I'm looking to retire young by moving to a poor European country that is over 98% European and has no Muslims. So far Estonia looks pretty fucking nice.
Any of you cunts from, or have visited, these countries? ●Estonia. ●Latvia. ●Czech Republic. ●Slovakia ●Lithuania ●Romania ●Belarus ●Croatia
For more details, I'm 29, I'm from shitty ass Cleveland, but I've been buying up rental properties that have a good ROI. I plan to retire before I'm 35 by moving to a poor white country.
Maybe Latvia. I don’t really know much about those countries though. I would like to live in one of them myself some day.
Eli Harris
Points of comparison I care about: ●least crime ●best internet ●least feminists and sjws ●least alcoholics (compared to eachother anyway) ●best weather ●lowest taxes ●least Bible thumpers ●no fucking Muslims or niggers ●Good looking women
Landon Clark
we hate americans here, especially if they have some form of a retarded accent, you people are just complete scum, so full of yourself but completely stupid its just palpable
Benjamin Wilson
Everyone will hate you there.
Austin James
Justin Adams
If you don't have blue eyes and blonde hair, I suggest you Western Europe, they have more negros.
>be burger >too stupid to do his own research >asks Jow Forums of all places for retirement ideas You're a fucking retard and you would never make it in any of the countries you listed.
I have to agree with this. just go save some money and travel around places like that and beyond. you're not serious enough about it if you're getting lists on pol.
Angel Jenkins
Those countries are not so poor now, EU membership really paid off
Xavier Edwards
also good luck with getting citizenship in them. it's harder than you'd think.
Christian Smith
It's easy if your grandma is from there
Gabriel Gonzalez
Im taking that as a good thing because I hate everyone here
Brandon Ward
lol I love how two Czechs just told you to go fuck off. I guess cross that place off your list.
but seriously go travel around and see how the locals + you even interact. then look around and see what the vibe is like.
what you're talking about is actually harder than you think.
Hunter Lopez
>Im taking that as a good thing because I hate everyone here cool. you'll totally appeal to them with your lack of speaking their language...and being the exact thing they hate to begin with. Cmon.
I lived in the Baltics for about a year. If you are a stereotypical American that never reads doesn't speak multiple languages and has a general like for American culture you will hate eastern Europe and they will hate you.
Eli Garcia
>Imagine picking countries for their current demographics instead of scouting out places that you could survive a nuclear war in.
Matthew Hill
fuck you ahmed
Andrew Phillips
How do they keep the Turkish out?
Luke Phillips
then why were you agreeing with the Czech and Spaniard that said the same thing and agreed?
Landon Cox
I was going to recommend Portugal, but then I saw Portugal doesn't fit what you want.
I'm not a fan of Americans either. You wouldn't be down to hang with a red pilled mechanical engineer/real estate investor that just wants to lift weights fuck bitches and play video games? Yeah my accent will be shit but you obviously know English.
Jeremiah Bailey
Actually now I'm curious - why were you in the Baltic's for a year? Every Baltic woman I've met was pretty hot. But they never migrate far. And even my most intelligent friends with multiple languages (Spanish/French/Italian/English) types...don't even travel to Baltics.
They sound very xenophobic. We could learn a thing or two from them. Sigh.
Cameron Lopez
I have blue eyes, sandy blonde hair (bald now though), and a red beard.
Luis Jones
I'm suddenly realizing I'm not sure if I was a Nordic or Germanic woman. I want to conquer a Baltic woman. I love challenges. I've got nearly everywhere on the globe except Nords. And now I'm realizing Baltic. Fuck. Things to do.
Cameron Jones
I want to hear unfiltered opinions about what they're like. You think Wikipedia is going to tell me "you wouldn't like it, too many feminist coal burners".
Wyatt Peterson
I heard Albania and Bosnia are pretty good
Xavier Adams
Albanians are fucking psychopaths in my experience. Too unpredictable.
