Does the u.s government have a time travel machine?

Why do I feel like someone is messing up the time lines? I hear from lots of people they been experiencing lots of deja vu.

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IT doesn't have a time travel machine yet, but it will. The GE /C 204!

take your meds...

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*burp* Morty! The government has uh uh * time machine. We need to destroying be fore the government do some evil shit, Morty! *burp*

If the US government had a time machine, there would be no niggers.

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Someone is messing with the timelines.
>Multiple peoples who have claimed to come from the future all predicted a civil war in 2004 and a global catastrophe in 2012.

Nothing happened. Those people from the future have no relation to each other and did not know of each other.

I am not sure if it's Trump's time traveling that changed the course, or something else, but who knows. Shit is so fucking crazy these days, it's all possible.

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They have but sorry you are not in the good time line.the point is our time line is a joke just a test were they fuck things over and see what happen

>NSA director goes to Trump Tower to warn him of FBI spying
"Welcome Admiral Rogers, mind if I call you mike? Mike, I've been expecting you for some time and before you start on the federal bureau of losers. And I mean yuge losers. I've known they have been listening to my calls, the calls of my staff, and others. I've known for some time.

You see, when I was a young man, my uncle. A great guy. Really smart, like really smart. I consider myself a stable genius but this guy was something else. He showed me something that changed my life, and perhaps the fate of the rest of the world, forever.

My uncle Dr John Trump once worked for the FBI, back when they were better, not great, they had a lot of problems then too, but not as bad as they are today. And while working for the FBI my uncle was assigned to review the inventions of the late Nikola Tesla.

You see where I'm going with this, Mike? I'm sure you heard of the Philadelphia project, right? It was a colossal failure for its time. Huge tragedy and ruined some contracts from Mr Tesla. But the principle was there.

The manipulation of both space and time through harnessing the power of electromagnetic frequencies. The world is always in motion. Just learning how and when tells you soo much. Once you understand the ebb and flow of space and time. Words lose meaning. You don't need to say words the right way, you just need to use the right words at the right time, even if they seem weird or strange. And like that I have been able to use my words with the knowledge that I have gained through the inventions of nikola tesla to know every event as it unfolds.

Mike, this meeting will be in the fake news media. In fact, they are talkin about it right now. I don't want you to mention it, it will slide through the media. We'll be moving our office to give the impression to the media that you told us about the illegal FISA warrants, because in a while that's all going to come out"

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I think someone does. Most likely the jews. They keep making adjustments here and there until they get the results they want. It's like the movie Edge of Tomorrow. If it isn't a time machine it's some other form of time manipulation like sending iPads or SD Cards or some shit back to their cronies like in The Last Mimzy. Shit might have Intel etched on molecules. It may not be possible to send people or other organic matter, but other inorganic matter might make the trip. As strange and unrealistic as it all sounds, it may explain why shit always seems to go the jews' way. It might be that an intelligent white person invented a time machine to travel back and warn his fellow whites about something and a fucking jew was nearby and stole it and he and his buddies have been using it ever since. Wouldn't fucking surprise me.

No, it is an impossibility and anyone that thinks otherwise is (unknowingly) under control

Anyone who believes in multiple timelines or the Mandela effect is completely retarded

the second there is one time machine, the time machine proliferates through the other timelines like a butterfly effect

1 time machine = time machine in all timelines

Being ignorant as yourself makes you a faggot nigger because you conceptually cannot think

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Like that movie deja vu

It's not time travel.
It's the internet connected via quantum computers affecting present, past and future simultaneously.

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What is Project Pegasus for 1000 Alex

>Thinking Time Lords are the US government


it's not a machine. stop thinking in terms like that.

you can't mess up timelines. they've already all happened. stop thinking in the terms you were.

you, and all other ensouled beings exist outside of time. deja vus, and deja reves, occur when you're pulling information from another point in time. some can see forward and backward, but you can't change stuff. that situation already involved you doing whatever.

They're both good films. They might not be too far off the mark about things like "keep trying until you get the desired result" or "send info back in time to give the tribe an unfair advantage."

And when shit doesn't go as planned, when they can't alter the timeline due to some miscalculation, there might be some kind of leftovers of the original timeline, which might be what the Mandela effect is. There's probably a shit-ton of things to take into account, and if it isn't perfect, there are fucking clues of it everywhere. I'm reminded of the Voyager episode where Kurtwood Smith's character kept altering time over and over and over again to try to get shit just right. I think it would be foolish to say it's utterly impossible to alter time. There might be a way to, and someone may have found it.

88 mph Mr Fusion bitches

Pakistani Civil War 2004

Global Resettlement bullshit pretty much started in 2012

whoever tries to move mount Zion will hurt
themselves, mount Zion is the mind of Ra.

>time machine
yes its called a watch

yes and im jessus