Dating advice

How do I get a mentally ill gay boyfriend?

Attached: Married-American-gay-couple-Nick-and-Grant-@nickandgrant-1.jpg (1080x720, 83K)

Just find a gay boyfriend

tell everyone in the world and they will show up.

it's easier said that done, many gays only want hook ups :/ I also think you misunderstood my question because I need one who's mentally ill
I doubt it :/

Gays are mentally ill tho

Not all of them..


Only because it's been thrown out from the mental disorder list it doesn't mean being gay isn't one

>Homosexuality=mental, moral and spiritual abomination
If you don't think this you have to go back

Yes that's actually what it means. If you ask a professional psychologist or psychiatrist they will say that being homosexual isn't a mental disorder.