Me and my friend are arguing about the Yakuza. I say they are pussy niggers who cant even get guns or drugs into Japan and have a code against violence and stealing. All they do is sell porn and gamble. Which most people already do. It’s not even a real “crime” as you think of crime; merely an illegal activity. So they do “crime” but their crimes are already legal in mosy of the world. Are they as affective as Yakuza games make them out to be??
My friend says this: “ people who are in gangs that can make money and live a wealthier life style are smarter than brainless animals like the bloods/crips who would rather kill one other and go home to their slums
>All they do is sell porn and gamble kek, sure. They never terrorize businesses.
Easton Foster
Examples of this?
Nolan Nelson
Yaks are famous for running protection rackets. Pic is proof that Japanese are only about 3 meals from being headhunting pirates again.
Matthew Hernandez
google it yourself faggot. you claimed they did nothing else than sell porn and gamble, it's not hard to check that out
Blake Jackson
>Google it yourself Not a source “faggot”
Dominic Nelson
Yes they are bunch of frauds and pussies. Only the average weak tiny dicked Jap would fear them
Cameron Rivera
Look up Sokaiya
Juan Green
They extort and force their way into the de facto protector role of communities, bank from protection money, and keep the lesser riffraff away from the area. Their morals are all over the place. Sex slavery is fine, but god forbid you roll around with drugs. Just different standards based on the culture.
Joshua Harris
I shouldn't have too, may as well ask me to prove to you the Earth orbits around the Sun. Szymkowiak, Kenneth (2002). Sokaiya: Extortion, Protection, and the Japanese Corporation. East Gate Book. There you go faggot. Do you you also want me to wipe your ass? What source have you provided for your positive claim of "All they do is sell porn and gamble."?
Adam Hall
They are in some of the highest echelons of Japanese business and at 1 point owned the Empire State Building. There like the Japanese Mafia, I'm not sure how prominent they are now, but at 1 time they were definitely nothing to fuck around with.
Jacob Cox
Literally a refuge for illegal chinks/gooks to eke out a poverty living as they work as indentured slaves for the members who are simply descendants of japan's untouchable caste. They ran brothels for the longest time but finally started moving drugs in after decades of not doing so, so the nip cops have started hatefucking them. Olympics probably have a lot to do with it too. Kabukicho (the Tokyo district copypasted into the Yakuza vidyagames) is almost unrecognizable compared to 10 years ago. Idiots on /jp/ claim the yakuza run the JAV industry but they actually have very little to do with it besides scouting girls who may eventually do JAV on their own. The yakuza wouldn't be so fucking poor if they did own a piece of that but it's a big cartel. They have a few african niggers but they're only used as bait for cops or as barkers in red light district.
Aiden Martinez
When get to Japan, is there an easy way to get in contact with them? I would email a head of arrival, but as a sign of sonchou suru, I intend to first meet them in person.
Justin Clark
Jav is probably yakuza funded. If they didn't have a piece of it, they'd likely find a way to get a piece of it. And honestly, they shouldn't have much trouble elbowing their way in.
I can't imagine why they'd want to run guns. Guns create chaos among the lower class criminals, and that's not really the environment that the upper class criminals want to operate in. Any two bit psycho can take out a crime boss when guns are available. So they likely keep them for themselves and don't spread them around.
Aaron Rivera
>against violence Correct me if I’m wrong but don’t they cut off your pinky finger if you do something within the gang they don’t like?
Also there is yakuza in America, that kill and sell drugs
They probably make a lot more money doing what they do than the Blood or Crips or any nigger gang, and correct me if I'm wrong but material gain is the basic objective of all organized crime.
Xavier Nguyen
I can tell that you either are Japanese or you lived there for an extended period of time
Kevin Sanchez
They are in politics and conglomerates now
Austin Roberts
imagine thinking the noble yakuza are the same as nig nog mafias
Just got back from 7 months in japan. They don't fuck with foreigners, and don't allow foreigners in their more overt establishments. They run a lot of illegal gambling in tokyo, like poker places in apartment buildings. Akhibara is a hot spot for them because the jp's started cracking down in kubichiko. Standard human trafficking prostitution, racketeering, landlord/ tenant extortion, construction high finance style rackets. They're absolutely embedded in the economy but mostly in white collar crime. Some move drugs but its considered a risky business and usually reserved for the lower ranking nobodies. They have guns they smuggle in from russia and the u.s. a guy got capped down the street from me in a restaurant while I was there. They just shot him at his table in a little ramen spot. Don't know how rare that is.
