As a black man, I love it when endangered species LARP like they have chance

You White people are like the dinosaurs, and we blacks are the mammals underneath the burrows. Jews are the big, six mile-wide meteor that strikes the Yucatan Peninsula and wipes you cucks out, giving way for us Blacks to dominate the Earth.

I'm surprised there aren't mass suicides of redpilled Whites at this point. LOL.

We're going back to the Stone Age, baby . AND IT'S BEAUTIFUL!

Attached: White Extinction.jpg (750x660, 55K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You, sir, speak the absolute truth.

>As a black man
Are you trying to imply that niggers can be human?

Bey you can’t wait

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Black men don't have a track record of wiping out other species.
That's us, chum.

dradle dradle dradle, i made you out of lies.

Attached: To cuck perchance.jpg (707x1024, 145K)

Thanks for helping us takeover the world, Mr. Shlomo.

>I'm surprised there aren't mass suicides of redpilled Whites at this point
there are
look at male to female suicide ratio
its 10 to 1

Attached: discomfort.jpg (1200x797, 78K)

based nigger

Blacks are massive cry baby pussies. Your whole culture revolves around being a victim. You wont survive.


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Go to Detroit or Africa, there is plenty of stone age going on there already.

Nah, I'm going to Poland to cuck some men over there out of their wives. They can't resist the BBC.


>giving way for us Blacks to dominate the Earth
you had your chance for 300,000 years, yet name one African city that is NOT 3rd world tier.

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Enjoy eating your grass snow nigger.

>snow nigger.
I think you might be confused.

enjoy staying in the stone age low iq subhuman nigger BOY

It's all fun and games until you forget how to make fire again.

How do you feel that your big penises are owned by chink pharmaceuticals?


What about Asians?

>Jews are the six mile wide meteor
Oy gewalt! Never forget the six million miles goyim!

Attached: moon.jpg (968x681, 63K)

We'll conquer them after Europe.

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Ok, I'll Bite. If you are really a black guy. This could be b8. But anyways. 1, nogg IQ is too low to survive in any meaningful way when whitey is gone. 2. You will spend more time killing each other than anything else and that will keep you too busy to notice that your over representation of abortions and the the flood of Latinos that out breed you two to one, will spell the demise you the nogg race as well.

Sweet. Prepare for your Chinese overlords, nigger.

I can't believe Humans Of New York would post that. wew. I have his book btw. Its pretty cool.

Niggas can't run a modern countries without whites. If white die out you are going back to the dark ages.

At this point it's impossible to convince me everyone doesn't deserve this future. Them for accelerating it and us for standing idly by.

Attached: the-favourites-of-emperor-honorius-john-william-waterhouse.jpg (900x523, 157K)

Asians are not cuks like Christcucks, niggers never conquered anything, all you have is because of western whites. If west will collapse you will become slaves again for Chinese or Arabs.

There no black men. Only boys. Have you forgotten that already, boy?

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Your estrogen is kicking in..

>The nigger boasts about literally going back to the stone age
Imagine my shock

Silly nigger. We dont need the klan because your too busy shooting each other.

Blacks are too stupid to take over anything

they only become an issue because guilty whites welcome them in and spend money to bring them in.

if whites disappear, the chinks and the jews will enslave all of you. not knowing this is proof of how dumb niggers are.

and then the chinks will use CRISPR and "designer baby" science"to make their babies look like chad whites.

boom white race saved.

Attached: never_forget.jpg (1024x1021, 251K)

I legit just made a post suggesting all off us whites just an hero and let all you ungrateful monkey people fall into anarchy and eat themselves. Without us you are doomed. You should be just as concerned as we are.

checked and true. OP won't think it's beautiful when some cracked out ape cousin who hasn't eaten in three days bites his dick off

we will not fall without an epic blassst, take a note.

Attached: band_of_brothers-030ab11ba636r-europa003c3528x8.jpg (960x599, 100K)

Do you guys think the movie the Planet of Apes was a sadistic joke about the future? Like that card game Illuminati.
Think about it, a white guy go to a World were people live surrounded by ruins of ancient technology while living in the medieval ages, and other white people are slaves. Later he discovers that he was just in the planet earth but in the future. Is it just coincidence or a sadistic joke about the future?

Yeah the Canadian shitposter is surely gunna do well in a stone age like scenario

Niggers cant write sentences.
Nice larp though
0/ 10

Fun fact: niggers would be dead without human intervention.

Niggers can't think one sentence ahead how could they write this?

Irritates me a little that he was willing to completely disregard the fact that there were no successful black countries because he assumed a white guy was saying it.
Additionally, anyone have the article that this nigger was alluding to?

We never went to the moon though.

It's made even more effective by knowing none of those things are true for any other race and how absolutely true it is for whites.

>this is b8

Oh no no no.. you got it all wrong. The asians are the mammals and you are going to be their slaves for eternity, if not for us.

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most likely

>One of those that believe moon landing is black magic
The leaf is right, this is the future.

Hahaha. You wont get the red carpet like you do here. They were also the nazis remember and they havent taken down Auschwitz like Germany or France would have done if it had been their country.
They will be there for two months masterbating to black femdom before they finally run you off.
The, you'll be right were you started but this time preaching wakanda forever bullshit.
Niggers are such parasites, good luck playing the same game you do here fag.

I can't even get riled up by this shit anymore. You guys really need to go back to the drawing board for your b8 threads.

sadly it seems at least some people are taking this seriously.

>plausible scenario
The asians do like caucasians.

And somehow, the white man would still be to blame when you inevitably fail.

Can I join in? You can live on my estate. Gun laws are good and we have livestock.

Planet of the apes had horses. Niggers are afraid leaving the city.

funny as fuck but no white guys arent the dinosaurs they are the plants, they are making all the food, and all the things around you, as soon as they fall, the welfare you are sucking is gonna get dry, enjoy starvation nigga

those damn whites they got extint and let all of us without anyone to blame.