When did you first realize that 'Hapa Futurism' is Civilization's last chance?

When did you first realize that 'Hapa Futurism' is Civilization's last chance?

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gene editing will populate the world with blond haired blue eyed "asians" and europeans won't have to lift a finger.

I don't know what that is and I don't care, fellow leaf. As long as there are more slutty half-Asian chicks running around you can do what you like.

Kill yourself race traitor.

>asians will save us by making themselves like us

this is the most pathetic cope ever

even if it will be possible for them to change their pigmentation in the future they will still be subhuman insectoids


When did you first realize that plastic surgery is Civilization's last chance?

nope, it's poopa futurism
it's like a hapa but you have to fuck a poo

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they already do in anime

Chinese are the only ones with the balls to do genetic engineering, and of course they're going to make Aryan ubermensch. I take it as a compliment.

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They're cartoons

Just as He's work is a product of China's political and legal landscape, it is also a result of aspects of Chinese society and culture, according to Tongji University professor Zhu Dake. "The Chinese way is to only think of success," Zhu says. "We don't think of whether the path to that success is legal or ethical, and you can use as many tricks as you want as long as you succeed. Every Chinese person grows up with this notion."


kikes eternally BTFO

Daily reminder: Castizo children are the future of the white race.

Jews can still usurp the bugs because the bugs are hyper materialists


castizo aren't white they're mutts so that makes zero sense

if they haven't done so by now they don't stand a chance against the Ubermenchinese. Jesus will probably return as a genetically enhanced Chinese Aryan Angel

my genes are good enough to get me in with wholesome white girls so I don't need some hapa LARP lol

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People don't even use birthcontrol, how will you convince to plan ahead if they can't do that?

This is either the ultimate whitepill or the ultimate blackpill. But it is the truth.

>Chinese are the only ones with the balls to do genetic engineering, and of course they're going to make Aryan ubermensch. I take it as a compliment.

There is a nonzero chance that a white china invades and destroys the brown west. I'd accept it.

having a white baby will be like having an Iphone in the future. even niggers will do it eventually.

the best part is that you can go out with your daughter, and everyone will assume she is your sugar baby.

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Hapas are superior to wh-

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Niggers can't even use condoms!? You're expecting them to plan ahead and there is zero chance they will.

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Look buddy, ejaculating inside asian girls feels great and all, but the thing is WE MUST ENSURE THE EXISTENCE OF OUR PEOPLE AND SECURE A FUTURE FOR WHITE CHILDREN

God you fucking retard its obviously an app. Are people on this website this fucking mentally impaired that they don't even look at what they're posting? Jesus fucking christ just die

Coming to you this decade....

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even abos will be give birth to 180 IQ 6ft 8in blond haired blue eyes European men.

Memes > Genes

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>canadian advocating race-mixing
Why am I not surprised? Now take the makeup off of those asian niggers.

gene editing won't do that, but sperm donation eugenics could.

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There was a 9gag watermark and he used a memeflag, it's obvious he's trying to subvert and you're going along acting like he's serious. Easy tactic to find but I worry some are stupid.

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Fuck off with your jewcord you fat nigger.

t.illiterate spicp

U mad?

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illiterate spicp? what the fuck is a spicp and how have you been able to infer that I am illiterate?

Do you have any real understanding of gene editing technology? Or are you just assuming we will advance in that area soon? Personally I wouldn't bet on it.

I think what this user said is more realistic

I might be having a hapa kid in my future.

I held out as long as I could, but too many white women opted to not have kids, burn coal, be whores, etc....

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lmao the asian ethnicel brigade has arrived

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cool flag

Do you have any real understanding of gene editing technology? Or are you just assuming we will advance in that area soon? Personally I wouldn't bet on it.

I think what this user said is more realistic

i dont have to understand gene editing, i understand that chinese people are smart and they love their plastic surgery and lust for success. nothing will be able to stop the genetic renaissance.

Hapa Master Race.

Based Vancouver Leaf.

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whites are a hated minority. More of us need to understand this.

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I'll make a better future.

Hapas are our future.

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i won't have a hapa because i don't want my cute daughter to get bullied

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>When did you first realize that 'Hapa Futurism' is Civilization's last chance?
Getting there user.

Asian women look huwhite to me. The Japs Mk ultra(d) us to think this way and I for one will not go against uncle Tojo's wish.

Nothing about actual Eurasia is futuristic. It's a depressing shithole

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finally, 55 posts and only one 10/10 hapa female.

keep posting user.

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God they trump white girls in every way.

Okay I'll dump my hapa folder here

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yeah they're way better at being ugly liberal sellouts

I don't think you understand what he's saying. Chinks aren't btfoing kikes, they are kikes. They don't have any moral compunctions to worry about, they just try as hard as they can to rip off everyone around them. Chinks are the kikes of the East.

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Leave burger land you fat fuck. They are far more conservative then muh mcdonalds amerinigger

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yeah, wish I could get my hands on a nice conservative racemixer

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That's not Kanna Hashimoto; that's Aya Marsh.

Kanna Hashimoto is not even a hapa.


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t. chang

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I mean, we all know that if people could choose their race everyone would be White.


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