Camden Gutierrez
I want Belorussian waifu
Brody Sullivan
estonia no doutbh do a little research and youll see what I mean T. Frog living in estonia but visiting familiy for a certain bunny related holiday
Jeremiah Garcia
If I was a normal American I wouldn't be worth 15 times the median wealth for Americans aged 25-35, despite growing up in section 8 housing and going to a school overrun with niggers.
I have a feeling there is going be an uptick of weird Jow Forumsacks wandering around Estonia this year.
Easton Turner
Why though? India will be a superpower by 2020!
Jayden Hernandez
Fuck off, they're full.
Justin Green
I should be making $50,000-$80,000 per year in passive income from stocks and real estate by then. I was hoping that would be enough to afford 1 servant.
Is that where they based those hostel movies and various like chained heat present movies are they all happen in Czechoslovakia They're not very hospitable there
Brandon Butler
If you go a bit outside the city I saw houses listed for only 40,000. In Cleveland the only houses that cheap are on nigger rape Avenue.
Wyatt Cruz
now post the real one, faggot
based. I hope slav girls used their feet as smelly chemical weapons to gas kikes.
Poor and relatively low cost of living. Great wine (it's what they're known for) 98% Christian Women are very pretty, and mostly traditional The people are very nice Not plagued by alcoholism and drugs like the rest of eastern europe
How do I know all of this? Im married to a Moldovan and own a vacation home in Comrat.
Joseph Taylor
you're basing their hospitality off of the Hostel films?
Christian Roberts
Czech Republic.
Lincoln Brown
Go start your own thread.
Colton Clark
what are the pitfalls to this? healthcare maybe? maybe look into other costs of living. those prices sound TOO cheap for how beautiful and clean the cities are.
Grayson Hall
Benjamin Barnes
no kys
Leo Hall
no offense but just googled comrat - what the hell do you on vacation there?
Jace Baker
>Moldova >not plagued by alcoholism user, thank you for being respectful towards our Moldovan brethren but come on...
Moldova looks like it is literally only lived in by alcoholics. It's so soviet looking the architecture alone would make me drink
Gabriel Bennett
It's because our perspective is so fucked. It's ridiculous what these countries manage to do with less money when you don't have to support niggers, pay subsidies to every corporation that lobbies a senator, and pay for 6 wars around the world at all times.
Jaxson Parker
I am from Croatia. 99.5%white and beautiful coast. City of Split i reccomend. Crazy right wing southerners.
Aaron Gray
Estonia can be annexed any minute now, don't plan long term. It then descents into a gray zone, no Western banks, many companies leaving, security guys eye who are you exactly.
50/50 chance of this happening
Benjamin Thompson
I questioned your motives initially in this user, but this has been very helpful.
I had a similar thread once but never in the Baltic states. But I concluded I just need to travel to all of them. My list just grew because these are even cheaper and cleaner looking.
Brody Gutierrez
>Estonia can be annexed any minute now good point
Chase Sanders
you again??????
its pretty bad that we can start recognizing certain posters here by their fucking idiocy
The human foot is the most poorly designed part of our body from an engineering perspective. An ostrich foot would make much more sense. We only have our stupid feet because our ancestors would hang from trees. Our feet are just fucked up hands.
Eli Martinez
In comparison to other eastern European countries, I feel like Moldova is slightly less alcoholic than the others.
Aaron Hall
>Are those places really cheaper than Cleveland. for what you get it seems so, yah.
Eli Smith
>Points of comparison I care about: >●least crime >●best internet >●least feminists and sjws >●least alcoholics (compared to eachother anyway) >●best weather >●lowest taxes >●least Bible thumpers >●no fucking Muslims or niggers >●Good looking women
I want the same except: ●Most alcoholics (compared to eachother anyway) ●Most Bible thumpers
every fucking time with the same fucking meme flag. >>*insert nationally* girl's feet are smelly. >>my feet are swarthy >>i am a swarthy Mediterranean >>please bully my feet
Levi Robinson
Estonia is not really poor anymore. Probably slightly more expensive than Poland.