Have you felt it?

I don't know if it's just me, but lately i feel like something is about to happen spiritually, a lot of people seem to be moving to a agreement on what God means and what life is.

In my observations it seems like we all started losing it somewhere after 2000~2010 and are just starting to put ourselves togheter, in the most refreshing, actually futuristic and inexplicable way around love! Almost like God left us in a room and we started fucking things up and now he got back and is sorting shit out. I've been an atheist for the last 20 years and just reconciled with God yesterday after he showed himself to me and had me crying, made me realized i have been feeling empty and depressed simply because i have been alway from his grace.

And what sealed the deal for me to believe this, and it's very terrifying to me, is that i noticed every time i felt a urge to get back to God and his pure love instantaneously i would also feel the urge to do things such as masturbating to porn and drinking, both addictions of mine that i have been battling, which made me realize that there are actually good and evil forces battling in this reality.

Kanye's easter sunday service seems somewhat like a culmination of the feelings i can't put into words.

Does anyone feel the same? I just wanna know

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Other urls found in this thread:


trusting your gut feeling or intuition rarely pays off unless its crossing the street when a black person approaches

Good thing I scanned your blogpost and caught this and now I don't have to read it.

Have a sage faggot.

You have so much hate in you, you need to let go man, there is no need to be this hateful

Cool. I wish it was that easy. The battle has just begun.

>a lot of people seem to be moving to a agreement on what God means and what life is.
You fucking what mate?

>Kanye's easter sunday service

If you type sage in the options field before you post it allows you to type so󠀀y and so󠀀yboy in the body of the message without filtering it.

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Nigger west is a waste of human life, don't ever get any inspiration from this pop culture faggot. Ever.

burn in hell kike faggot

Shit, i can see crystal clear now, this world is so poisoned with evil it's fucked up, eventually things will work out tho.

I have noticed all sorts of people moving to a notion that god is love and all there is, and we are a fraction of his counsciousness.

I can't imagine what it's like to actually think this way.

>Kanye's easter sunday service

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He doesn't think that way, he is just hurt, by everything, it's ok, he doesn't mean it, just needs actual love for the first time since he was a child

I had been an athiest my whole life, but recently showed himself to me. I've met a couple others who've had similar experiences. There seems to be a lot of people on Youtube trying to figure it out too.

Clothing always is a named price, without it we all would be paying 2 dollars a shirt. Kanye has a vision as an artist, you can decide if you want to pay for it or not, yes they are just printed fabric, the same way paintings are just painted fabric, but he really has worked a long was as a fashion designer and has to maintain designer pricing. One way or another that's like regular clothing prices in my country lmao

It's the strangest thing ever, it's like he is actually returning to speak with humanity instead f being a passive observer as he has been in the last 500 years or so.

glad you made it bro, I found back to God recently myself too.
the problem is that humans want to run shit on themselves, but without god we are lost. this world is evidence.

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I'm just focused on spreading as much love as I possibly can. The world is so poisonous. God has tasked us to clean it up. Consider it an honor and a challenge to be one of the chosen people that helps cleanse the world of evil. Don't buy into this whole racism BS either. We are all judged by god when we die, don't worry about your neighbors sins.

Yeah, it's beautiful honestly. Like whenever I ask myself a question, I always have an answer. I have almost total clarity and know that I am never alone. I'm not even afraid to die for my beliefs. I love humanity and just want to teach people to forgive themselves and see the good in others.

>There seems to be a lot of people on Youtube trying to figure it out too.
you cant figure out God, but he grants you a glimpse at his excellence if you ask him, there will be alot more people waking up in the future. he is all knowing and all powerful, good times lay ahead.

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That's also what i have received from my contact with god, to spread love, pure love, just it, positivity, stop this hatred we have seen going on everywhere. In big manners but also in the smallest and most day-to-day possible, to be kind, to be forgiving! Jesus, i feel so good.

God is Love

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It's the age of Aquarius. We entered it during 2012.

it's just you looking for anybody to pin the responsibility of cleaning this mess up on but let me break it to you: Suffering born of human choice is none of god's business. Help yourself.

glad to see Im not the only one, Ive been praying for this.

