Magnetic pole shift will cause massive earthquakes and worldwide volcanic eruptions...

Magnetic pole shift will cause massive earthquakes and worldwide volcanic eruptions, and those with the means are preparing for it.

We recently found out from a declassified book (that was classified by the cia) that massive worldwide tectonic movements which disrupt life on this planet occur every 12,000 years. Humans in the past knew of these calamities, and the survivors tried to warn us.

Even the book of revelations reads:
>Revelation 21:1 “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away…”

>Revelation 6:14 “The sky was split apart like a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.“

>Revelation 16:18-19 “There was a great earthquake, such as there had not been since man came to be upon the earth, so great an earthquake was it, and so mighty. The great city was split into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell."

Interestingly, the Department of Defense and the Department of Housing and Urban Development has $21 trillion dollars that they can't account for that has just up and vanished ( On top of that, US debt keeps increasing and we know that Silicon Valley billionaires and other corporate billionaires are building bunkers in places like New Zealand ( The cost of these survival bunkers and the damage being done to society is of no concern because they know that in the end, the debt wont matter. The only thing that will matter is who can survive long enough to take the helm of the new world after all is said and done.

I hope you all are preparing for survival. Most of us plebeian surface dwellers of little means will probably perish, but some will find a way to cling to life.

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And how theoretically one can survive? There are no such chances, just pure random.

i would suggest moving away from coastal areas, river beds, flood prone areas, and areas with known fault lines (dormant or not), and of course any area where volcanoes have ever occured. perhaps a steppe area that is elevated but mostly flat.

then begin storing food, water, means of barter, books, medicine, clothing, and ways of creating electricity.

This has been talked about for decades. Is it actually going to happen or is it crap like global warming?

Video related the last time earth wipe it self clean the poles shifted.

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ask yourself why the US would "lose" 21 trillion dollars, spend money like it doesnt care (because it doesnt), classify a book by a seeming nutter, and not do anything about the growing civil unrest within its borders.

they dont expect any of us to survive or for this shitshow to go on long enough for any of it to matter. they just want to keep us preoccupied while they prepare.

Hiw much longer do we have to prepare?

pray to jewsus! it's not like he lets people get blown up in church or anything.


2046 by some estimations.

This summer will be interesting.

Well that's a lot longer than I expected

Ramen, water, and guns n’ ammo (9mm and .223/5.56). I prefer .40 but the ones I mentioned are widely used and will be very valuable, along with accessories, once shit hits the fan.

>citation needed

I take it back, get dried beans instead of ramen. Beans can last for decades and are way more nutritional

we don't like god intends

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The magnetic pole is moving at an insane rate per year and is only accelerating. This is a scientific fact.

I think he was referring to op's conclusions you gimango faggot

there is more than enough evidence to say that many pole shifts have indees occured on earth, and we can esitmate the length of time it took between the shifts. There is a lot of variance so we can definitely when the next shift will happen

its a fact that we are about to enter a grand solar minimum.

it is a fact that the poles are shifting.

it is a fact that the magnetosphere is weakening.

it is a fact that large changes in the magnetic fields on earth affect the geological dynamics of this planet.

it is a fact that trillions are missing from the DoD.

it is a fact that billionaires are building bunkers.

draw your own fucking conclusions.

everyone that carries God in his hearth will be picked up before the catastrophe and spared the calamity. after that they will guide the new civilizations. chill out and find to God.

btw that is what the rapture is all about.

billionaires are building bunkers for the 203X international finance collapse and racial civil war, not for fucking global homo magnet bullshit

You haven't named this supposed book, nor have you named the author. Now on to the scientific facts:
- We're overdue for a reversal... however, there is nothing that points to a reversal happening in our lifetime.
- Pole reversal takes THOUSANDS of years.. not 2 days or some stupid shit.
- The movement of the magnetic pole has actually been sluggish, not "insane rate .. and accelerating."
- The only major notable effect will be in regards to migratory animals... not humans. Only hikers use magnetic north these days.. everything else pretty much relies upon GPS.
- None of the mass extinctions currently known have been linked to a pole reversal.. there's no reason to think one would cause such an event now. However, I should note that with the decreased protection from the magnetosphere there could be a lot of death involved... but not mass extinction levels of death (and other things like cancer, issues with power grids, etc).