Japan does have crime, it's just hidden and not really visible if you don't live there for an extended period of time/ fully integrate into the culture. You don't go to new York and expect to find the five families at every fucking pizza joint do you?
Gavin Miller
They used to be a mafia type organization and just like the mafia today they operate mostly legal corporations.
Levi Gomez
It’s over. They died in the 80s just like mafia here. It’s all a meme
Jason Howard
Keep in mind that the Yakuza were originally started as a merchant's association and for the majority of Japanese history Yakuza were held in high regard by the lower classes because they were more likely to solve your problem than the local asshole lord. Even today the Yakuza assist in disaster relief and do charitable shit, and people go to them for help. Of course all of this is just to ingrain themselves into their communities and make people dependent on them while making themselves look favorable.
The very fact that you think the way you do about them means that their business model is working perfectly, since you think they only sell porn and gamble and are harmless.
Logan Smith
Seems like you and your friend are having a pointless argument about something you both know fuck all about.
Jaxon Wilson
They are as shadows like the triads or the kali membership. As fellowships they are some of the oldest with the tightest security. The brief glimpses seen history are smokescreens mostly. They operate on a 'we no say, you no come policy' and the cost of membership is a tough gauntlet run.
Logan Peterson
I'm pretty sure that the Yakuza have something to do with seedy niggers getting into Japan. Whatever they are, they're criminals who value money over all else (regardless of any meme honor codes) so they are not the type of people you should idolize
William Evans
*poof* where did the retard go? Can't back up his retarded shit?
>They died in the 80s just like mafia here. Actually, the mob here primarily just moved toward taking over public unions to get their bribes and kickbacks, and now dominate industries like trash collection so they can appear legit while still making illegal monies on the side. They're not gone, they're just using far better cover than they did in the past.
Jaxon Rogers
They will fuck you up if they need to, but if you are minding your own business like 99.9% of people in Japan, they will not bother you.
They make a lot of their money off gambling and construction rackets.
Saw a chinpara kicking a dudes head in once. Everyone just ignored them.
Aiden Smith
for the guys who don't want to click on links >I can't say too much right now because they know I'll be posting this so make sure you archive the thread just in case. >The Yakuza really like this board and they watch it at least once every few days, they are somehow entertained by the posts so I have nowhere else to say this but here. >The Yakuza have giant factories with people of every gender, ethnicity, race. Mostly Japanese men and women, but there are also some people from the US and Scandinavia etc. These people have no names, they are born in cells and remain there for the rest of their lives, as a kind of Junko Furuta- type of torture is acted upon them. (Remember she was also tortured by the Yakuza, which ended up exposed them to the world, this is why the factories were developed) >People are being born and bred to be tortured for the Yakuza desentisization and initiation rituals, or for entertainment. There is no one to file a missing person's report, these people have never seen sunlight and they have no vocabulary. The worst part is, it could be your kid that goes missing and becomes breeding stock for the program.
Tyler Mitchell
They were getting busted pushing women and running roofy bars around tokyo. Now they run the scene behind the nigs and let the nigs get arrested.
Angel Jenkins
Lots of stories of Brazilian women lured into Japan for forced prostitution.
Aaron Perez
You know what I mean.
Sebastian Robinson
They do real crime. A lot of it is within the borders or grey area, but they will get their hands dirty. There is an understanding between them and police/lawmakers that crime is inevitable, and if the Yakuza do it, then they will squeeze out any incentive for unorganized or foreign criminals to do it.
They're very nice and will generally leave you alone if you're not involved in their dealings. Beat up a lot of gamblers though.
Levi Peterson
every few weeks someone gets shot or killed. ITs a big city. Usually innocents don't get hurt and the fucker probably deserved it.
Owen Flores
code against violence your ass They are violent if you dont behave next to them. A wrong look or answer can cost your life even if you are not a Yakuza
William Torres
Anywa, last but not least.
No for fucks sake, they are NOT held in high regard here as some honorable robin hood shit. Most people, especially since gov reforms, see them as a nuissance and destroying the peace. Maybe they understand the social need to keep it organized, but they are not viewed as some tragic heroes. Most people want absolutely nothing to do with them other than ojichans bi-monthly cabaret visit.
Michael Baker
This, in NY and Chicago, all the unions labor is generally associated with mob groups.
