Cigarette advice

Recently turned 18 and I want to try a cigarette out of pure curiosity of what it’s like, I have no plan on smoking regularly. Which brand should I pick?

>inb4 don’t do it not even once

I know myself better than you and I have really good self control, but I’m also naturally curious

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They all suck ass, go get something hand rolled.

So smoke one retard.

American spirits black or Nat Sherman’s classics

What fucking brand should I pick to try asshole? I’m not going to go try them all

They're not that different except in taste and "texture", you'll get the same buzz anyway. I'd suggest not smoking an entire cigarette since you have no tolerance, 1/3 or half a cig will suffice.

Chances are that it won't be pleasurable the first couple of times if you're not used to inhaling plant matter, but as your respiratory system adjusts it can feel quite nice.

Just ask the next guy you see, smokers are generous because they all get pissy and have the shakes. Worse than heroin unless you use a needle.

And also, if you've never smoked anything, don't pull directly into the lungs, just exhale, pull smoke into your mouth, remove cig, then inhale regularly so you get a good smoke/air mixture.

Turkish royals. Flavorful cigs that aren't too harsh.

Keep in mind that that nicotine buzz you'll feel and be amazed by disappears completely after one week of smoking and never comes back. I know you'll be tempted to smoke again from that relaxing mellowness (it's what got me to come back) but I promise you it'll never return after you've been smoking a week.

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>that nicotine buzz you'll feel and be amazed by disappears completely after one week of smoking and never comes back

This is not true at all in my experience. Feels good every time. Even after long breaks. Your lungs will feel like shit if you start going through, i don't know, half a pack a day and you'll get nasty phlegm but the buzz never dissapointed me.

Honestly, you're better off just not smoking I If you do, take one cigarette out and throw the rest of the pack away. With that being said, buy a pack of papers and a small pouch of Drum or Bali Shag. Don't get hooked.

And if you do get hooked start finding alternatives as soon as possible, vaping doesn't do nearly as much damage to your lungs as cigarettes.

Parliament lights are the gentleman's gas station cigarette

Literally true. I would always offer people a dollar for a cigarette when in need and everyone would be like ... Oh.. no please take it... I know that feel...

It's not worth it. Nicotine is insanely addictive. You'll yearn for that virgin nicotine buzz for years to come. You'll give in several times, which only makes the urges more frequent. You'll be able to resist, but all in all it will be sort of a drain. Just don't do it, user.

If you aren't a smoker, they will all basically taste the same to you either way. Just ask a smoker buddy to lend you one and give it a try. Why the fuck buying a pack?

Yeah this noob is confusing oxygen deprivation with nicotine buzz.. Nicotine is pure joy.. Nicotine gum and snus both rule

>I would always offer people a dollar for a cigarette
Fucking based. Only happened to me a few times. Met a lot more fuckers who ask for a cig and then for another if they see I got an almost full pack.

black and mild

buy a pack of marlboro red and start smoking lighting the filter

Any pipe-bros in this thread? Have recommendations where to start? I want to smoke some fine tobacco in my garden.

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Do not, don't, you fucking retard
>I know myself better than you, I have good self control
said literally every single person who has ever started to smoke.
It's addictive, if your self control is so good don't touch one even out of curiosity.
If you smoke a single cigarette you will think "hm, I want another one", and your distance from being a regular smoker becomes far, FAR smaller.

If you absolutely must know what it feels like, it's very relaxing and very satisfying, but you become dependent on that satisfaction.
If I get angry or anxious I absolutely HAVE to smoke.

I know that to you, an 18 year old who has never smoked and is probably not addicted to anything, addictions seem like a silly thing that can only happen to people with a weaker will than yours.
but there's a reason it's so wide spread, do yourself a favor and don't smoke.
If you end up smoking anyway, I want you to remember that this one guy on Jow Forums tried to tell you and you didn't listen, and that it makes you a stupid, stupid, stupid faggot.

you're exaggerating. one cigarette wont make you suddenly addicted. i've smoked before, when i was 17 actually. did it like 5 times, never got an urge do it, just did to be 'cool'.

One cigarette is enough to develop a taste.
Once you develop a taste cigarettes stop being disgusting and smelly.
And once that happens, the distance between OP and being a regular smoker becomes very short.

>try a cigarette out of pure curiosity
try a cigar my friend. go to a smoke shop and get a nice one. not sure what brand, diff country. cigarettes are just too accessible and easy to get addicted too. just sayin

they've always been unattractive to me, again, i just did it to be cool. if op can control himself for a couple of days, which he apparently can, he'll be fine.

>Do not, don't, you fucking retard
This is the kind of behaviour that is turning our generation in a bunch of beta pussies.
OP has some inquisitiveness and risk tolerance which is something extremely useful if you pretend to not be a fucking loser in this World as it currently is.
We have modern medicine, we have welfare nets, we have a relatively prosperous and stable economy, we have private charities, we have insurances, we have non-for profits, we have all the protections and risk-preventing organizations we need -and more!- and yet the youth are such a bunch of pussies that they fear A FUCKING CIGARRETE of all things?!
You are talking about it like is Krokodil or Bath Salts, C'MMON.

>OP is a go getter! he should develop a habit that's expensive, makes him smell like an ashtray and will make him gasp for air going up the stairs.
nigger are you retarded?
It's not about being afraid, it's about not making an idiotic decision based on a curious impulse.

My only argument against is that prepackaged cigs are a shit product. It's like the basic McDonalds hamburger with all it's chemicals and shit, easy but fundamentally gross.

Roll your own if you're going to smoke. Make your own delicious burgers on artisan buns.

Cigars are for non-addicted smokers because you don’t inhale it like a cig.
Unless they’re old and don’t give a fuck anymore like me.
I’d say you should buy some camel SNUS packets, they’re pouches that hit you like chew but cleaner and better flavor. Vaping is bullshit, it’s not as good as a real cig. But smokeless chewing tobacco is awesome on long flights.

Nicotine is a mediocre drug that's expensive as hell. And it does get in your head. You will be thinking a cigarette would be pretty good right now, and it would be, and that's how it becomes a habit. Make sure your first pack is your last for at least a few months.

That said, American Spirit is the easiest good brand to find. I get Black, rip the filter off, and light the ripped end.

Every time they see someone smoking on tv or in public it’s a fuckin rat trap back to smoking again.

You have to put serious effort into getting addicted, nobody gets addicted from 3-4 smokes in a week

Marlboro red, lucky strikes, camel yellow are pretty standard if you live in the us. Or just bum one off a friend to try- buying a pack is a huge step towards being addicted. I've smoked foreabout 5 years now.

I've met people who "aren't addicted" and only "smoke 3-4 cigarettes a week", that's just plain denial, they're smokers.
Seriously, smoking is ass, I was a retarded teen when I started, you're 18 OP, you should know better.

Just smoke weed instead brah

One pack will be enough to put cigarettes in your head for a while, a month at least.

That's not a smoker lmao, you're a smoker when its compulsive

I can stretch a pack over 2 months

in my experience i found myself smoking during my down time at work (local small town pizza place, a lot of down time) i feel like if you keep yourself busy then you won’t get addicted, ez

The desire to at least try stuff that are relatively harmless (which a few of cigarettes are unless you have severe asthma or something) is not an idiotic impulse. If you want to add something like addiction, abuse and lung cancer like that's determined, that's prerogative but it's far from true.