Let's say, after some months of browsing your board, I dont want to be a degenerate anymore. Give me some tips to quit alchool...i've already join my gym subscription and i already understand cardio is a part of training: Give me your redpills Jow Forums i dont want to waste on alchool anymore...have you some advices?
Alchool Problem
Other urls found in this thread:
There's nothing wrong with drinking alcohol
Stop drinking it.
Jews detected
Alcohol is a tool with a purpose. Its social lubricant and should only be used before a meal as an aid to conversation. Never drink alone.
Go cold turkey and whenever you would normally drink alcohol, make some green tea.
Just know the difference between enjoying alcohol and being an alcoholic.
Damn OP, I actually need to start drinking alcohol. It's probably a healthier sleeping pill than xanax
i would like to visit japan if u know what i mean
>muh straight edge
Fuck off, vegan.
Alcohol is terrible for sleep.
Agree...any solutions?
Stop drinking
Just don't buy a drink, it's not like a hot woman is gonna buy one for you
Hapas are superior to wh-
If I stop byuing alchool, will my mind be saved? I can do a non achool running!
Passover worshipper detected
Ironically, these threads often make me want to drink. Just for one night.
Dont do it..stay enlightened
Haven't smoked the herbal/tobacco Jew in over two years. Started the no alcohol this year. Feelsgoodman
Change your habits. Don’t drink alone.
physical labor. take an hour walk. clear your mind.
super cute, whats your issue?
i would eat their shit no joke, and i would fuck their poopy assholes raw day and night and cum in her tight hairy jap cunt and all over her school girl skirt and tights and breed her nicely
>1 baitpost by this drunk nigger
Escape your friends that are hard partiers.
I'll try, thank you!
The AT Feilds on those ladies.
If you're physically dependent on alcohol go to a doctor.
Otherwise, here is what worked for me.
Get rid of any alcohol you have. Give it away, pour it down the drain, just get rid of it.
Tell your closest friends and your family what you are doing and why. Accountability is important here. They can support you and they provide motivation. It goes from "fuck it who cares" to "I don't want to let everyone down and look like a pussy," which is helpful.
Depending on your current drinking habits you might find yourself struggling to sleep and with a bunch of new free time (I.e. bored as fuck). I started running a lot to help me sleep and to eat up free time. Long cardio sessions will help you fell accomplished, help you sleep, and motivate you.
Finally, and I think most importantly, you need to re-frame your mindset with alcohol. You have to want to quit. You have to know inside that you're through with it. You have to understand deeply that it's a lifestyle change.
Good luck. I'll share any other pointers I have. I'm happy to answer any questions.
Second one is legit terrifying
>i would like to visit japan if u know what i mean
pretty abrupt, but if you follow what he says(watch is channel), it will change your life more than anything in this world. no amount of self-improvement or socialising can top real change in yourself from what you put in your body, and have in your body
you have another purpose in this life.
and you will only find the answer in absolute sobriety you are the chosen one
instead of being a stupid alcoholic .
Alcohol fked my life up but I'm 5 months sober now after spending a night in jail for public intox
Here's all the information you need, man.
Alcohol is pure carbohydrate. It's full of empty calories that contribute NOTHING to your training and will actively inhibit your ability to burn calories at rest, as well as building stores of energy in your muscles by slowing your breathing.
It is REALLY hard to justify enough alcohol to get you ass drunk. 70 proof vodka has 85 calories per single shot. That's the little shotglass, not the tall double one. If you're drinking stronger vodka, you'll never fucking work that into a good diet and you'll undo all your hard work.
Once you go a month without it, you'll hardly feel the need to do it. Stay away from people/situations that trigger you to drink. Going out with people that drink is the enemy. Or drink 211s and eat a bunch of potato chips/chicken wings until you get kidney stones like I did.
Also don't listen to people who say "just learn to drink one or two". I quit for 3 months cold turkey. Decided I'll have a beer one day. Sure I had one, but then I went out a few days later "Man a beer does sound good! I can have just one." then I drink 2 and the cycle starts all over again. I know I'm the type that has to ultimately drink everything in sight so staying away from it is for the best.
Alcohol didn't fuck up your life, you fucked up your life with alcohol. Been there done that.
Is drinking a six pack after work everyday bad? Asking for a friend..
jokes on you, first and third are still cute. remove the makeup and my tune might change, though.
