The NPC meme or Yang 2020?
Which meme died faster?
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Yang still has a chance.
t. yangposter
yang died faster, NPC lasted ~4-5 months
>Yang still has a chance.
yang who? npc never died. rent free.
>npc never died
you rarely see npcposting anymore. Pepe and Wojak on the other hand are immortal.
I hope Yang 2020.
When the debates happen we will see what Yang can do .
who gives a shit
Boomers and MIGApedes BTFO
Who is Yang?
why are you so scared of yang, vlad? afraid you won't have a lapdog in the white house anymore?
We're going to the top. Everyone knows it
Is he even gonna be at the debates?
Meme candidate being pushed to nudge DRUMPF to live up to his promises, but nobody actually ever liked that insect Yang, he was just good for the lulz. But, it got old like everything else, it's why the Yangposting is down about 90% compared to early March.
Yang was never a meme
the trannies were just shilling really hard
everything about it was completely forced and inorganic, and no real memes came of it
at least he can have the "presidential runner" title in his cv when he applies at fox news.
Yang has the best ratio of news coverage to likely voter, he is consistently at the bottom of coverage but is getting to 2-3% in national polls. Don't count him out.
They must have seen how season 4 goes...
this shit again
I'm surprised by just how fast meme content of yang died out
he barely gets media coverage anymore
Thank God the NPC meme is dead now, finally. It was never funny to begin with. It is the best example of how much the quality of memes, not only from this site but in general, have rapidly decreased since 2016.
Not comparable. Yang Gang was a manufactured meme created by discord trannies being paid to do so. Once Yang realized that it's having absolutely no effect he stopped, or rather he probably just ran out of money and didn't bother to see any purpose resuming it.
The NPC meme on the other hand didn't die, but rather we moved on to new memes primarily Honkley. It served its purpose showing how hilariously easy it is to piss off the left and now we're doing the exact same with fucking clown pepe. We still use it from time to time, but you can tell the Libs are still agonizing over it 6-8 months later since they can't put it past them/
No one even knew who Yang was outside this board
>I'm surprised by just how fast meme content of yang died out
There was never any yang oc. shit is too forced and will never work
Fuck yangposters
yang died faster.
npc meme, while clever, was kinda gay and Im glad its dead
Im still down for $1000 tho
honestly the only way yang can win is if he dominates the media
if I was in his shoes I would be streaming on twitch, I would be hosting a daily podcast, I would be personally posting on reddit
He's doing none of this
wow !
that sure is....
Forgetting something?
Yang was just a 2 week long blitz by a handful of discord trannies. NPC meme was actually funny.
>It was never funny
>beep boop beep
>t. NPC
This Butt kills the Micropenis Chink
((( (You) )))
It was 100% astroturf. The anime tiddies with Yang hats was completely inorganic. MAGA hatted anime girls started up thanks to Rick Wilson all pissed off at people for not voting for ¡Yeb! Yang's so far down the food chain he can't even get negative attention but the research group lurking here didn't know that so it was completely ham-fisted.
Its implicit
Yang ran on an interesting platform and the Internet moves quickly. It's that simple.
You really think he has the funding for a research group?
I didn't even realize this lmao
249 random morons in Iowa
truly a representative sample
>tfw late to the Yang meme
Boomers are switching to Yang
if you think about it, the disproportionate amount of counter-shilling yang receives is what indicates he is THE dark horse. there are some foreign elements in play here that are trying hard to push the alt-right/yang bs in order to discredit him.
If the choice is between a chink technocrat and a CIA spook faggot, I'll take the chink anytime.
Tarrant died faster.
rent free
The damage has already been done to Trump, and it's extremely early in the election compared to when everyone announced in 2016. There was a lot of redpilling on demographics, israel, and boomers. It's all slow until the debates.
Keep in mind that the people pushing Yang are not going to lose their shit for him not having a chance. They'll be pushing a new candidate soon enough. The entire point of promoting Yang is to weaken Jow Forums since they see Jow Forums as a dire threat especially during an election when Jow Forums creates memes that circulate the internet.
I love the NPC meme. I hope it never dies.
Yang, the NPC meme at least was able to flourish outside of Jow Forums, Yang was clearly just a bunch of trannies shilling on Jow Forums and died quickly when people caught on to their bullshit.
that one schizo spammer user really fucked their shit up
>the damage has been to trump
how to spot a shill 101 Forums-vs-the-yang-gang
oops Forums-vs-the-yang-gang
"Come in here, Carly." Mr. Yang's voice boomed through the corridor. It was obvious that he was very angry. She had seen him upset before, but she could tell by his tone that this time would be different. Carly closed the door behind her as she entered the dimly lit office. The glow of a computer screen illuminated Mr.Yang’s face with it’s warm glow. A cigarette rested between his lips, burning slowly.
