We need more of this. The best form of reparations would be to make deals with other countries like Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Senegal, Benin, the DRC and Cameroon to allow a right of return for anyone Nigger American who is at least 25% black or something. These peoples ancestors didn't come here in their own free will, now enable their asshole descendants to be able choose to move back. We also need to make niggers feel less and less welcome here. See a nigger on the side of the road with a flat tire? Keep going but slow down to let them see your white. Nigger says hi? Ignore them. Its tough love, water and oil just don't mix. Its not natural for two peoples who look and act differently to live mixed with one another.
Give prisoners the option of being granted freedom in africa.
Jeremiah Powell
Your an idiot, Have it occurred in your fucking mind these shitskins are getting dual citizenship that allows to get benefits from both America and Africa? Whay not to say they infiltrate the County after returning and start bringing in more Africans.
It like the equivalent of a Chinese a.erican going to China. They obvi1usly are coming back.
For every hundreds they come for their dual citizenship, Thousands if not more pour in this fucking nation.
Wake up.
They're doing the same thing the Mexicans and Chinese have been doing for decades.
This will only make things worse....
Brody Evans
Nathaniel Campbell
Juan Hill
We shouldn't have duel citizenship.If you owe loyalty to another nation you should have your American citizenship terminated.
Dominic Jackson
As long as they have American citizenship, they won't leave.
The gibs are better here. Now, if you could send criminals packing like England used to send them to Australia?
Good deal, that. But only if they lose their citizenship and gain it in their new country in exchange.
Justin Peterson
stop with the fucking n-word at least for 1 day. You people are so full of hate,
Parker Gutierrez
What's hateful about it? You're my nigger and I love you nigger.
Landon Hall
They don't have any family in africa, so the chain migration is not an issue,
Christian Cruz
just stop.. use the world 'black'
David Harris
They dont give a shit. They're main goal is to overrun us. You long generation US Mexicans Citizens that help out their own and even visit Mexico.
Wake up dude.
Josiah Reed
thats pretty racist to just atttibute such a negative sounding word to such nice, caring niggers.
Grayson Rodriguez
Stop being such a weak bitch. "Ahh so much hate". I am balanced. Too much hippie shit and you become corrupted. You need to balance both love and hate.
Kayden Carter
*You have long generation US Mexicans Citizens that help out their own and even visit Mexico.
Fixed, fucking keyboard
Juan Cooper
If "our" only did the same
Logan Hall
>choose Yes. That's the word we'll use.
Ryan Scott
Are you suggesting that >I hate blacks Is less hateful than >I love n words
Thomas Long
Parker Clark
Lol you deluded faggot, you think all negroids are going to float or fly back to fucking Africa?
Luis Rivera
No thanks my nigger. Not all niggers are black. That wouldn't be doing right by niggers to say they were something they aren't.