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The great deception, not everything is what it seems. Be careful of masquerading spirits. If this site was a catalyst for your "spirituality" then that certainly might be the case

yes, this.

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Infinitely more beautiful in HD, thank you for this, he is brother!

Elon always had a good energy with him, and his message really ressonates with what i have been feeling lately! Such a great inerview too, i love how Joe actually listens instead of waiting his turn to speak.

Remember this feeling! God will put obstacles in your way to strengthen your resolve. I live in a city without any friends or family, so I don't have anyone to give my love to. Instead, I've been putting that energy into reading philosophy and making art. I'm trying to "fall in love with myself." Because I've always been self loathing and hating who I was. I know I am on the right path and promise god I will do my best each morning to make myself and the world better.


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blaming god for those obstacles is blaming him for giving humans freedom of choice.

>we all started losing it somewhere after 2000~2010

oh you mean when social media started.

imagine where you'd all be if all you had was some books and an actual life.

I'm the same user, but I'm losing to evil i.e porn addiction and every other shitty thing I do and the worst part is I'm half aware what i'm doing is bad and evil yet I still can't stop..

God help us user.

I have been carefull, i'm too aware of cults and the notion of the antichrist, this show was not what got me, but the last beautiful drop on the bucket of god's touch in my life in the last year.
That's what i have felt for the last 20 years, i'm a pretty rational guy, and not actually looking for a scapegoat, i'm telling you this is something else, i'm dumbfounded, i have spoke to the man himself, i have found a new purpose in life OUT OF NOWHERE.
Never heard of it, but i'm interested

I'm not blaming him for obsticles. I'm just saying that situations will occur that might test your faith. Trying to tell OP to not get misguided by masquerading spirits and "online movements" that claim to have the truth.





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it started with clean filth and training kids to do gymnastics to obscure vile intention behind approved appearances. Once you throw in social media that framework applies to anything because you can get approval for anything. In the natural world, mastery of logistics, or resource acquisition and management is what determines a successful organism. In civilized habitat there are parallels with whatever selection pressures within that habitat. In the context of social media, logistics of approval.

god can not intervene in any situations born from free will because it would contradict his design.

You have to learn how to interpret it.

Glory Glory to the Lord On High Father of All the Divine Light He has ordained His Holy One and He shall return Soon Seek the Holy Spirit and Her Wisdom Praise the Anointed Son the Light and the Truth

The New Aeon is Dawning and just as Christ told his Disciples to Seek the Water Bearer and enter His house to make Ready for the Passover so too must we Prepare to Feast with the Lord for many are called but few are Chosen

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Wait...we're in Aquarius already? Is that why it's been raining so much?

God doesn't exist, stop smoking weed

Just look around at the world right now and tell me, do you see mass evil or mass good.
Whether there's a god or not, evil is everywhere and spreading fast.

This isn't clown world, it's satans world and it's growing fast.

On day 10 of no fap and every day is a battle. I pray for you user.

Making art is one the best ways to get close to God! There is LOVE in being passionate about a craft, to strenghtnen your mind with philosofy and your body with exercize is to live in god brother!

I'm actually a pretty lowkey guy on social media nowadays and don't care about it as much, really been finding pleasure in small things like spending afternoons painting and reading actually!

It's really hard, we get drunk on lust and desire, it feels so good for a brief moment and drains us so much for such a long time, keep trying, keep striving, you will get there!

You're right. Easter (yesterday) was a turning point I think. Certainly I've seen the spirit moving in my life and the life of my close family in a major way in the last few days/weeks especially. God bless you brother in Jesus name

>Kanye's easter sunday service seems somewhat like a culmination of the feelings i can't put into words.
its call getting closer to Jesus...prolly why you cant put a finger on it. cmon man Jesus needs you to help spread the world of god

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> implying God can't break his own rules

user, please

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>That's what i have felt for the last 20 years, i'm a pretty rational guy, and not actually looking for a scapegoat, i'm telling you this is something else, i'm dumbfounded, i have spoke to the man himself, i have found a new purpose in life OUT OF NOWHERE.

