Is it real black people less intelligent and has low Iq ?
Black people IQ
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Yes, and so do you, you illiterate fuck
Why would you think they have less iq than other races ?
but the more white blood they have the more intelligent they are
Naah. Its a false claim by the white satanic bloodline of Amalek. We blacks are 10x intelligientier than whites its been proven by the african institutionalisation of sciencitifics
Who cares, IQ is hot bullshit.
is Darwins theory of evolution true?
There are black ppl with high or average IQs. What contributes to the condition many blacks are in is their subculture, full of drugs, single momma homes, and poverty.
they are less intelligent than other races, they're also more likely to be naturally athletic than other races.
to an extent, but blacks are of the same SUBSPECIES as the other modern races and cro-magnon.
No, it seems you have to go back to homo erectus to make a good argument for lower IQs. Neanderthal man/archaic sapiens was as smart as modern man.
I went to college in wakanda and I learned A LOT no black people don’t have a lower IQ
Yes. I live in a 60% nigger country. I suffer every day.
I meant are they genetically stupid ?
read my other answer, no not really
Yes. Trust Watson, the codiscoverer of the DNA.
I had a black guy in highschool getting an IQ if 103 on an online IQ test, and I'm very confused!
Literally 10% smaller brains
HAHA you think you have it bad? I live in an 80% nigger city
>to an extent
So environments dictates who is adaptable and who breeds or no?
All you can do is hope to get necklaced soon
If you do it several times you will get higher points each time. Never trust a nigger to be completely honest.
what part of Seychelles are you from my nigga?
>I had a black guy in highschool getting an IQ if 103 on an online IQ test, and I'm very confused!
The very smartest nig in your HS was average for a white. Give him a six-figure government job.
IQ isn't an accurate measure of intelligence, it measures schooling more than anything. They are more violent tho.
we don't have mexicans nor arabs nor MS-13 fuckers like you have in the millions.
Current president is a globalist tool, another good goy that quietly wants open borders. I would love to have a president Trump down here.
Do joos have a higher g factor than us or do they just rely on joo tactics that are against our religion or seem taboo to us?
What is the most accurate way to measure g factor or intelligence?
you didnt give an answer you just said neanderthals weren't dumb as a roof for race/iq
Not being a nigger to realize other races are, on average, stupid.
How dare you write an implicit condescending thread disguised as an innocent inquiry. You know that's not true, because it was them, that built those very monuments, that still stand strong and high in your land, for God knows how long, which probably brings the most revenue to your country.
They were scientists, builders and mathematicians, once. They were kings. Then the white man came, and took all of it away.
What about watson dna test ? Is it scientifically proved or it’s just a white supremacy agenda ?
Its false blacks act dumb because they know it enrages the white man. They knew the world was a clown world decades ago. Why do you think they played along with the whole slavery thing? It was just one big ass joke and dumb fuck whitey hasnt caught on. It's quite funny even after all this time.
you didnt answer my question is Darwins theory true?
is your skin coffee creamed colored?
You have never work with remote controller colored niggers have you?
whales confirmed PEAK IQ
Because I interact with them
>"Jamie, pull the screenshot of the black minister of education from SA"
Das amazn
I got a bit lost in this neighborhood near where I live and there was fresh ms13 giant tags everywhere.
Also cool anecdote: I was downtown and these Mexican parking lot attendees were sort of helping oversee the sight we were working at and there was a political sign they had put up that had a picture of trump and it was in Spanish and it said “the white beast” paid for by morenaLA aka brown LA.
I googled ms13 tags and put a sweet one on it with my marker. I know I’ve taken the nigger pill but I now carry around a tungsten point and a marker at all times to tag on things but only when theyve already been tagged or when it’s a situation where someone needs to do something. I’m not sure how I feel about doing false flags tho.
I would be willing to bet that 99% of all swastika graffiti is done by talmuders.
Anyways the parking attendant guy saw that shit with the ms13 tag on it and it was like a thing went off for him he just kind of stood there tripping out his whole demeanor changed. Coincidentally i was pretty much surrounded by white cucks I was the only non cuck and the guy became like super friendly to me
Fuck these fucking RACISTS! There I said it. Someone had to say it.
A lot of scientists believe it is true, and it’s the most reliable theory on species the origin of species.
Ashkenazi's skew higher on verbal IQ but that was one study and the students were from an elite private school
A lot of scientists believe it is true, and it’s the most reliable theory on the origin of species.
