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This is from the new sex ed guide coming our in California
Brandon Gutierrez
Matthew Martin
Dominic Butler
I remember when they taught that abstinence was the best policy for a young person. Now they’re telling them to stick a carrot in their ass.
Blake Clark
Kids don’t ever read textbooks anyways. Especially health textbook.
Chase Garcia
They'll flip through the sex book to find the funny shit and this will be one of them.
Anyway, serves them right for living in Commiefornia. We should take their US citizenship away, fuck em.
Adrian Martinez
Gabriel Morris
Back in my day we used to traumatize kids into not having sex by making them imagine their parents fucking and showing them childbirth videos and hd picture/video demonstrations of stds, the nastiest ones we could find.
Tell a kid not to do something and they will do it. Tell them that doing something is A-okay and that they will all do it someday and then freak them out so much they dont want to even think about it, thats what works
Josiah Smith
cool story gramps.
Leo Allen
How else are schools supposed to get kids interested in healthy foods?
Camden Davis
>telling them to stick a carrot in their ass.
wait till you see the new food pyramid!
Elijah Ross
Fuck California, fuck public schools, and fuck faggots. Compulsory education was a mistake.
Jaxon Adams
>back in my day
your bedtime was an hour ago son
Joshua Turner
Not a single hymen is safe.
Leo Adams
Ayden Jones
What do they mean the parents can't pull kids from the curriculum? So if they conveniently have their kid out sick that week they'll FORCE the kid to go through it? What if they kid refuses? Sounds like an intrusion on ones civil liberties and I'M JUST SAYING they are just asking for someone to show up, declare their authority illegitimate and illegal, and
deal with them accordingly;with a lawsuit of course.
Christian Hall
and thats a good thing!
John Morris
Im sure the kikes own every judge in the state,but they could certainly try I guess.
Adam Peterson
Agree California should be burned to the fucking ground
Jace Turner
uh huh
Wyatt Ross
what if the carrot breaks inside
Mason Thompson
Honestly what could they do if the kid refuses? Or if the parent just flat out pulls them and tells them to fuck right off, what happens then? The article just states "they have no right to pull them from the class" but what are the consequences? Like I said, someone should deal with them...with a class action lawsuit of course!
Lincoln Hall
Luke Green
People seriously teaching that to children? To shove cucumbers up their asses? Is it trolling or extreme clown world?
Elijah James
You're sheltered if you think kids don't already know and joke about this stuff.
Jason Taylor
Audibly kekd
Happy Easter amirite!
Hide the eggs little Jimmy.
If they don't fit use a carrot
Julian Long
Please God. Send a giant tsunami to Cali to wash all the degenerate scum out to sea.
Robert Bell
It is not about bing sheltered, but public education giving you recommendations on how to healthily shove a cucumber up your ass is stuff I'd expect to see in a south park episode, not reality.
Jacob Allen
The anus is not a sex organ
Owen Baker
That's the 90's, the last quasi-decent decade
Xavier Jenkins
>Who buys one banana?
Hudson Ward
obviously not you hosers who definitely can't buy one beer
Brody Barnes
Well, at least they aren't pushing for state subsidized toys. They haven't gone full commie yet.
Carter Walker
Why do they need to teach kids these things? pretty sure kids can figure it out for themselves.
Andrew Williams
Why not just buy a cyberskin toy?
Isaac Rogers
Cali is literally turning kids into fucking fruits
Josiah Howard
>just remember to use condom
why? it's not like a cucumber is going to impregnate me.
Connor Perry
Yeah because that always worked so well. It's not like Christian girls are known to be whores as a stereotype or anything. Why do Christians always insist on believing in things that are simply not true?
Carson White
Blue Waffles!
Jace Nelson
It's almost as if they realized teaching abstinence didn't work and abstinence was the single worst birth control method.
Noah Cooper
Power ultimately resides in the hands of the people. It is the government's job to govern and not to dictate policy without the consent of the governed. It is up to the parents to call for an emergency PTA meeting and jointly threaten to pull their kids out of school permanently
Joseph Brown
like at least say toothbrush handle, most of those vegetables are way too big
Bentley Martinez
I think the modern woman would benefit more from sticking the brush side in and using it to clean that dirty vag
Liam Wright
Luis Scott
>single worst birth control method
>tfw knocked up a bitch with telepathy