobile star or the Apple star.

This may be a way to introduce the concept in a slightly more acceptable way.

just calculated it, see pic related
don't think it's going to happen within our lifetime

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The chinks would be the first to do this shit

If you dig into the story, and the company, it's all bullshit. They haven't launched anything, they don't know if their tech will even work. And, they have such massive regulatory hurdles to get past, it's a pure pipedream.

This is Theranos level investment scam. The "scandal" is a curated advertisement to lure investors, because their sugardaddy (pun intended) Pepsico backed the fuck away from this, when they found out their Russian division was working with them.

This is bullshit. Not happening. Ever.

Did you forget Alphabet (google) and Apple exist or something?

That's not that big.


>manmade star
I guess you could build some kind of beacon that shines a laser in our direction, but "building" an actual star is impossible for so many reasons

You somehow have to transport all the materials into space first. It would be a massive project. Also, I don't know if it's even physically possible. The gravitational strain on such a large object orbiting in such a low orbit is probably too big.

just noticed that I fucked the size of the ISS up, It should be about as wide as the Saturn V is high

You shit

How big was the holocaust to make it believable?/
about the same size then, i guess..


god damn waste of effort, have a you

Build space billboard, but can't see them through all the pollution. Yeah makes sense.

We only have one sky, asshole. You can't just choose another that doesn't have adverts.

>Be camping
>Walking around the great American outdoors
>Gaze up at the glimmering stars

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We'll probably be the first ones to do this, unfortunately.


>light pollution is now an ad-blocker

I'd rather have a debris death zone grounding us for decades than space billboards. space vandalism it is, we shall build dyi rockets and Archimedes death rays to bring it down.

They'll put regulations on how bright and large an advertisement can be.

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Oh my god. I always knew this shit would happen one day, but fuck. Cannot even watch the beautiful night sky anymore without seeing future degenerate drag queen ads floating around.

Nobody goes.outside or looks up. They won't be worth it

lol good one.

>cant see stars because light pollution
>someone tells me there is nigger cuckold porn ads playing in the sky
>cant see it because the cities (white) lights block it out

This is true. Most people in cities never look up