/ptg/ President Trump General - Big guys Edition

@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
WH Public Pool/Schedule: publicpool.kinja.com/

>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @WH Easter Egg Roll 4/22/19
>FLotUS Melania @WH Easter Egg Roll Reading Nook 4/22/19
>WH Easter Egg Roll 4/22/19
youtu.be/453B5V7oYws (Bunny Hop Stage)
youtu.be/Va5ap20xoSw (Reading Nook)
youtu.be/2FhGlbmp60A (EPAAdm Wheeler)
youtu.be/XJt8ZXupt9Y (PressSec Sarah)
youtu.be/67a3FVzjK2k (NSA2VP ArmyGen Kellogg)
youtu.be/3FuJhvKLtnQ (DepHHSSec Hargan)
youtu.be/OMMozdCxfzw (KAC)
youtu.be/d9JsYZVv0rg (USSurgGen Adams)
youtu.be/BbMIHyYTGUg (AssistEdSec Brogan)
youtu.be/9uy6ZBDuJ6M (VASec Wilkie)
>HUDSec SleepyBen on FoxNews 4/22/19
>HHSSec Azar Press Conf on Transforming Primary Care 4/22/19
>CEAChair Hassett outside WH 4/22/19
>CEAChair Hassett on CNBC 4/22/19
>PressSec Sarah on F&F 4/22/19
>HHSAssistSec Adm Giroir @KFF on HIV Prevention &Treatment 4/22/19
>StateDept Press Brief (SoS Pompeo/SpecRep4Iran Hook/AssistSoS Fannon) 4/22/19
>StateDept Foreign Press Brief (AssistSoS Evanoff/AssistTreasSec Billingslea/Amb Sales) 4/22/19
>WHVideo: Pres Trump Welcomes WWP 4/22/19

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:




I love Kellyanne!

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Uhhh... just from the top of my head
>muslim ban in full effect
>TPP dead
>Iran deal dead
>NAFTA renegotiated
>Tax cuts
>Tranny ban
>Half of FBI fired
>Slash (((green))) regulations
>pull out of paris agreement
>tariffs on CHYNA

Designated Shitting Streets
>Designated Shitting Streets
Designated Shitting Streets
>Designated Shitting Streets

Keep it classy San Fran Nancy!!

This footage is grim.


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Tfw Trump Supporter

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Threadly reminder that Donald will lose 2020 because he abandoned his base and failed to cleanse America of hispanic subhumans.


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I say 23% the OIG doesnt weaken his report so the deep state gets away with what they did

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North Korea

What footage?

Any news today?

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I’m the billionaire who relies on refinancing for my yacht

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Awoo! No!

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talking about the real important stuff

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Block after block of LA overrun by homeless tents.

>not making them eligible for discharging in bankruptcy
fucking kike

You should be allowed to refinance, default on, etc. student loans. They should never have been artificially protected by the government.

driving through the designated shitting streets of California

Why not just allow student debt be discharged in bankruptcy? Thats the only solution that will help.

The reason student loans cant be refinanced is that a yacht can be repossessed.

Even if they can take your degree (they can’t, as of now) you still have the knowledge, connections, etc your education may have given you.

reminder some creeper filmed Tucker fishing in central park

Will WW3 start in Sri Lanka?

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tucker really had his guard up, doesn't seem like that nice or approachable person

No it will be in south america trust me it almost have the perfect mix of left right poor rich commie and fashy

I really have no sympathy for those suckers with student debt.

How many of you know that feel when some libslut finds out you’re A Trump supporter, hates it but takes off her clothes anyway.

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Fly Fishing ....patrician

just put up these on the border every mile and let patriots pay for the chance to man it remotely and melt goblins

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cause their are psychotic people in New York city, and I don't blame him

Thats not even the issue really - the issue is the govt guarantees you can get a loan regardless of the degree / career you pursue.

Imagine if banks gave out loans to any business, regardless of their business plan.

How does the bank "seize" your education if you fail to pay the refinancing? Is she retarded?

Old Man Time...
Grab the prunes.

does that willy look circumcised?

How would you like it if some random started filming you when you were out enjoying yourself?

...this happens?

Someone help me out here: If not glass and steel, what are we supposed to build buildings out? Just concrete? Carbon fiber? Wood? Unobtainium?

Exactly, if you have liquid assets they can be put up as collateral, students are simply bums with a piece of paper (at best), a worthless piece of paper normally, or no piece of paper at all.

>President Donald Trump's re-election campaign raised more than $30 million in the first fundraising quarter of 2019
>nearly 99% of donations were $200 or less, with an average contribution of $34.26.
>Trump's re-election effort now has a substantial $40.8 million remaining in the bank
>The RNC raised $45.8 million during January-to-March fundraising period
>Trump's campaign and affiliated committees, started April with $82 million in available funds
>Among Democrats, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders leads fundraising with $18.2 million
>In the No. 2 fundraising slot: California Sen. Kamala Harris with $12 million.
>The 10 Democrats who have announced first-quarter fundraising numbers so far have collected a combined $79.6 million

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It wont, you’ll just create a chain reaction of ppl who plan to use bankruptcy the moment they go to college.


Boom! Here comes the Boom!
Ready or not, here comes the Boomer from Fox!

No collusion, bathroom server, fake news, hate Trump media, bleach bit, acid washed...

having your house assaulted by communists tends to raise one's guard.

