Roman emperors reconstructed, what they looked like before the arabs arrived

roman emperors reconstructed, what they looked like before the arabs arrived

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Fucking inbred gingers

wtf i love arabs now

Didn't the Romans document that the Germans were red headed?

Go back to Africa

Now thats a neckbeard!


left doesn't look anything like right and also, was this made by that same shitskin "artist" that likes to make white historical figures look like freaks?

Who TF is that Caligula? What a cherrypick

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he cute

It’s Nero

Ok thats one. Lets see the others.

Gotta be honest here, looks like the Arab dna improves the look a touch.

Am waiting for the medsplain on some of these phenotypes I've seen of Alexander and others as well.

I think Arminius was described as a redhead somewhere...

Emperor Hadrian.

He saw Rome in decline due to cultural degeneracy and foreign invaders, so he built a massive wall and gave tax incentives to multiple-child conceiving native romans and as a result the Roman empire flourished for another 700 years.... kind of reminds me of a current standing US president

Attached: hadrian.jpg (220x248, 8K)

That’s not the whole story. Yes, some of the browning comes from Arab invaders, but most of it comes from the size of the Roman Empire. It was so large that it lost any form of racial homogeneity. People from the conquered nations of far away were free to move to the beautiful city of Rome. That’s why they are brownish today. Their empire gave citizenship to the brown people they conquered and they moved to mainland Italy.

ohhh no no no nononohahahaha

When ancients said red, it's meant as any shade of blond or red that may appear a bit reddish. Red, red-gold, and gold are all within that word. It has been taken as blond, because nobody ever had such high amounts of red hair, not even ireland or scotland, and they find plenty of blonds from ancient Scandinavia and Germany.
>Aurelius, as per Roman descriptions and the paint left on busts.

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History repeats itself...

Was he? His brother was given the name Flavus, meaning blond.

>We're gonna build a wall, and let the Britons pay for it!

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>That’s why they are brownish today.
They literally are not you stupid nigger. Go to Rome IRL before spouting bs
The Italians are brown is a jewish tactic (that only americans believe due to their stupidity) spawned from sicilian scene of "True love"

they used to have massive brains before they got arab'd, almost alien like

now they are basically saudi arabia, sad

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this pic looks nothing like his bust
they tried to make him looks as disgusting and alien as possible

>That’s not the whole story. Yes, some of the browning comes from Arab invaders, but most of it comes from the size of the Roman Empire. It was so large that it lost any form of racial homogeneity. People from the conquered nations of far away were free to move to the beautiful city of Rome. That’s why they are brownish today. Their empire gave citizenship to the brown people they conquered and they moved to mainland Italy.
I'm curious about this....

the founding fathers were very well read on Rome of course. Did they not realize or understand that the racial component was a major part of Rome's decline? What happened there? What a missed opportunity.


So that's where the gay alien skull comes from!

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It's like looking in a mirror

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this is the average Italian, arabs ruin everything they touch

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It's MagicISO you dingus

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idk, it doesn't matter though.

That doesn't necessarily mean anything, Romans would use busts as propaganda to make themselves look more masculine and attractive. Augustus did at least. But knowing the absolute state of modern reconstruction I would objectively favor the busts over anything else.


>this is the average Italian
No, the average Italian is darker

Attached: CarloConti (an Italian).jpg (372x372, 19K)

Nero was an ugly son of a bitch for sure.

America was a white nationalist country, originally, and was generally intended to become a primarily nordic/british (with some western Euro) farming republic with a strong militia tradition and staunchly defended local and individual rights. Slavery was withering away until the civil war, after which Lincoln was killed before he could send the freed slaves back to Africa. Immigration control slipped away over time, and south/eastern euros were let in despite complaints, then immigration controls designed to keep the ratio of white to nonwhite was dropped in 1965, and the rest is history. As you can see, the original design for America was deviated from more than once as we moved toward where we are now. This is a simplified version, but it should be helpful.

Attached: usconstitution2.png (640x366, 227K)

>total psychopath

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Based and potato pilled

what nigger? the constitution was for only free white men. it was not the founders who fucked this up.

Forgot the entry of Chinese and Asians, oh well. That was met with resistance too, but cheap labor is good for business...

Suetonius states that Nero had blonde hair and gray eyes. I have no idea why the kikes are making him out to be a ginger.

nero's mother was caligula's younger sister.
pretty sure caligula was the guy that used to fuck his sisters too...
maybe nero was the reincarnation of caligula...
weird ass shit.

So strawberry blonde. Most strawberry blondes I know say they're redheads. That doesn't jive with ancient Slavs being described as redheaded though.

As a ginger I must agree....I don't know why but I'd say atleast 50% of us gingers have some sort of deep seeded anger problems

Look man, it’s hard to tell the difference between some south Italians and even Syrians. They have some non white admixer in them for sure. This isn’t a debate. SOME ethnic Italians do not appear very white. Many do, of course.