This gives my heart so much joy. More and more people are breaking free from the simulation and opening up themselves to love and harmony. I pray that it continues and will do my best to spread positivity and kindness wherever I can.

remember that God always has the last word, thats just how it is. the world will get alot worse and more people will seek God to guide them.

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>rarely pays off
It is when I ignore my intuition that I get fucked up.

Definitely been feeling it too.
>Everytime I felt the urge to get back to God...
That is one thing that I have definitely noticed, temptations have become different they are much more like obstacles than I remember them ever being. I have also noticed that when I find a balance that allows me to at least limit the temptations that I give into things start going my way in a manner that is inexplicable.

Just was talking to someone about exactly what you are saying.

God works in mysterious ways.

For Beyonce...

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religion is dumb.

> and we are a fraction of his counsciousness.
You're not a fraction of His consciousness and you're not a little God or part of the mind of God.
You are IN the mind of God. He had an idea. He gave it form. He can do that.
You are God's idea. Given form.
So in a way you are part of the consciousness of God, as you are an idea of God. Given form.
As all things are.
The mind of God is the mind that keeps you.

>temptations have become different they are much more like obstacles than I remember them ever being.

Nail on head. I couldn't have said it any better. Something is on the attack. I fall prey every day and I know it. Their is a battle coming.

Youre just saying that because trannies are reprobates.

I was just thinking about how natural selection processes (and other biological processes) apply perfectly to understanding how society actually functions (or malfunctions).

>porn addiction
honestly, your better off jacking off to porn 10 minutes a day than dealing with most of the satanic women out there. No fap almost turned me into a schizoid. As a male in his mid 20s, it's almost biologically impossible not to masturbate.

Found the jew

pretty good first post desu senpai

it depends on what you are jerking it to

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Stop being so positive it’s pissing me off

we're on the end times user and God is picking his soldiers user. many of the apostles were skeptics before they were preaching the Word. the free-thinkers are the best evangelists.
t. started going back to church a year ago and very happy

just amateur couples posting stuff on pornhub. Not anything violent or mean spirited. I basically see it as them sharing their love with the rest of the world lmao XD

This is AMAZING, holy shit! I have just read some parts of it quickly but it's all that i have felt lately, something REALLY is happening! LOVE REVOLUTION!

i feel it, user.

i have friends who are all of the sudden,this year, having a different and positive outlook on life.

Best thing you can do is masturbate every once in a while, but to your imagination, NOT porn.

or better yet have sex

Do the onions know?

Sunday service was amazing. Never seen so many people praise Jesus

*degenerates; praise Jesus. Major typo

I know it's aannoying but i can't help it, i'm not larping, this is really happening to me, i feel so much good energy

kanye get off my Jow Forums
r i g h t
n o w

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Ok, so how does all of this hippy God love talk fit with the way that the actually world is? Just this week on pol I've seen pics of toddlers shot dead in Mexico, the bomb-mutilated bodies of some of the 250+ people killed in sri lanka, and various mexican cartel tortures along with some animal abuse thrown in for good measure.

I get the free will idea, but it is unconscionable that any God could just sit back and allow all this suffering and cruelty to happen. In many ways, this world is hell, even if you're lucky enough to be born in western countries.

It's easy to talk of God and love and to say that all will be well when you're not in the middle of a war zone. And the notion of a battle raging between good & evil is ridiculous given that God's power is supposed to be absolute... what's the fucking point in letting any of this happen if evil is ultimately going to lose?

>but lately i feel like something is about to happen spiritually
Hopefully, so I can finally believe in something higher and beyond our abilities to observe, and if other witness it, I won't be seen as the lonely looney.
>a lot of people seem to be moving to a agreement on what God means and what life is.
I'm personally not seeing that. Care to share some big examples?
>we started fucking things up and now he got back and is sorting shit out.
What things you think got sorted out?
>i noticed every time i felt a urge to get back to God and his pure love instantaneously i would also feel the urge to do things such as masturbating to porn and drinking
I've only been getting the urges.
>Does anyone feel the same?
I'm not. Maybe my third eye is sewn shut. Maybe I got banned from the club. Or maybe I'm an NPC, after all.

