Lol soon Yurocucks are gonna be living in New Africa

lol soon Yurocucks are gonna be living in New Africa

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Seems exciting

And we will become known as El Estados Unidos when Spanish becomes the official National language.

a Frenchman wrote Planet of the Apes

we're too far away in the future.
Take what i say as a truth .
Nuke every non-white countries
or they will hang our white babies.

When life gives you lemons, racemix! The future of Europe is Diverse!

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Says the actual new Africa

but we can run away from it with our guns. Bongrel island will be like Children of Men within 20 years

Running away always was a proud American tradition. Also, do you guys think we're 50% like you or something? Your time scales are far off.

mmmmmm I would

every bong is 70% white

one day, the New Europeans are going to be telling bedtime stories to their children about those unfortunate souls without the superpower of melanin

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t. le 56%

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mongoloid qts>niggerspic amerimutts

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you'll be there first retard

Lol who cares America sucks

Britain Yes !!

No we'll just erupt into a civil war. You cucks seem to be enjoying getting assraped, I much prefer just niggers than sand dunes, chinks, niggers, and other monster ethnics