Just quit. How come frog are so weak they need advice on stupid simple problems.
Remember breath through your nose not your mouth.
Also, I would like to remind you that water is wet.
I binge drink every Friday and Saturday. It's a hobby.
A glass of vodka a day keeps the doctor away
That's not a frog, retarded leaf. He's a pasta nigger.
Yes. But only through all those empty fucking calories. I drink a bottle of red wine myself. Much healthier. Well, relatively speaking lol.
Always do the opposite of what the jew says.
alcohol isn't pure carbohydrates. if you drink hard liquor it's literal almost 0% carbs. it IS however like you said empty calories. truth is though if you're actually an alcoholic you metabolize the calories different and they don't really affect your body composition.
"Camargo et al confirm this by finding that men who added 4000 kcal worth of alcohol calories on top of their daily diets did not gain any adipose tissue (4) and this was also contributed to significantly elevated metabolic rate, that would offset the energy surplus."
HOWEVER you will have tons of problems absorbing nutrients and your sleep will be so fucking bad you will make no gains and your recovery will be shit.
t. 11% bodyfat alcoholic 15 standard drinks a day
what worked for me, even though i relapsed was making sure i was busy. the physical withdrawal isn't bad if you're not at the point of getting shakes, it's the boredom and insomnia that gets you.
It was fine when it was a choice between alcohol and literally water filled with human shit.
Fortunately for us we have access to much cleaner water now.
Alcohol is a detriment to society and the human body. We have no need for drunks. If you have to get shit faced to 'have fun' then you're a fucking degenerate and useless to society and should be gassed at the same time as the Jew.
Generally right, but not in this case
I stopped the alcohol Jew for a few months, and the key to that was to stay focused on bettering myself. I don't know why you drink (if you're physically addicted then you should probably talk to a doctor), but I drank because I fell into a spiral of being disappointed with my shitty life, which lead me to drink, which just made my life shittier. When I decided to turn myself around, it became easy to stop craving a drink, because I knew I was staying sober to get fit and do something about my shitty life. Then I ran into severe health issues that took a year of my life and a lot of money to get through, and ended up boozing again during that time to cope. Finally talked with a friend this weekend and we decided we're both gonna give it up again. He's doing it to lose weight and I'm doing it to unfuck myself. If you're drinking regularly it's because you've not found anything better to do. Find something better to do, get your friends involved. Once you have a sense of drive again you'll be too worried about meeting your goals to think about a drink.
Na. I went on a no carb (Atkins) diet. Lost a ton of weight, drank a lot of Rum (Captain Morgan's) and Gin. No carbs at all. Beer / Larger has carbs. So does mead. Not all alcohol does.
Im always alone. thats the problem
The hardest drink to say no to is the first one. Read very carefully to that statement, and think about it a bit.
If you can say no to the first drink, then you're good, because you'll never have to turn down the 2nd one.
Why would you deliberately impair yourself for pleasure? Are you masochistic?
>drop your iq to 60 and become a degenerate, and obtain a disgusting smell before you go speaking to people
alcohol should be banned from any social interactions. If you want to drink, drink alone somewhere where you don't bother any normal people.
Whatever you say, Shekelstein.
The best way to START quitting alcohol is to take a week off and simply sit in your apartment. Have like 10 gallons of water, and whenever you feel the urge to do ANYTHING you just chug water. You stay inside all day, do whatever you want as long as there's no booze inside the house. After a week of this you'll be over the hump and you can consciously avoid it. It's how I quit after my addiction made me ditch work just to get a drink before coming back. Was pretty bad.
This should be true for all degeneracy.
>being drunk isn't fun
This guy knows what he's saying.
You're gonna have a lot of free time now, and you need to find something to do with it. I've got bad feet and I'm still in rehabilitation, so I can't hike or do much physical activities. I bake and make healthy food from the ground up instead.
Since you're italian, I guess you don't pay much for alcohol, but you might experice having more disposable income. Spend it wisely and in a motivating way. Set up a holiday fund, start saving for that new computer or whatevery you're interested in.
I used to to go on drinking binges that could last for a week to a few months. Drank after work while playing video games every night. Got drunk three times in 48 hours during the weekend. Friday night, noon on saturday and then again on saturday night.