I'm guessing they'll be blaming it all on global warming.

>the cia declassified information they want to remain secret

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The biggest risk of a pole shift is the temporary disappearance of the van allen belts and the resulting charged particles hitting Earth
Just store your electronics underground and don't spend too much time outside
Humanity would be fine

>pole reversal takes thousands of years
nobody knows this, so i wont argue with you on this point.

>it has been sluggish.
no, it has increased in speed so much that scientists had to update the GPS data early because it had moved so much that it was throwing stuff off course.

good point about the extinctions though, i'll have to study that more.

perhaps at this point it doesnt matter--plus they know people will just shitpost about it on the internet and disregard it anyway?

>nobody knows this

I stopped reading there. Educate yourself you fucking moron.

Bunkers won’t save them from the revolution .

Whitey btfo. Hurry and buy up all the sunscreen so whites die off

>should we release this information we don’t want anybody to know about?

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It’s not financial collapse. It’s food crisis that will lead to massive chimpout all over the globe.


You fags never named the book. If I remember right it was something like "The Adam and Eve story" I listened to it via someone reading it on YouTube. My feelings after reading it is we're fucked. Prepping isnt a bad idea, but it seems luck would play a major factor in surviving this (1000 mph winds etc)

lol, read the summary and its filled with hedges, stipulations, and uncertainty. thanks for trying.

my bad, i assumed all non-normies on Jow Forums would already know what i was referring to.

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> $21 trillion unaccounted for

Fuck right off idiot.

some scientists have said it could take as little as 80 years for the poles to flip. It has been speeding up recently.

This. Everyone has to breathe air just wait until people find their air vents and start plugging them. They will be forced to open the main gates.

I don't know what you read.. but what I posted doesn't have a "summary". Are you talking about the abstract perhaps? Read the actual article. They do not speak anywhere in the article about _anything_ taking less than 1,000 years (1 kyr) - even with the most dramatic changes that could be used for the data they had. Also, I happen to fucking know this.. I'm a fucking geologist. Realistically the rebound period alone would take no less than 2,000 years. If you had any fucking clue at all what you were talking about, you'd understand that the rebound period takes less time than the actual reversal.

I'll help you out though. Put your tinfoil hat in the cupboard and bust out the lead hat - you'll be fine.

click the source?

Perhaps the pyrimads were made to shelter from a pole shift.

If only there was a guy that had been screaming at everyone about this for the past decade.

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winds and walls of water are bad but the really scary thing is the flash freezing that could theoretically come.

Also iirc the adam and eve story is more about the sun doing a micro nova than the earths poles flipping though supposedly one causes the other or something idk.

>billionaires are building bunkers in places like New Zealand
>i would suggest moving away from areas with known fault lines (dormant or not), and of course any area where volcanoes have ever occured
NZ seems like a dumb choice for the elite if earthquakes and volcanoes are gonna be an issue

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>Citation(s) Needed

Not based on any data that we have. Theory and real data are two different things. The article I linked earlier was from 2 years ago and it is currently the best that we have.

Perhaps but the shifts are every 12000 years right? they were built like 6000 years ago or something

The Adam and Eve story by Chan Thomas. Available in the CIA archives.

We'll shit

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more of the half of this country is doomed

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food is financial

So many days I wish it would just hurry the fuck up and happen already.

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Good. Hopefully we will be too busy with our own problems to do anything about massive population corrections throughout Africa, Asia, and South America.
Please, Father God, please make it happen.

The best bunkers in the world are built in/under mountains. I'd imagine there was research done finding this location to be suitable.

Also it's at the bottom of the world

What are we to do about the meteors that keep bitch slapping us every 5,000 years?

well that’s inevitable. Question is whether it happens in our lifetime and there’s just way too many factors to accurately predict.