In Chicago, one company Polombo would magically get ALL the road work contracts. After decades the FBI showed up, so Polumbo got caught. Two guys went to jail and the company closed. 2 months later a new company opened up called orange crush. Its the same fucking company they didnt even bother to paint all the orange trucks. Now orange crush has all the construction contracts. They have won contracts that wont even start for 5 years!
Sebastian James
They’re on the decline since the military is starting to become big again and the gov doesn’t want big groups competing with their rule. The new era name which signifies a more strict order will be their death calling.
Chase Johnson
Yep. Literally every stripper here is Brazilian.
Oliver Fisher
A friend who sells big-ass commercial trucks filled me in that every one of the waste disposal companies here is 100% mob-run, others who work in higher union spots have said the same thing, there's always a greasy Italian who calls the shots and who you never question, and he's reporting to someone much greasier and more important.
Tyler Jones
Hmmmm.....and people wonder why those cities are so crooked?
Chase Foster
Wyatt Price
Here come the weeb queers claiming all sorts of retarded bullshit
Nathaniel Adams
How is there a market for that arent there legal nip strippers? Aren't hue hue hues less attractive?
Bentley King
Oh! So it's like the Takeshi Kitano films? I thought that it was surreal.
Zachary James
Thomas Garcia
The absolute state of this board
Thomas Carter
Nip girls are more proud, or low-key with being whored out. So in things called "snacks", you can find cute girls to talk to, even topless and that sort of stuff. Most of the time you deal with a nip girl, you go into a room after picking a photo of her (blurred face) or knowing her name.
If you're Japanese or vaguely Asian, they ask you what city or village you're from to protect her identity. You'll rarely see Japanese girls front and open unless they're older or serious sluts.
You get the Brazilians because Brazil has the highest Japanese diaspora. So the girls are like, 1/8 Japanese and get here through some weird visa shenanigans, but are legal.
Owen Brooks
I see >but are legal Guess I should have said "not shady"
Jayden Gonzalez
As I understand it, the Yakuza aren't so much out on the streets doing any enforcement shit because they don't really need to. They've all gone "legit" businessmen now. Some of them are even in parliament.
I mean, you can poke fun at them for being soft but are there really any organized crime syndicates still as "cool" as they used to be?
Kevin Barnes
Fun fact, the Yakuza actually have a major presence in Sacramento of all places. They don't actually directly come there, but contract out hits/favours from a Hmong gang called the MOD. This is because California economy is closely tied to Japan (most agriculture from here is actually sent there). If you watched Grand Torrino, those people were Hmong, I could write a lot about them, but they are very violent and probably do fucked up things that Yakuza would even dare do.
Jason Foster
Yakuza run a good chunk of the uncensored websites, which is a miniscule part of the JAV market. They're largely as cucked for mosaics on genitalia as European film is for gory violence or American films for nudity. Since that's taboo and semi-illegal there, it naturally fell under the purview of gangsters. But the JAV industry is a huge cartel of subsidiaries owned by a few companies that are pretty much a monopoly. They produce so much porn it would fill the jew's over here with envy. Even a small percentage of that revenue would reinvigorate the entire yakuza business.
Yeah. Delivery health is sex work. There's almost nowhere you can go in Japan that's not a short train ride from a hotel where you can meet some bimbo.
Luis Torres
The real yakuza are in South Korea, they controlled Park and is why Moon is anti Japan.
Nathaniel Bell
lol snackbars are just places for old farts to not feel lonely and chat to women who are too old for girlsbar work.
Levi Cox
you're not going to the right ones m8
Jaxon Rogers
have you ever seen a jap girl from brazil who are mixed with nigger? they are the ugliest shit I ever seen. There are many of them in sao paulo, where most nips live.
Christian Gonzalez
Why is your flag a used maxi pad btw?
Ayden Brown
All of them Brazil is 50% nigger and 50% portugese You didnt know you are all literal mulattos? Im not making this up its a well known fact
Joseph Wright
I was fucking a french girl on her flag and popped her hymen.
Logan Bell
I know the difference between a snackbar and a girlsbar, I don't think you do though. Do you speak japanese? Or are you just a dancing monkey "english teacher"?
Henry Williams
My professor in a biology class right now is a white Brazilian. I think German and Italian parents.