I first started to reduce my intake. It was a bitch in the beginning and I relapset many times. Now, I still drink too much, but only during the weekend and in company with others.
For me, having a plan for reducing my alcohol intake helped drastically. My goal isn't to quit alcohol all together, but to reduce it to something only for special events. Weddings and birthdays, not friday and saturday.
I love that Jap's stocky thighs so fucking much.
Chew toothpicks privately. It looks terrible but it helps break bad habits. Well, worse habits. Soak in various flavors for added bonus.
Be prepared for your sleep schedule to be fucked, extreme nightmares, and of course the initial few days of outright depression.
Its all worth it though, you must live up to the Uncle's standards.
Haven't you ever wondered why (sand-)niggers don't drink alcohol?
Their brains are too underdeveloped to process it, so it decreases social performance for them, while it increases social performance for us
Its a man
Jumped the gun friendo
>shut in autist desperately tries to invent reasons to feel superior to strangers without actually having to do or be anything of merit
this right here OP. watch "forks over knives". WANTING to be healthy is the best solution.
Yeah but can you blame me?
You lost weight whilst drinking? I thought alcohol prevented weight loss
Depends on your age and other habits. Lost a bunch of weight in my early 20's while only drinking wine. Would probably have lost it faster if I didn't drink, tho.
Alcoholism is a SUGAR addiction of a particular kind.
If you buy Alcoholic drink you are buying it from THE JEW (as ever). (Viz: they charge you extra tax and all the booze companies are owned by THE JEW.
But beer, wine and cider are staple foods and a vital fermented food source. For an outlay of a few dollars you can buy yeast and learn how to make your own beers, cidar and wine from first steps. You will find it satisfies in a totally different way to any of the shitty poison that the wicked JEW sells you.
Cut the Jew out of your life. That's what really matters.
Weight is a pure function of calories. Rum is relatively low in calories.
whenever someone talks about carbs or metabolism or any shit like that it's mostly bullshit.
losing or gaining weight is extremely simple. Either increase or decrease calorie intake.
If I could show you a pic of my teeth you would stop drinking yesterday.
Brushing 3 times a day and having teeth like I do, you would stop drinking.
Alcoholism is caused by a parasite.
>Strongyloides stercoralis Infection in Alcoholic
This right here is your reason to stop, or at the very least slow down.
Even better.
True. Smoking? Go somewhere in a secluded space where you can't bother other people with the smell. Listening to loud music? Do it somewhere where you can't bother anyone, otherwise get fucked by police. Degenerates should be disciplined, we should fucking beat them into submission.
>implying i don't find their wide moon shaped anime faces even more sexy
you clearly aren't that in tune with the average yellow fever fag like myself. this stuff only strengthens our fetish. Hell, I found jungle gooks from cambodia or something to be 8/10s, when every one else would call them 4s, let alone prime AAA Korean/Japanese pussy.
no way i could quit cold turkey, but ive been able to ween myself down to 5-6 beers per night
I don't socialize with degenerate subhuman promiscuous alcoholics, and I am indeed superior. Accept my superiority and my authority, or be judged.
>3 times a day
you're fucking up your enamel.
>Everyone who drinks alcohol is an alcoholic
Nice logic
Is it true that younger Russians are less prone to drinking nowadays?
>Do it somewhere where you can't bother anyone
That's my rules for life. If I'm going to smoke, drink, whatever I go someplace private such as out on my boat, then there is nobody to see me or be bothered. Then it doesn't come back and bite me in the ass.
Alcohol is a solvent and a poison. Spend time with an alcoholic and you’ll never want to drink again.
Those are some thick legs
Aya-san be thicc AF
And you have 2 teeth cleetus
Reminder that AA is full of informants and snitches. What you say in meetings is NOT private.
Why do japanese girls have such short legs?
Time to quit this site. I actually agree with a Leaf. Fuck! Does this mean I am gay now?
Do creative things and learn new trades. Crossdress and wear makeup.
Everyone who regularly drinks and needs alcohol for socializing is an alcoholic. Its an addiction, you depend on a poisonous substance and have to consume it in order to socialize (in a degenerate way).
Good. Keep your degeneracy contained.
to this day one of the freakiest videos ive seen
shes got a real fucking pumpkin head
-pours beer down drain-
I hate you!
For what purpose? Is AA going to blackmail some fat broken loser who can’t stop drinking?