What does it matter? It's a slightly different shade of hair on an objectively hideous looking man. Peak celtic phenotype.

Trajan is literally Ross from friends

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All Italians look EUropean, it just that some tan very easily, move them to a cold place and they go back to "normal"

Not really, the word means red/gold, but the point is that the Romans also applied words like flavus to the Germans and the mummies and bodies found follow the idea of being blond in various shades. Note that you'll see red one bog mummies, but that is from the acidity of the soil changing the color of the blond hair.

Different skull shapes.

Interesting. The bog mummies make sense. Do you think that's why the ancient white mummies in China's Western Islamic territories have red hair? They're usually reported as being pale-skinned redheads from ancient times.

wasnt hadrian a faggot?

World leaders were all descendants of Atlantians.

me wuz kings n shite

fucking neck beard

I know most of that...but why didn't they just enshrine white nationalism into the actual constitution. Would it have been a debate they engaged in and ruin the whole "Free men under God" thing?

So many people were then, who really cares? A Roman who fucked men on the side isn’t really congruous with the modern gay

I know that was the intention - but didn't they enshrine that in the constitution. They got the guns and free speech parts - which were pretty radical for back then.

*why didn't they

Nigger detected


Might have had something to do with Thomas (((Jefferson)))

not familiar with that backstory. red pill me plzzz

Not sure about that one. I've heard about the possibility of a mutation making red hair in race mixed people, but in the western part of China they also find mummies of white people with blond, red, and brown hair and central euro-style plaid clothes. Chinese historians had mentioned yellow haired barbarians on their border, but the stories were dismissed until recently. This is also probably why Mongols have some light hair and light eyes (Scythians were all over the steppe before it was flooded multiple times with Asians---to give you an idea, the original turks were east Asians who were utterly muttified when they rolled through the middle east and Anatolia) and why there's a Chinese village with a bunch of blondism that came from westerners at an unknown time.
Well, I don't know. Maybe because they assumed that everyone knew what they were talking about, or that the problem that we have would never happen. Look at how euros today resist being called white, they want to be X nationality or Y cultural group, despite intermarrying with other euros for a very long time.

Redheads are a fascination breed, from both mythological and historical perspective. I'm starting to believe the concept of kingship is somehow related to this trait, which in turn finds its genesis in ancient mythology.


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Maybe Euro leaders just fugged readhead qt's and over time most of our elite tier people are carriers. I've read things on drudge before of like how redheads are hyperviolent or more intelligent on average compared to the average population. But this could mean many things. It's sad too because instead of based, Thor tier gingers so many of them are disgusting-looking bugmen and libruls, just absolutely purge worthy.

>Redheads are a fascination breed, from both mythological and historical perspective. I'm starting to believe the concept of kingship is somehow related to this trait, which in turn finds its genesis in ancient mythology.
wasn't it something about how they contained a certain type of fire/knowledge? Can't recall at all where I heard that

I think the gene itself is from Indo-European peoples like blonde hair. This post really activated my almonds desu.


Attached: MuhType56_redheadEdition.jpg (608x768, 39K)

the redheads with actual good skin (of which I know very few) that look like that are probably the rarest of all breeds.

I'm sure historically speaking, a buncha horny royalty had similar thoughts and found the rareness of it a huge turnon and just mythologized the wondrous women. I mean look at that....

I need source plz...
also lmao at file name "MuhType redhead edition". Did you name that?

Da romanz wuz nordick

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I've seen marble sculptures with more imperfections, so I understand what you mean

Claudius Caesar Augustus Puerilis Soiaticus

Nero was a raging faggot who married another man with him being the "wife".

I've met two women with skin and bodies like that. Untouchable. It's otherworldly.

Where is the wall?

Jews have bad vision and cannot perceive like normal human beings, this has been discussed here before.

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>coping shitskin detected

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I know very few redheads with bad skin. I have no idea what you're talking about, if you consider that a common trait.

Trump is paying me handsomely for my 1/2 english 1/2 berber kids. If Yang doesnt win I am voting for Trump again.

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They have bad spatial reasoning, is the theory. Apparently good at math, however.

Most Roman Emperors looked like this guy.

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When you lack a soul, you're nothign but a creature.

Paedomorphic depigmented Somali.

I look like that, kinda ancient Greek and roman statues face.

The very first basement-dwelling (Roman palaces are slightly in the ground like a by-level), neckbeard atheist

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at least post the link next time

>neckbeard atheist
Paganism is based
Christianity is cucked
*tips fedora*

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it's true lies you dumb African rape babby

I mean true romance, I'm drink.

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>Fucking inbred gingers

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Why so caesarious?

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>roman emperors reconstructed, what they looked like before the arabs arrived

SO when the Roman's were white they ruled the world with an iron fist. After race mixing with brown people they quickly turned into fools.

Really make you think.....