What is a "soul"?

what is a "soul"?

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Not funny thats for sure

Something Americans lack.

Attached: American Lifestyle.jpg (448x709, 96K)

The transcendent, immaterial intelligence that animates every living thing

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the soul is the ego's self-actualizing art project
it is something you make yourself.

It's you. Not the eyes, not the heart, not the shitty songs you listen to or even the pop culture group you belong to. It's you in it's most purest form. Only you can truly understand what your soul is.
To others you could be replaced by a perfect clone and they wouldn't be able to tell the difference. However to you it would be someone else entirely. The thing that seperates you and the clone is your soul.

>Literally the most easily verifyable concept known to man.
>Retarded sci-theists can't understand it.

Is that Bible Camp? That's a low key horror film.


Something not political

a brap

But the European Union, there's the stuff real men are made of!

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What animates the persona

It is you from the present, past, and future.

The summation of the genetic encoding that produced the cybernetic electrochemical program running in the quantum computer between your ears.

inb4 404

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Whatever it is that moves that meatsack you call a body.
Sorry, but a simple question deserves a simple answer.

it's the energy that powering the husk called living beings.

the real you

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the soul is the sum of the genetic and memetic vectors that will affect your immediate surroundings, leaving endless tiny footprints of your existence inside and outside of your being, they could have been left or created by someone else, but they will inevitably be different, unique and personally attributed to a being with a different soul than another, not to anonymous, but to (you)

the real question is: Can souls die?

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infinite things aren't contained in finite premises

That's a question philosophers have been trying to answer for millions of years.

the body

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You’re thinking about it wrong

Verifiably false glownigger

>what is a "soul"?
it's your physical conscience


It is (You) without the changes that mind and body bring.

what are (You)? A fragment of the whole.

The soul is a story made up by Christians during the middle ages to answer the objection that people don't go to heaven because their bodies are clearly still here after they die.
To plug this hole in their story, they made up an imaginary self that lives on after you die, that could then be judged.

Religion is control, nothing more.

an /x/ thread?


Humans are made in God's image. The soul is that part of a person which is shared with God.

wearing cargo shorts with a trench coat

its the thing that animates your likes and all the other shit that can't be explained by brain stuff. I'm not the smartest person around but the idea of a soul is fucking terrifying, were here forever, but not really because the symbiosis of body and soul that makes you will always change, so your here forever but not really

The bottom part of shoes?

the fabric that every sentient thing is part of. When we all die, the souls of the virtuous become one again, and the souls of the wicked burn in hell


The sum of all electric potential in a living body.

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magnetic record of everything you've done.

>racial soul: 5 parts

>i am smarter than every man who came before me that doesnt get upboats on reddit
>time to play some video games