Take the Wicca pill user. It is much believable than no god and every other religion
Take the Wicca pill user. It is much believable than no god and every other religion
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its just summoning demons who literally roam your house possessing objects like stuffed animals and knocking shit off the counters and slamming doors.
And all you can do is ask them to hurt other people.
Its pretty lame and will fuck up your life and turn you into a possessed hollow husk. ive seen it
Wicca is degenerate
Honor the gods
I prefer Traditional Witchcraft to Wicca. I do not mind Wicca if they posit that the God and the Goddess are not the only God and Goddess, but rather that there are many and they are simply a cult of Cernunnos and Artemis. Traditional Witchcraft is more Celtic in nature, but is non devotional, where you get to worship whatever Gods and Goddesses you would like to worship. It's more about praxis, much of it is environmental, honoring local spirits, tapping energies, and the like.
If I wanted to be a faggot I'd just suck a dick
>take the retarded new age watered down theosophy pill
no thanks I dont have a vagina or a sub 100 iq.
Wicca was invented out of thin air. But I'm okay with it existing because it acts as a siphon to keep libshit women out of actual real paganism.
wow, hitler really hated larps
You are so fucking retarded it hurts. I spent time around faggots like you. If it was legal to murder you all you would be dead already.
> hey goy, become a Wiccan
just because you are too retarded to understand god and gods doesnt mean your opinion is right.
Let me put it this way, if you cannot understand what gods are, why people worship and so on. You are fucking retarded. It is literally as old as the humans ability to talk, probably even older than that.
If you cannot understand god and gods, what they are, then you are not human.
Every culture has some kind of spirituality or god. EVERY FUCKING CULTURE. Even the deadbeat fucking abbos. They understand and you dont.
Yet you try to take some moral highground, by being ignorant. Truly the modern world is revolting.
Wicca is garbage jew shit just like christkikery. You d&c faggot
Take the druidpill, we have many muslims in our countries who must be offered up as sacrifice
You do realize he was giving advice to fellow volkisch people, that such behavior was not practical politically? The Volkish pagan party having just merged with the NSDAP by 1925, the time when Hitler was writing Mein Kampf.
From the same chapter:
>"Each one of us today may regret the fact that the advent of Christianity was the first occasion on which spiritual terror was introduced into the much freer ancient world" (...) It may be objected here that in these phenomena which we find throughout the history of the world we have to recognize mostly a specifically Jewish mode of thought and that such fanaticism and intolerance are typical symptoms of Jewish mentality.
So many NSDAP officials left their churches (like Bormann, Himmler, Rosenberg, Darré, Hess, Ley and so on) it even became a popular term:
And all of them followed his "practical advice" there, and acted like NatSoc officials. Some SS divisions had up to 90% of their recruits leave their churches before joining, and their manuals openly decried christianity, in the same manner as socialism. The churches had a long emnity with the NSDAP and even propped up militant groups like "The White Rose", due to things like opposing eugenics, in the middle of the war, effectively siding with the Rothschilds and the Soviets over the European people.
Thousands of priests were executed during "Kirchenkampf": en.wikipedia.org
and then they worshiped the blacksun and summoned demon alister crowley style, much better, shits dumb, play video games
>alister crowley
lmao keep lying faggot crowley was banned from Germany.
We already know the old testament + new Testament is true it's been accurate so far there's no need for anything else
Kys OP
>Take the Wicca pill user.
All fantasy based religious systems are equally worthless.
diss but its true and embarrassing
end up like pic related? no thanks.
Accurate about what?
Pfft. Wiccans don’t even practice sexmagick. Come home to Thelema and gnostic wisdom, pol.
Meh keep your earth worship. I worship a faith of the stars.
Nice try Schlomo!
The eternal merchants have been trying to breed into the European people since they witnessed Alexander curb stomp the "civilized" world! They used a psuedo-roman historian (read Josephus) to lie about ties with Alexander who the Romans idolized in order to gain a footing in their economy and then their govt and then subverted Rome into becoming a Christian nation. Then took over Rome after many attempts (66 AD) and moved the Holy Roman Empire east splitting European power in two just to be closer to Jerusalem! The eternal merchant is literally the cause of millions of white European deaths in wars and crusades over the last 2000y! AND, the eternal merchant does all of this so they can manifest their sick end of days prophecy when east becomes west and west becomes east!
>Take the Wicca pill user.
I'd rather take a bullet pill
>It is much believable than no god and every other religion
What doctrine do you have?
Larping and maybe talking to a spooky scary forest spirit?
Don't you spics worship death and the sun?
Gas thyself
Wicca is cat lady tier witchcraft lite.
Christ is LORD.
Books written by goat fuckers over 2k+ years ago is true? LUL
St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
they worship a jew.