these are couples from 90 day fiance, notice anything pol?
These are couples from 90 day fiance, notice anything pol?
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Yes.. i notice some girl who gets off on being with some old white guy.. The money reason isnt viable anymore. Not that theres anything wrong with that. I dont think there is.
Jews and Niggers fucking?
Why does that guy look like terry?
who cares, people are free to do what they want as long as they are not being anti-semitic
there is zero chance a Jow Forums user would be browsing that disgusting rag and feel the need to post something so insignificant about it here.
These are people trying to drive clicks to their site. Ban em all
Russ got the thick aroma and the older fat guys got the Asians
>You know, half these gook whores are serving officers in the Viet Cong.
>The other half have got TB.
>Be sure you only fuck the ones that cough.
I happen to know some things about 90 Day finance.
My wife watches it.
The best couple on the show was some Moldovan dude and a fake blonde.
He unironically pimp slapped her into submission and made her do what he wanted.
buying a thai wife is the ultimate red pill
i've been reading forum posts by these old white boomers. they the family of their wife a brand new house in rural thailand for like $10k and they split up into installments over ten or fifteen years and during that time period their wife is their slave and can't leave them, or the payments stop and the family is back to living in straw huts.
i remember that, Andrei. Good times. She wanted to go clubbing all night for her fucking bridesmaid's night
>no tits
>no ass
>no hips
Only thirsty incel weebs go for Asians
yeah it's like legal eugenics
bye bye shitty white genes
The Chad Larissa versus the virgin Paola
Look at her arms, she is not embracing him. She isn't fond of him.
Such a trashy but funny show. My favorite was the 25 year old Muslim guy that married a fat, gross 45 something year old woman in Toledo. Then he left her to go live with a roastie in Miami but she was too much of a whore for him so he left again. He got deported. I also liked the beta American guy that had been divorced three times and got married to a super stoic Russian woman.
Problem is alot of these old fucks do one of the following:
1) Bring them back with them which is a very shit idea since she will 100% in every case run off with citizenship
2) Fuck underage girls essentially becoming pedos
Don't lie to yourself
it's always some white beta or woman getting mooched off on by some nigger wanting a green card
Nah, Danielle couldn’t get him deported in the end and now he’s driving Uber in Austin or somewhere.
Brittany venti is lookin rough
I made fun of the show the whole time.
But the Moldovan dude was great.
Total chad.
he was pretty based, this was my favorite part
My mom watches this show and always wants to talk to me about it (because I am a foreigner living in America), so I have seen it all. Next season should be good shit, there's some chick that has converted to Islam for a Syrian refugee
Big lol irl
imagine actually marrying this thing and it beats the shit out of you kek
Yeah he was great.
No one else stood out to me as interesting.
they met on interpals kek
I can't really remember but there was some young dutch guy who was just literally only interested in lifting with a way older american mother that was pretty hilarious.
>Moldova is an amazing truly beautiful country it really is
god I hope I don't end up with a 20 year old jungle Asian when I'm in the my 50's
but it's not looking good lads
what the fuck else is she supposed to say? Even if she never wanted to live in Moldova to say anything else about her fiance's home to her father and brother trying to shit on it would have been disgusting disloyalty
I liked them. They actually just had a kid
Didn't really notice a pattern, the only thing i noticed that OP picked the ugliest couple for some reason
Actually surprised by the amount of normal-looking couples there, expected it all to be like OP pic
and Jow Forums remains incel
White women + Shitskins
White men + Asians
you are a jungle asian though?
He looks like a older Brenton Tarrant.
> I hope I don't end up with a 20 year old jungle Asian
They are actually pretty loyal, if you pick them right from the jungle, they have no relatives/friends in the west.
Your best bet is stay in her home courtly, very far from her family, only rent, and if shit turn out badly you leave.
NEVER buy property and never buy/build a house and don't live near her family.
Just " visit " her family every now and than.
I want an update on the Russian girl who convinced the Mormon that their black baby was his.
Really? I guess it makes sense since like 10%of our population is illegal kek
>notice anything pol?
White boomer women go for shitskins who dump them, white boomer men go for Asians and white millennials go for Latinas and Slavs
White millennial women are mostly absent from the show
Kinda expected
a lot of reality shows are just subtle race-mixing propaganda
lmao Mormons are such cucks sometimes.
I met my wife on interpals haven't seen anyone mention that site outside of Jow Forums before. I should go pep talk those guys.