>Yeah, We WAZ Yakubz and shieeeet. Wakanda fornever!
so if the theory is true
then are the environments different?
ie Africa is not Europe
“He didn’t never not have a gun!”
black Americans are, on average, technically retarded (not hyperbole)
Yes, it's also true that Jews and East Asians are more intelligent and have high iq
I've never seen a black doctor, surgeon or a dentist in my life. In usa they are only four (4) % or the doctors. They are retards
there is no pill to swallow and nothing to tolerate. They will bring the us down, it will become a giant third world shithole if they become a majority in the US and trust me, there are millions and millions of those fuckers in countries like El Salvador, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Mexico. Let alone niggers, which are 1.2 billion in Africa alone.
>Dem pig cops racist, dindu nuffin, ya'll know dis dooh shieeet
>Intelligence Quotient isn’t a good way of measuring intelligence
Wew lad
Blacks have a low IQ. IQ doesnt measure intelligence. Blacks are really stupid. All three are true at once.
I know a couple black "doctors" down here. They are mildly competent, they do stuff by the books and what the media tells them through scientific magazines and tv shows. They feel life is racist towards them too!
There are many factors known to influence IQ test performance inculding your environment
The ultimate red pill is the effect of cold weather on IQ. Cold weather forces the brain to work more, must think ahead, gather food for the winter, gather fire wood, also tend to have access to more food as well as natural refigeration for meat, which is what makes our brains grow. You kill an animal in Africa and the meats good for maybe a day before it starts rotting? In places that have a long winter you can easily dig a hole and keep meet for months at a time. And think how green the forrest gets in spring time after a long winter. So much life buzzing around and growing.
Also in hot places natural evolution would select the dumber of the people to pass on their genes. in a hot environment like Africa, the less brain activity the better, because brain activity uses water and electrolytes, so dumb people that could just sit around and wait for rain and not use energy trying to do something smart were more likely to live and not die from dehydration.
>Anti Defamation League isn't really about stopping defamation
Just because something has a nice sounding name doesn't mean that name is accurate.
I mean do they have the same thing in their brains as whites ?
no you misunderstood the question
Darwinian evolution s true right?
The environment dictates to the species to adapt
Now is Africa different then Europe and is Europe different then Asia?
Because there is empirical proof confirming that it's true.
no, income, wealth has almost zero association
yyyyyyeah but lots of animals didnt evolve to be super smart despite living in places with brutal seasonal weather
Christopher Langan even mentioned how your average gorilla is smarter than half of Somalia. We should consider gorillas in our migration quotient, so we can take them in, instead of braindead niggers and sand people.
go home destiny
I guess your average rapper / NBA player nigger are certified high IQ functioning people. I love niggers now?
umm close
cold weather + agriculture
Inuits are dumb
Holy shit, that is B&R
we should unironically move literal silverback gorillas to our ghettos to establish order.
>Langan&Watson: The White Supremacist Menace. By Herschel Caiaphas Liebermann
Yes it’s different, what’s your point
god bless Langan
(hispanics with whites here) Next question?
Yes but it is still a distribution along a curve. So some are smarter than you.
But those are also afflictions of low IQ people in general.
>low IQ detected
it is a distribution on a bell curve out fucking idiot.
I got a 135 on last Iq test. I don’t think I am wealthy. My net worth is about $1000 rn after you look at my accounts receivable verses payable and credit cards. I might think about taking the north pill.
I recently worked with these snow niggers from Maine and they were blue pilled as fuck trying to record produce for nogs. I asked one of them about Maine I said isn’t it great? He said, well, it’s basically like a utopia but you can freeze to death in 20 minutes in some situations
Don't take our word for it. Your own ancestors wrote about what drooling and lazy pieces of shit they are. This isn't some recent phenomenon, they are exactly the same now as they were then.
G factor is the single best predictor of productivity, learning ability, cross field transfer etc etc. it is literally a measure if intelligence.
Just stop talking about this subject.
Look at Africa then look to Europe. What do you think?
Here i made a graph for you
They strictly speaking have the capability to be more than niggers but not the inherent interest. Rich niggers score higher than poor niggers but not as high as rich whites. Niggers raised in white societies with no other niggers around manage to score close enough to whites that it's not worth counting. That result is lost as soon as one other nigger is introduced.
Hi there, cruising sailor. How're you doing? Enjoying your boatpill?
IQ is not a measure, but a correlation.
Not being saddled with massive debt, addiction, single parent kids is a form of wealth fren. So is the open mind to know what you want and take steps to work towards it.
I like how slavfags think they're white. You are literally a white nigger with almost the same IQ as an African. You're lucky your country has a good percentage of East Asians, otherwise you'd be in the red
Then it would produce differences right?
In fact it would have to produce differences.
So not only do iq test show the extent of the differences that must occur
Smiple answer who invented all the relevant shit?
What race were they?
>10x intelligientier than whites its been proven by the african institutionalisation of sciencitifics
I see!
where did you take the iq test?
Holy shit user! Isn’t it obvious? Why do I get the feeling that you are in fact a nigger for whom the cope is strong?