You're an idiot. If God is coming to straighten things out, wtf did he let it get so bad in the first place? Fuck off.

Based as fuck.

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>kanye's easter service
Why do Aryans even interact with subhumans at all. You literally ruin everything good.

Idk, I'm not into casual sex. I think that's way worse than porn.

Im saying youre a faggot.

>I fall prey every day and I know it
Same here. Funny thing is I have had periods where I was able to overcome but then what ever is testing me seems to eventually get the upper hand. Im not sure if I would say that it is necessarliy nefarious because what ever it is doing the testing.. When I manage to overcome the tests I gain a great deal of wisdom. It's really tough to say precisely what is going on, what little I have figured out I lack the words to describe (it's levels of abstraction that defy words).

Personally, I dont think its a matter of "Him leaving us and now he is back" but I think it is more along the lines that we forgot he was there, and before we forgot that he was there we forgot how to recognize him, and before we forgot how to recognize him we forgot how to hear him, and before we forgot how to hear him we forgot how to look for him.

The reason I think this is the case is because that is the opposite of how this all has been playing out for me. I started looking for the truth in the most autistic manner until I found enough of it. After I found enough of it I realized that I was hearing something that was barely noticeable unless I was perfectly tuned into trying to hear it with a clear mind. After I noticed that I was hearing something I started to recognize what I was hearing, it doesnt come in words but it is recognizable after a while.. etc.

At first I thought I was being gaslit by some high tech glownigger shit but I was able to prove (for myself) that this was not the case when I noticed that the same patterns that emerged from the sound played through in nature as well.

What exactly is going on? I can't say for sure but it feels glorious.

Evil user. Half the shit in the bible is dulled down and changed up so we understand it. We can't comprehend God like a goldfish can't comprehend what we can, we're limited by our minds. This is why there APPEARS to be no meaning to life/ the existene of the universe.
But God exists, in some form or another. maybe idk

There is beautiful revolution coming, it seems

Of course we feel it! Why do you think (((they))) are shilling against Christianity here more than ever before? (((They))) and their minions are afraid, and it's showing.

I don't mean casual sex.
Either go looking for a soul mate or masturbate once every 2 weeks to your imagination until you're ready to find the one. Gonna be hard as fuck to get used to at first but your life will improve drastically.

>retard thinks God has to create paradise on earth
You get that when you die, dumbass, you don't just get a pass here, and God isn't specifically cruel or kind in our mortal lives, so stop saying that every bad thing is MUH GOD FAULT because you're too blind to see what's happening. Red the Bible, and see the light.

I'll give it a shot! Thanks for the words of encouragement. Hopefully I survive.

I always like when the atheist dummies blame God for cancer in children. As if it was God spewing toxins and chemicals over everything.

Being full of love does not necessarily mean be a cuck also. It's more along the lines of removing hate because 1) hate clouds the mind and 2) negative energy attracts more negative energy and it all has to do with the "memetic effect"

If there are roaches in your home do you need to become filled with hatred in order to slaughter every last one of them? Same concept applies.. Do you defend your kin because you hate your enemies? Or do you defend your kin because you LOVE your kin? You COULD do either, but consider the stories of townsmen who defended their families against a vastly superior army. LOVE lights the fire that burns unto victory.

No problem user anytime :)
Also remember masturbation is sin (I do it everyday :/ )
We must fight back against the dark which lures us with lust and 5 seconds of pleasure.

It will always be the belief of defeat which will hinder you, believe you can do it and persevere

OP here, i seriously would post the exact, exact, same reply if i saw this thread a year ago, i never had anything spiritual ever to me and hence i was an atheist alll my life, because that's the logic thing to do when you have no evidence. I always thought that praying was stupid and always felt silly asking for help, but i was in a point that trying that would not hurt, and i actually got my first response back after 20 years, in the form of feeling, overwhelming love, literally thrown into me, i finally felt god's presence, that's all i have always been asking for, a sign, and he gave me one.

Try speaking to him, honestly, truly honestly, tell him how you been feeling, what scared you, what you want to do, and after a good 10 minute talk with the man tell me you don't feel the love, doesn't hurt to try, does it?