We need to privatize educa--

>we need to privatize educa--

Attached: christian education.jpg (568x752, 73K)

joke's on you
God made Dinosaurs on the first day to get around easily

Attached: jesus_grande.jpg?v=1464700649.jpg (600x600, 28K)

I'd rather my kid be indoctrinated with creationism than be forced to endure niggers

yeah no joke.

Yeah this totally isnt fake

In Canada, private schools, especially those affiliated with a religious denomination, consistently rank top 30 in my province. I attended a private school with high graduation rates, it was the norm that every student go on to university like McGill or UoT or UBC. Only two or three didn't attend university but still pursued a trade. Zero failure rate, and most if not all had an average of well above 80% across the board. Albeit, inflation of grades may have been common to help those students get into higher education, perhaps because of privilege. I'm talking $20,000 - $30,000 a year tuition, same price tag as going to university.

You can't honestly say privatized education is bad education.

What *is* Job 40 talking about? It really does seem to be a titanosaur.

I went to a private catholic school as a child and moved to public education when I was 12. I skipped a year because everyone else was retarded

No one could have made a fake worksheet to be anti-christian. Nope, not at all.

Try going to a public school in most parts of Houston and the horror will be enough to want them out. Jungle club music normalized for kids and their teachers dancing like whores. From middle to even richer areas it is a disgrace and they are building weak retarded boys and pretentious whorish girls.
>No thanks

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But you HAVE to believe the memeflag, there’s no way OP would lie or be that ignorant

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like the rest of the book, it means whatever you want it to

I guess I need to take the ruralpill


I'd be mocking you for being Canadian if it wasn't for the fact that you're right.

6 year old bait

Dinosaurs were around ~12k years ago and all died in the flood. Lurk more reddit-tier new fag

Lmao. The jews from my "semi-private" highcshool would fuck off to the private schools and pay $30k a year if they couldnt cut it and make good grades in normal school. Private schools in canada provide a socially exclusive enclave, which can be beneficial its own, sure, but they are just a nepotistic way to inflate grades amongst the rich and ensure they get into top schools & then get top tier jobs to continue their socioeconomic legacy. get real

Is this real?

Exactly what I have been telling my family. I drove around the whole city and many in Texas for uber/lyft and it is truly sad. Have been looking north at places near the forest or going back to some place very cold. I saw even the whitest upper class young girls talking like retard thugs and praising jungle music, knew it was done. The parents failed and now this country for the most part will be a ghetto. No black pill since it is Houston after all but the south for the most part is all getting there and the media only pushes retardation all across.
>I'm going to find my ranch and see it become white in the winter while I drink that raw milk.
>Run while you can

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wtf does it matter? Carbon dating is a crock anyway.

Jesus Christ is Lord

This is what we call lazy bait-posting.
>Create an image to attack an ideology or thing
>Hope no one remembers the actual facts
>In this case, the fact that private "religious" schools are leaps and bounds better than public schools.
>Can't get the leftist liberal brainwash if you aren't going to a public school user.