Lawfags help pls

Basically I'm inheriting some property, my dad left 2 properties valued at approximately the same, one is a residential property, the other is a commercial one.

My bitch sister was left the executor, and she hadn't disclosed much more than the property value. She tried persuading me into agreeing to the residential property around a month ago, while keeping me in the dark, I threatened to get independent valuers through and stall the whole process if she didn't disclose the details about the property. I ended up with the details (given reluctantly), and now I see why. The fucking commercial property generates $100,000+ a year in rent, and has tenants in it that have been there for time immemorial (who will continue to stay there and pay).

I'm not seeing how we can do a 'you get this property, I get that property' split anymore. One property is clearly more valuable than the other, and we hate each other too much to keep both properties in split titles. What should we do here?

Attached: 1546847444411.jpg (720x398, 74K)

>What do we do here
Curse your father for not preparing a fucking will

your sister is a fucking bitch, kill her. problem solved.

He did, he just didn't give much of a shit about details

sell both properties. split the cash

>generated $100k in rent
>"sell it"
Never give advice again

you are an idiot.
the market will take into account the cash flow from a property.
assessed values don't reflect market values

You dad made her executor for a reason, likely knowing you would squander the inheritance.

>likely knowing
What the fuck is your problem

you sell the residential and split the value.
you keep renting the commercial one and split the income.
unless otherwise noted in a will, this is the best course of action.
but your sister tried to cheat you out of a lot of money, this could possibly be used against her and turn the odds of getting more in your favour.

Hire a lawyer or accountant to value the two

There is a reason she was chosen over OP to handle this estate. She was less likely to piss everything away. I can bet OP has been on her constantly wanting his money so he can go out and blow it all.

That's pretty much what I was thinking. I'd rather we both lose the properties than get second pickings from my sister lining her own pockets. She had an absolute fit at me for not taking the deal, and had another fit at me for learning that the property is worth far more than she was letting on.

You don't know shit, friendo.

That's a reasonable offer, but my sis ain't a reasonable person. The second I started asking questions I got my head bitten off. I don't think there's any recourse for her acting like a greedy cunt, but I'm on guard now...

That was kinda my plan, I was thinking the properties needed to be assessed differently. It seems ridiculous to value a commercial property from land value alone, given the income it's generating.

>You don't know shit, friendo
Lets see, your dad. Should I pick my daughter to methodically will work to tie up all my financial dealings no matter how long that may take when I'm gone or my son who didn't give a shit about me or anyone else and hasn't a clue and gets his advice from Jow Forums?

That was an easy decision.

You're pretty far from the mark, Sherlock. There are no family legacies or financial deals to protect.

Um, sweetie.... How about you have sex and let your smarter and more responsible sister handle this? You are being very toxic right now. No wonder your dad doesn't even like you.

Big yikes

Not according to you of course. The fuckhead dad is dead so just give me my money bitch.

Big O O F, user. Hitting me where it hurts.
You'll have to try cold-reading the next family spinout, cus you read it wrong sweatie ;^)
No take-backsies


>One property is clearly more valuable than the other, and we hate each other too much to keep both properties in split titles

My goodness you are dullwitted. This is exactly what should be done when one property is clearly more valuable than the other and the inheritors hate one another.

The remedy you are seeking is called partition by sale. Google an attorney that knows what that means.

That's a little rude, user. We can't pay each other out. We've already thought of that.
The other party will be mad getting a pittance for something that will pay for itself in 10 years.

To be honest, the place needs to be treated like it's a business, and the commercial value needs to be factored in. We'd both have a little think about which property is better if one of us had to pay the other an additional $500,000 in anticipated split earnings for the next 10 years...

In a partition action, the court arrives at the value of the property and it is sold on the market (if it's partition by sale).

It is sold. You're not negotiating with your sister on price, although if she comes up on her offer, you can reach settlement by one party selling to the other. Otherwise it's sold on the market even over her objection.

In a partition sale both/all parties have an interest in maximizing the value of the sale.

Your sister can buy you out at acceptable terms, or you can sue for partition. But you need a lawyer that knows what that means. Most don't. Contact you local bar association for a referral to a real estate litigator and specifically say "partition."

I guess it might just have to go that way. I didn't want to have to sick a lawyer on her if I could help it, but we're not on good terms anyway.

Each of us will probably try to secretly buy the property when it's on the market anyway... but I guess it doesn't matter at that point, so long as it's on the market and I don't feel like I'm being cheated.

Very typical male solution to any dispute with a female. Just kill her.

You would be a fucking moron to go down this path.
Your job the next coming weeks is to let your sister know that you are not stupid and convince her that keeping the commercial property with a 50 50 split of revenue is the wisest course of action and should she refuse, then, ONLY THEN, will you go the route of partition action.

But yeah, I repeat, do NOT go down that route, avoid it at all cost.
You have an unique opportunity at hand here, selling this property would be the single dumbest thing you can do.


OP, you need to cut off all communication with your sister. All discussions from here must be routed through your attorneys. Put your time and energy into researching case law, and find the best attorney you can afford.

Do not speak to your sister until it is mandated that you do so. This is a person who tried to steal from you that believes they deserved to do so, and that you owe them an apology for it.

Read that last sentence again then put together a list of legal professionals to interview immediately.

If you must talk about this with anons go to plebbit. They have actual lawyers spending time on their subs. Jow Forums does too but they fap to tentacle porn.

There is no reason to talk to someone acting out of bad faith.

Good luck getting control of that 1.2MM cash flow property.

>They have actual lawyers spending time on their subs. Jow Forums does too but they fap to tentacle porn.

Can confirm.

This. Death solves all problems user. No person, no problem.