David Perez
Not an English teacher. I speak and write Japanese, but far from perfect. I'd say I'm better than most foreigners being self-taught.
yeah, the ones mixed with whites are really beautiful. but holy shit, i wanna kill everyone single one who is mixed with blacks.
Connor Roberts
Jace Collins
Aneki will you teach me the nippon words?
Evan Jackson
That is a larp. There are a bunch of sadistic bugmen (nips are honorary aryan but still have that insectoid streak) who gravitate to the yakuza because they get to hurt people with impunity there. Theres plenty of illegal migrants who get pushed into prostitution, but the case of Junko Furuta if anything goes to show that any girl can be snatched off the street by a bunch of punks, you don't need to make a brapbarn industry out of it. They'd likely get into worse trouble for this than guns and drugs have already landed them. The yakuza will do anything to virtue-signal that they are actually nice guys and please don't raid any more or our soaplands, onegaishimasu.
Alexander Barnes
pinky cutting is disciplinary within a yakuza organization itself. if you really piss them off they fill your mouth with broken glass, tape it shut, and hit you in the face with a baseball bat. apparently Japanese ERs see a lot of this shit.
Sebastian Martinez
Darn heck that one in the pic must know the job will take him young, did not care to let his liver breath!
Justin Carter
Best advice I can give is take a serious approach to learning Hiragana and Katakana (forget Kanji, you'll pick up the ones you need if you live here). This is key to learning how to pronounce the words. Mimicry will only get you so far.
I used audio tapes, Pimsler, to get a grasp on conversational Japanese and then made it a point to not use English in town unless I had to. After completing the audio tapes and learning Hiragana and Katakana, go out and fuck up. You'll sound like an idiot or a kid, but I always thought of it as a gift when a Japanese person gave me a new word.
After you fuck up enough, you'll begin to find yourself having real conversations and that's when the fun starts.
William Murphy
Damn dude. Embarrassing. You understand Google is a way to get sources right? That you could have saved a thread and looked it up yourself, or maybe looks up something interesting to talk about?
>tells you a source catalogue >that’s not a source It literally gives a list of sources, some legitimate, some not. Lrn2research
Camden Price
How the fuck is he brazillian if his parents are german and italian Brazilians are portugese and nigger
Brandon Allen
Information is freely available, just use your google skills.
Suffice to say, they are widespread and involved in numerous activities, both legal and otherwise.
It is widely known throughout Japan that all of the festival market stalls selling fried noodles and other treats are all run by the Yakuza.
The majority of drugs brought into Japan are through Yakuza as well, though these days they often rely on foreign members to achieve these goals (Korean,Chinese).
Yakuza are thought of romantically by some, but they are on the average pretty dirty and ruthless people. I have seen them firsthand terrorizing local business owners.
Tyler Lewis
Those tats are fucking sick. I need that. God Dam bad ass motherfuckers.
Juan Watson
Cute onesies
Jacob Sanders
Fuckin minor league
Juan Baker
Logan Peterson
Do they look like this? Doesn't look that bad to me
I doubt most gangs are as powerful as they're made out to be.
What I really wonder about the Poison Fish, though is how much has fucking around with shit like >kill you 10 times before you hit the ground compromised them.
Juan Rogers
I'm not an expert on yakuza but I can tell you they are literally everywhere operating their cash businesses in the open and its just normal everyday life. For instance, very single street food vendor you can see at a given festival is yakuza. Its not uncommon to see vendors who are missing their upper most pinky finger segment, which is some sort of gang punishment. They are selling food to families in major public places and the police are nearby in most cases. They have a big summer festival presence as well. They like to go shirtless and help carry shrines and floats around. Its some of the only time you see their tattoos on display in public.
Jayden Sanders
>get into argument about subject with little knowledge >make a thread about argument >get told there are plenty of sources if you google it >call guy who says to try googling it a faggot >never use a source for arguments aside from Jow Forums If you can't do basic research and sort out misinformation you you might as well stay here forever I guess
>Best advice I can give is take a serious approach to learning Hiragana and Katakana (forget Kanji, you'll pick up the ones you need if you live here). Fucking retarded advice. Do not listen to this larper. Hiragana and Katakana should take you a week, 2 weeks max to memorise. I guarantee you can't read or write japanese.
Sebastian Bailey
It's not that the Yakuza is non-violent, it's that prisons are fucking terrible in Nippon land, and NOBODY wants to deal with the police there. Yakuza does white collar crime because it's easier to get away with and much more profitable in the long run