Brit/pol/ St George's Day Edition


>Nige slagging off Theresa

>Esther telling the government to get on with Brexit

>Namefag talking about the news

>Peter Hitchens' classic documentary

>2 fat neckbeards vs the media

>Batten slagging off Nige (needs to stop that)

>latest Delingpole, interviewing a bloke who wrote a book called The Tribe

>liberal smuggies are spoiled attention seeking children

Thread Theme:



>Information On Legally Owning Firearms In The UK

Attached: NorfFC1stXI.png (1454x781, 126K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Gerard Batten is right about a lot of things
But he's wrong about Nigel
The 2 of them need to make up
And Batten will need to bend the knee

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I'm a virgin

I made that pic.

Attached: ApuFlyingBalloons.png (1238x1312, 207K)

good lad

Oh ha ha very funny just becaus I dont fuck the first bit of meat I can

Attached: norf.png (1366x846, 260K)


Attached: pepe.png (600x580, 360K)

arranging a big black female escort for you

Only just saw google celebrated St. George’s day


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You said you dated a muslim so you're obviously desperate

>Missing Shayk YaBooty

Looking forward to our future.

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proud of you

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ur a virgin lmao

Whats stranger is that Corbyn wanted St George's to be a bank holiday.

fuck De Klerk, fuck Botha, and fuck Vorster.
Actually just fuck the whole NP. Knuckle-dragging retards who decided they would rather die at the hand of niggers than be in the minority to Anglos.

On Saint George's day instead of celebrating the very fictional achievements of an anatolian knight you should be making an offering to the very real and very powerful Allfather, Woden.

Attached: sun.jpg (640x902, 126K)

>traitors don't like it when they are called traitors
>and now want the police to stop people accurately describing what they are
What a shower of cunts these politicians are.
At this rate, who knows where it'll go. Maybe we can make Nigel PM at the next general. If France can elect a granny shagger with a brand new party, surely we can get Nige over the line.

haha virgin

Attached: norf 2.png (284x177, 14K)

Thanks lads.

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Of course he fucking did, more votes from labour voters to get a day off and labour get more votes.

Whats your next big project?

You was at the club
Bottoms up when I first met you

Attached: 225.png (1600x1328, 715K)

I would like to see the return of Orwell-style patriotic socialism, but I suppose that's too much to ask for

I wish.


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I went to a brexit party rally in Nottingham, he was fucking on fire. Trump rally levels of energy. Need to go to bigger venues though that would be awesome.


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Shockingly faithful and no non-whites. Gotta take the small victories where we can I suppose.

This is great, very unexpected from Google

Don't know.

What about the coloured fella on the second banner?

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Anybody doing anything for St George's Day? I thought I might masturbate to a picture of the late Princess Margaret, then go to Wetherspoons.

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I'm going to get involved with this shit soon too. Been too busy recently but have a bit more time on my hands coming up.
Speaking of Trump, that's what we really need to be doing better here, churning out the funny pro-Brexit anti-establishment memes to support Nige and Brexit Party like /ptg/ started doing in 2015. And spreading that shit on normie social media.

>hold on bazzer we've got ya lad.

wtf I love google now

Anyone got the full-sized version of this?

going to get a fresh cut from mo at the ol' turkish barbers, then i'll pop to the kebabby for lunch and go home for a wank over our based turkish saint

>our based turkish saint

Attached: WojakPointingOut.png (604x608, 10K)

>that's what we really need to be doing better here, churning out the funny pro-Brexit anti-establishment memes to support Nige and Brexit Party
Absolutely, ignore blackpillers and Continuity Kippers, this is a rare opportunity to make a difference

Attached: nigedog.jpg (800x400, 43K)

Can whoever made this one make more

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Yeah, he was Syrian

Lads. Just realized. Saint George was from Anatolia just like the first King of the Britons, Brutus of Troy...

Ireland's patron saint is English, it's too late to change it now

I will never vote for this drip so that his half filippino kids get an even larger inheritance from his 250kpa mep wages

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Agreed, we need the memes to have a ‘betrayal’ slant to them and Nige as the weapon of the people to smash the traitors. Also I’m sure we can get the rest of Jow Forums helping out

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OP here
Calling it a night now lads
New OP needed.


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Are you after pakis or paki nonces specifically?

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>Yes Ngubu my son!
Yeah he could be your son, he certainly doesn't know who his dad is

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based noodleniggerposter

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True, it's like this country had an identity crisis after 1066, I find it regrettable. Out with George and Henry, back to Edmund and Aethelsan please ok.

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>cheeky final post from me
And yeah the rest of Jow Forums will help just like I and others helped with Trump back in the day. But we need to get the ball rolling here. Including keeping our OP's interesting and fun for intrigued anons to look at.
And I need to go to bed now.
Cheers lads

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That was me. What do you want making lad?

>Brutus of Troy
>King of the Britons

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>Secretly filmed as you shop
What, there are CCTV cameras in shops? Wtf, I never knew.

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Glad to see you got the FT this time, user.

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Good night user, I'll have a think and see if I can come up with any ideas

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I want a cartoon world of paki nonces and white wojack schoolgirls. A world of kebab shops, council flats, mc Donald's car parks, crisps and sweet bribes and flash beamers


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Is there anything more cucked than a Monarchist? "My King's Son, My King's Son!", not even an English or British King, either, but a foreign cosmopolitan. Pretty pathetic.

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HE Marshall's Our Island Story, by any chance?

aye work with with what gets released

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phwwwa love avin a bang on them chubby birds.

>Stop Boris campaign
They seem to be determined to cut their own throats. Whatever you think of him, he is the Tory party's only hope of riding the populist wave rather than being drowned by it.

Since we had god emperor trump maybe we should make Nige a primarch, or Sigmar if we wanna go fantasy

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Dunno, Boris has the reputation of being a scumbag. I have good noncedar, think he's one myself.