“Sit down, Carly.” He said, softer than before, but still quite stern. “Have you seen these memes?”
“M-memes, sir?” She replied, weakly.
“Yes, Carly. On the Jow Forums. Have you seen the memes on the Jow Forums?”
“No… I mean, I’m not sure what you’re talking about, Mr. Yang.”
“Theses memes… They’re the most disgusting things I’ve ever seen. I can’t understand what sort of sick mind would come up with this filth. And there’s hundreds of them! And they just keep making more! How am I going to be elected president when there’s memes out there of my face next to buttholes and swastikas?!”
“I’m sorry Mr. Yang, I -”
“Be quiet, Carly!” He interrupted. “I know you’re sorry, but not as sorry as you’re going to be. Did you think I forgot that this was all your idea? Stop crying. It’s time for you take a ride on the Yang Train.”
A powerful yellow stench filled the room as Yang unzipped his pants. The vinegar quaff of his grotesquely small genitalia was an odor that Carly would never forget.
“It was all supposed to be so simple, Carly.” He said, gesturing towards the couch. Carly took a seat as Yang continued. “You said that I would be a dank meme. You promised me that nothing would go wrong.” Carly’s nostrils burned, the foul stink from Yang’s nether regions had filled the room with an acrid humidity.
“I’m sorry, sir. It worked for Trump. I don’t know what went wrong. I’m so sorry, Mr. Yang. Please-”
“Hush now, Carly. I want to show you something.”
“Please Mr. Yang, I don’t want to see any more buttholes today.”
Yang ignored her. He was now fully nude as he walked into the center of the room. He stood directly in front of the sofa that contained a softly sobbing Carly.
“Do I look like a dank meme to you, Carly?”
3/3 (to be continued)
She didn’t respond. She was fixated on the yellow acorn that just barely protruded from Yang’s thick pube mound. She was unaware, as the difference was imperceptible, that Yang was fully erect.
“You know, Carly. My sweet, precious Carly… I really thought you were going to make me proud. Until now you have done nothing but let me down. I’d like to offer you one last chance to make me happy. To make me proud. Do you want to make me proud, Carly?”
Once again, Carly was too petrified by the scene unfolding before her to answer Yang’s inquisitions. She nodded, meekly. A single tear fell down her cheek.
“Ever since we started this campaign I’ve been looking into some very, shall we say… dark… arts. Do you know what meme magic is, Carly?” Yang asked, though he continued speaking as if he hadn’t expected a response. “Meme magic is very powerful. It can be very dangerous, as you and I have seen firsthand. Nobody truly knows where meme magic comes from, or what it is. Some men claim it to be the blessings of a chaotic frog-god. Others believe that it is a form of ancient numerology. Personally, my research has led me to believe that true meme magic can only come from within. Now turn around and bend over, I want you to share your meme magic with me.”
Carly positioned herself on her hands and knees. Yang sat down behind her and removed her soft, cotton panties from beneath her cheap business skirt and rubbed them all over his face before tossing them aside.
“You know what I want, Carly.” He said, placing his meaty nose between her soft, taut cheeks. “Give it to me. Give Daddy Yang what he wants.” She tensed slightly, then released.
The sweet emission was punctuated by a speckle of brown moisture.
“Yummy, yummy!” Yang squealed with glee. “Delicious rasberries! I am in ecstasy! More! I need more!"
>tfw everyone calls you a schizo until you prove to them the jew elephant is in the room
i'm just saying the same people posting yang all of a sudden stopped posting yang when tarrant threads, and "muslims started the notre dame fire even though al aqsa got purposely burnt by israel same day" threads
also this
*threads started popping up
look the kikes even have there own meme folder this was taken by a different user
that's bait you retard
>if we just put meme hats on anime girls we can shape the board
the delusion fills my soul with memes
was this also bait?
or this
or this?
it is hilarious to me just how bad they are at fitting in. never ceases to amaze me how obvious they are
Yang has a chance because the kikes still think they can control the narrative with bots and the MSM. Which they can't...
take your meds, schizo
this didn't happen either right?
or this?
or dis?
yeah seriously that guy is crazy, nothing to see here
you're only hurting yourself shlomo
>that one schizo spammer user really fucked their shit up
>implying that's not you
lulz. thanks for your service though.
anybody else feeling sleepy? let's all take naps, this thread will still be here later
>israelis are not the problem
NPC meme? Meme?
also thanks
you're only feeding my collection
Yang 2020 died in less than a week
lmao you're they gayest retard on this whole gay retard website
>i'd rather give my money to israel
why are u m ad?
Only if your a (((corporate))) shill user.
who are you gonna vote for?
3% of 356 people is only like 10 people my dude
Donald Trump stay fucking salty you yiddish kike faggot. 4 more years