What does pol know about this?

what does pol know about this?
>pic related

Over the years, I've found it's a subject that pol avoids because it opens up a 4th dimension which makes the average polack uncomfortable. probably because most poltards don't even want to deal with globalist 4d chess.

I know a bit about them. I can ama off the top of my head. but does pol want a thread of value? or is pol just going to revert to muh jews as the only new world order cabal?

Attached: thesecondcoming.jpg (400x400, 50K)

it says evil? what is it?

according to them, "the greatest name"

Nothing muchanges, just another dumb religion for dumb people.

who is ”them”? what is the source of this?

well, we can't have poltards talking about some stupid progressive religion banned from proselytizing in Israel, can we?

>what is the source of this?
Mohammad's own "revelations" about Isa

forgot to add
according to them

It's all very progressive

weird it looks like it says ”evil”

Can't you read Arabic?

your country is bilingual

I know it's a can of worms

fun fact, these folks are the reason that anti-Constitution migrants are allowed to enter the USA to reside legally.

The best part is that their own site documents their achievement in diversity by providing court documents

pol is a shithole of shilling.. I'm just showing observers that some people exist that know what is really going on

for example.. George Soros is one of them. That's why he is a fluent speaker in their global language.

why cant you just express yourself in a normal way? what are you trying to say?

For every one else,That 's a symbol for "Baha 'ees" (البهاءيون )with is another desert religion but not that popular. It's an Abrahamic religion though

are you worried, Effendi?

Not* an anrahamic religion

Lehava targets any goyish religion, Islam is not an exception.

He is a schizo and needs to take his meds

they claim they are Abrahamic, a progression and replacement for Islam

What does "popularity" have to do with its global spread? In any case, you should be happy that they are assisting your cancerous people's need to create hell on earth

they do believe they need to "break the cross" after all. You know, the whole point of the return of Isa

how can I be worried, when I dont even know what the fuck you are talking about ?

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Idc to be honest,all I want is a job ,a car and some red meat on my tablet.
Fuck anything that dosen't directly and majorly affect my personal life.

>walk like an egyptian
song I'm listening to right now

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I don't care if you care
but know that their plan for your progeny is apostasy

The Baha'i church is headquartered in Israel.

>that 80s hair
and now i have

now now, it's not a church. it's a temporal house for their leaders to make decisions about how to rule this plane of existence. No church is built for that purpose

chose another word; stop playing their game of progressive revelation

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gotta go in 15 min

perhaps I should post a thread on a regular basis. God knows you dupes need some enlightenment on the 4th dimension of "abrahamic religions".

what was so big about abraham anyway?

The Baha'i religious organization is headquartered in Israel.

>No church is built for that purpose
Matthew 28:16-20

yet another "mysterious" user who is too much of an attention whoring sperg to give a clear answer to any question, sage

I don't know, he wasn't a Pharisee

they headquartered there prior to modern Israel.. That's why Jews outlaw them from talking to Jews
>No church is built for that purpose
Matthew 28:16-20
for ruling the world as a temporal congregation? are you mad? read the NT again, does it outline how those who follow in His footsteps are to "rule the world" from a temporal place?

how does shit taste?

everyone thinks they came from Abes balls cus Zog God said so, what does it mean?

do you know how many people, who will tell you your ignorant to islam, believe it is the source of science? Just because they watched Morgan freeman play a muslim in Robin Hood