When will Jow Forums grow up?

When will Jow Forums grow up?

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Not soon enough

>grew up
>dresses like Bart Simpson with AIDS

Normal, gainfully employed adults grow up to be conservative though.

Nice glasses and hat for a fucking grown up eh?

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2006-7 was long before the Nazi infestation of this board and community though

Back then Jow Forums was a Libertarian space.

Half of all political extremists are retards who flip from one extreme to the other every 3 years
The other half of people on pol started libertarian right ten years ago and have slowly been turning more authoritarian ever since as things degrade.


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This is the best comment

>retarded wigger
>grown up

A hivemind deliberately spouting Nazis memes was apparent around that era of the internet, /b/ included. There were other chans too. It was just funny, plus being 15 years old too. I don't recall anyone actually taking it seriously. Even "Jews did 9/11" was a meme. Now there are actual Nazis.

that faggot was probably one of the scientology cringelords
the apparent nazi infestation is only a reaction to the radicalization of the democrats
>them: we want equal rights for women & minorites
>us: sure
>them: actually we want more rights for them and less for you
>us: *puts on kkk robe and hood*

I've been here almost as long, still here, and I went the opposite direction

that's my OC, thanks Croatia

its funny when a multi millionaire pays 1200$ for shoes that look poor, its like a joke. when a poor person dresses poor its like a homles person in a piss coverd suit.

No it's all just a big ironic joke like it was before.


They don't even look similar.


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Man... What a faggot

Some people never grow up.
We are stuck inside our own mental barriers, our obsessions, and our irrational values.
Eco chambers amplify these and make us feel comfortable.

>Then I grew up
Oh did ya now?

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>his 'grown up' a potato nigger who constantly runs his mouth and can't back his statements with a success in the ring
What did he mean by this?

Nazi, racialrealism or "alt-right" ideology provides a good framework for the events that happened in the last 5 years.

Scientology era fag checking in

> Jow Forums always deliberately attacked Jews and blacks

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When will you stop shitposting brate?

Checked. And yes, you're correct!

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>/b/tard or /soc/tard grew up into a leftist betacuck
Nobody saw that coming.

sure that's why moot nuked /new/ you fucking faggot

i was an ultra conservative already BEFORE /pol. This place sure did not liberalize me.

This. The world turned into the joke

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>When will Jow Forums grow up?
I'm 50...

does this pic make anyone else howl with laughter?

I fucking love it lmao. fucking saved and backed up on multiple drives and cloud networks. based.

Hey Dieter

Hey ik eet graag frikandellen

ITT: newfags making fun of an oldfag who outgrew Jow Forums and became a man

pretty sure this douchebag is full of shit

Jow Forums was liberal in 2006 so he must be retarded. Jow Forums only became a political activism hellhole after stormfront raids

One massive, recent example of Jow Forums being right is the Kushnerpill, on that topic.
We've got a genuine zionist agent wreaking havoc in the mind and white house of Trump.

Is he in the passenger seat of his moms car on the way to rehab?

Also what did he outgrow? You either go or don't. Nobody cares what about what you do in your free time lol. Now weed and netflix is my life!!!

cringe and bluepilled