The word "phony" still triggers me 12 years or more after being forced to read Catcher in the Rye in high school.

Maybe she is a commie & wants to seize the means of "production"?

Sure wish we had a wall

nobody gives enough of a shit about south america to fight over it. Most likely triggers for WW3 would be India-China border beef, North Korea, Paki-India beef, or Taiwan seizure by China

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U mean the show better than tucker


Wow, it's almost like that would exert downward pressure on tuition to avoid colleges taking it in the ass when students default.

THEY HAMMERED THE CELL PHONES... and later tonight surprise guest Newt Gingrich

I hate how Hannity still pretends he's just a regular joe like the rest of America
he also continues to bring up "smelly walmart people". as if anyone would believe he shops at walmart

>later tonight surprise guest Newt Gingrich

>Newt used to be on there like every night
>hasn't been on there in a long time
>I don't think Newt is in the best of health
this makes me sad

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You guys remember when there was that giant wave of NatBols that flooded the board? Whatever happened to those guys? Were they /leftypol/ or plebbit?

Yup, them some shity streets

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But first, Greg Jerrit and Sara Carter will be joined with Jon Solomon to discuss what we've been telling you every fucking night for the last 2 years.

He gets his crates of sip airdropped to his house

You can effectively enter default and have repayment terms at such low rates that it’s effectively 0. It’s not their fault you don’t read. You have to outjew the Jew.

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Whoa! Seems like that would cause a spike in rates and make college a worthwhile risk/reward again. Weird!

Need new Baker!

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Newt has been busy with his wife who’s the US Ambassador to the Holy See, he’s still active on Twitter.

Tucker seems more comfortable in his own skin tbqh

Rex Tillerson was the CEO of Exxon, probably worth several hundred million, and the Secretary of State and he was buying his own cereal at safeway

Hannity might still shop at wally world

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>Iran bad

* Iran hasn't started a war in over 150 years.
* No degeneracy. Women must not wear revealing bathing suits. Men are not allowed to wear shorts.
* Order is kept by threat of the stick
* Women are given a fair chance nevertheless. University enrollment is about 50/50 m/f
* Alcohol is banned, protecting its population from related stupor and injuries.
* DMT is considered halal by Iranian clerics.
* Iranians are known to be gregarious and generous hosts.
* ... hasn't started a war in over 150 years. Just needs to be said again.

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Have they shit in Pelosi's house yet?


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Fair i suppose, what is the picture you attached referencing?



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India demands terrorist bobs and vagana or else

Me on the right.


>“What we’re doing here is shutting a backdoor for illegal immigration,” a senior administration official told The Daily Caller. “This is part of the Trump Administration’s comprehensive approach to combating illegal immigration.”

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Shes got a wall

My billionaire aunt and uncle do their own shopping. Having the brown help touch your food is where most liberal rich people draw the line. You go to restaurants if you want beaners touching your edibles.

This is why I'm moving to Monaco.

No it wouldn’t hurt the college, the college isnt giving out the loan.

The federal govt (dept of education) gives out the loans and uses a company like navient to “service” the loan since the goverment isnt going to create its own retain bank inside itself

Muslim Paki bombed an Indian troop transport a few weeks back and war almost broke out, a few planes got shot down as well

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I...I...I...don't save awoos

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>Bernie Sanders

Please democrats, run a literal socialist. That's something you'd never live down as a party for the rest of your existence.

>Sanders wants ALL felons even in prison no matter what they have done they should be allowed to vote
The absolute insanity of him

am I the only one confused as to why student loans are an issue? I tried mine to my income and just live within my means. Even was unemployed for a year and because I had no income I laid nothing.

Cool good for them
Highest per capita rate of post OP transvestites
300 kids become drug addicts everyday. 14% shoot up heroin everyday. Ok that’s the same among non Hispanic whites in the US? It should be 60/40 male to female overall though. Not 58/42 female.
Ok? DMT is expensive and not that great rarely ever used. 40% of Iran is Arab Muslim don’t know how long that lasts with a Persian minority. Ok cool. Are these people supposed to be extraordinary? What is the point of this?

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How's the wall coming along?

>bombed an Indian troop transport
I read this as “Indian poop transport.”

Here's a bunch for you!!!

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>Seems like that would cause a spike in rates
The rates are set by congress so no - remember we are talking federal student loans, which is what the majority of debt is from. Not private loans.

Letting the debt be discharged by bankruptcy will just further drive the US into debt as many stop paying back the us dept of education.

It's good, but not enough. They need to be removed, not just leading to sanctions.

>Trump approval tanking
b-but i thought he was EXONERATED

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The one who asked it, seemed unsure

>Kike talking about a slippery slope

>internal screaming intensifies

>slippery slope
But giving hormones to 5 year olds is okey

Propaganda for neetsocs and recent muslim converts

Fucking horrible. Why can’t an illegal just go aloha snack bar in Minecraft? Then we’d get to shut it down...

I think Trump redpilled me about Israel. I've been reading more into it and the shitskin arabs have been trying to destroy Israel since its formation. Israel is the only true bastion against muslim/shitskin hordes of the middle east that are invading Europe. We are doing too little to help them in their crusade. After Trump destroys the deep state we will be able to finally purge the shitskin menace from the US and the middle east.

>inb4 I get called a kike

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>too dangerous to own a gun but they can vote