Suck them off


but its still moving at 30+ miles per year now--thats a fact.

>Saying you’re ‘buying a house in New Zealand’ is kind of a wink, wink, say no more. Once you’ve done the Masonic handshake, they’ll be, like, ‘Oh, you know, I have a broker who sells old ICBM silos, and they’re nuclear-hardened, and they kind of look like they would be interesting to live in

There have bern 183 shifts in the last 83 million years for a mean interperiod of 454k years. Last one was 41k years ago, all per wikipedia.

>burying yourself underground in a stationary location.

It’s like they don’t understand survival at all.

>Magnetic pole shift will cause massive earthquakes and worldwide volcanic eruptions
Do you have a single fact to back that up

Of course not. That’s not even how the science behind it works.

You didn't read that article, did you? I ask because you're assuming it's moving from "north" to "south" .. and that's inaccurate. The pole wanders. That wandering is normal.. and the distance traveled noted by that article is well within the margin of error for our models. Both of these facts are mentioned in the article. This will be my final response to you. I do not argue SCIENCE with "this reporter said" or "this whackjob said".

The disaster is a cover story the rich are running to escape Gitmo

It is not.

What that other fella above said about the rich preparing for financial collapse and worldwide riots/war is far more likely. And again it sounds more like insurance. Not so much fact.

It needs to happen at a time we are in equal chaos and too busy taking care of our own populations. Otherwise, the kikes will rush to open all borders worldwide for 'humanitarian reasons' and then it's game over.

The magnetic poles really do switch every every few ten thousand years but it doesn't cause volcanic eruptions or mass extinctions and the CIA didn't really try to hide it and it isn't really referenced in the Bible either.

Things don’t happen overnight, and as things get ducked quickly nations go into survival mode so the odds of “kikes” opening up international borders in total chaos are slim to none.

wtf those points weren't in the article?

The United States Department of Defense craps its pants about Russia because Russia is where the magnetic poles are - in the north - and in the south they have the Vostok station right near the south magnetic pole.

Maybe if the United States wasn't fucking delusional with their GPS and turnd the damn thing off we could all get back to an harmonious way of living instead of having to listen to them bark their mass media bile all over the world every day rigged up to GPS.

GPS is a man-made militaristic abomination that should never have been given to the civilian population let alone blast the magnetic field with it.

The United States of Destruction, can someone just nuke that shit country pls.


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As far as we know magnetic pole shifts will have no effects other than disoriented birds and idiots.

The US Government hasnt spent 21 trillion in its existence in any department .....dumbass.

>As far as we know

You're saying the CIA classified the Bible? I knew Christianity was under attack, but I thought CIA was on our side.

Yes please nuke this fucking country. I'm living in Clown World Ground Zero.
End it.

Climate change is real and this thread is the proof behind it. It is moving faster coastal cities will be effected. We need the wall.

There is nothing in geologic registry that indicates so.

Everybody stop acting like superstitious niggers you make me sick, faggots talking about fault lines like they actually know shit.


Tell that to Constantinople.

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k. divide 21 by three then. 7 trillion dollars unaccounted for--on what, again?

Why would they have to change GPS grids? They are based on the Pole, not magnetic poles.

Look at the budgets you shit for brains

I’m named after it, it didn’t fall overnight. It was invasions and all types of bullshit that led to one day the city wall being breached.

The north magnetic pole is in international waters.

1 dollar counts for 10 dollars, your missing money is less than 700 Billion AT MOST.

user check Catherine Austin Fitts... HUD Secretary or some shit in the 90s, and is a seriously sharp financial wiz
She has worked with university professors and documented it with public DOD sources and info

i think a lot of the DoD records being audited were in WTC Building 7 on 9/11. A lot of SEC records were there. Did you know the USN lost a destroyer? No record of what happened to it after it was commissioned.

And the budgets don't match her numbers.

Find any source that says the DOD and HUD spent 21 TRILLION dollars in this countries history, COMBINED.

Jet fuel ain't melting iron beems.

Fuck right off