Went to Antifa meeting, AMA

Went to Antifa meeting in Denver on Sunday after my friend asked me if I wanted to go. I thought why not.

It was p boring/anti-climatic. They played the Communist International at the start and had posters of Mao, Lenin, Nelson Mandela, and Yasser Arafat on the wall. Then their head guy just bitched about kids being held at the border and palestinians being oppressed for 45 minutes. At the end they talked about some pro-Trump youtuber arriving in Denver later and how they want to protest him.

Ask me anything else

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Did you suck them off?

No but there were a lot of people with gay flag pins there and a gay flag on a pole alongside the Soviet and Palestinian ones

One of them was sort of cute tho

What did it smell like?

Was some pot smell from them smoking weed beforehand. Otherwise just like a community center.

Literally just met in a YMCA room which was sort of funny.

Do they ever talk about inciting violence and attacking people on the street? Did you hear them talk about planning anything like that, or was there any mention of their funds and how they are getting them?

You think you guys are ready to defeat the army or whatever and overthrow the government?

>Then their head guy just bitched about kids being held at the border and palestinians being oppressed for 45 minutes

if anybody was curious about the endless natsoc larp on Jow Forums
communists hate Israel
always have
always will
they don't actually know why
>your a jew shill


The revolution is coming soon chud

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Fags and trannies seem to be antifa for some weird reason. Wonder if they have a grindr/tinder?

>Do they ever talk about inciting violence and attacking people on the street? Did you hear them talk about planning anything like that,
The only thing they planned was to harass this youtuber when he shows up later (I think it was a Rebel Media guy?). Didn't talk about attacking people specifically, just "Political Actions" that seemed to be codeword for punching them.

Didn't mention that at all, he did say nobody was getting paid for showing up to the rebel media guys rally but to do it anyway tho. But they did have some money for all the decorations and renting the room I suppose.

They seemed to hate Israel p badly yeah but the main guy looked arab that may have been why

youre doing God's work user

the thing that scared me with these people is that they are subhumans but could kill you with one bullet
tfw guns fucks darwin's evolutionnary theory

They also had a powerpoint style presentation with Ben Shapiro and Richard Spencer's faces with red X's through them. Does that count as promoting violence?

Someone else too from those "change my mind" memes, I dont know his name

due to their high levels of estrogen ,chances of 1 bullet kills extremely low

>Change My Mind

Steven Crowder

Nice larp faggot.
Otherwise you just outed yourself as a newbie at the Denver chapter on Sunday and you’ll be bike locked by a tranny from behind by week’s end.

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No it does not. Modern Warfare (both conventional and unconventional) involves immense amounts of intellegence and strength from all kinds of Participants. All Firearms did was make it so the Weak can be competant at combat with minimal training. But Strong Men still decisively win the day...


They literally didn't even ask me my name or anything. Seemed pretty loose about security.

Do you suck penis?

>The last face you'll see before dying

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That sounds tedious as fuck, quite frankly. No wonder leftists seem pissed off all the time.

calm down there akmed

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Low security, their plans only go as far as "this guy", and openly worship genocidal communist.

Did they have any 'special guest' or talk about any kind of preperations or event?

I've been to meetings of people associated with antifa, that just had confirmed my bias about how pathetic western leftists are.
Antifa was suposed to be a terrorist organization in enemy countries, radicalize adepts into the armed struggle or help people willing to be a suicide terrorist.

This is why I'm always skeptical of single-issue anti-zionists. Anti-war people who think Israel is the single most important issue in American politics are typically red. Not the I'm pro-war per se, just that the anti-war movement is also typically red.

Gay flag alongside soviet flag?
Didn't soviets shoot homos on sight?

No special guests but there was an older fellow in the front row of chairs. He looked like a college professor or some sort of aging hippie or something. He was really into it and one of the few not playing on his phones the whole time.

As for "preparations" they said to put your phone number on a sheet of paper they passed around for information on when to show up for future protests. I put down a fake number because I didn't want them spamming me with their texts. I already made that mistake with best buy.

Everyone hates the jews

They’ve seen your face.
Unless you’re a lefty larping on here you’ll be recognized and swarmed by homos and xirs soon enough.

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I wish they would come to SC. You have no idea less you are here. Everyone is on edge just waiting. It’s like 2000 powder kegs. It’s entertaining

>Modern Warfare (both conventional and unconventional) involves immense amounts of intellegence and strength from all kinds of Participants.
Lot of fucking cardio in maneuver warfare. Who knew right lol?

Depends on technology too. Weak men can beat strong ones if they are better equipped.

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Did they bitch more about 'Fascism' or 'Capitalism'?

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Were there any old school leftists or anarchists there or did it seem to be the usual bag of rejects and PC faggots playing pretend?

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They called everything Nazi. Even mentioned "nazi system of economics that systematically oppress workers".

I found it weird because they called Israel nazi several times when they're all jews

>palestinians being oppressed

Have you make the argument "the Jews are allowed to do these things to Palestinians because they control our own countries" ?

This short circuits their beliefs.

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Well, good to know they don't have opsec. Any hint to them housing illegal items I their meeting space. If that is there their chapter can get shut down. And I double the judge will pardon a bunch of idiots worshiping chairman mao.

funny, i went to a socialist meeting once in 2014 in Atlanta. They complained about white people for an hour and then the fat bitch hosting the thing shoehorned in her pitch to sell socialist propaganda books.

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Are there antifas with jobs? (real jobs, not mcdonalds)

>Went to Antifa meeting in Denver on Sunday

How many cocks did you suck?

How many cocks did they expect you to suck?

Yeah there was 1, I mention him He had his hand on his heart during the Communist International song (I only knew what it was because they said it before the guy played it from his phone) and clapped at the end. Everyone else just sort of looked bored and played on their phone.

Keep attending the meetings and be active. You have an opportunity to shitpost physically. You cannot pass this up.

Have you considered suicide? There a lot of techniques we can suggest you try.

Nice. Fucking retards won't achieve anything of note. Their entire belief system is them being useful idiots to the people they claim to hate.

At least some Marxists are smart enough to think for themselves but they usually end up turning to the Third Position once they learn more about it.

Marxism = Anticapitalism
Anticapitalism =/= Marxism

The head arab looking guy says he works for Amnesty International and went to go protest in Palestine and got hit by Israeli tear gas and shit.

Another girl mentioned she worked at the Denver Opera

Are you going to report what you saw to the FBI? They are literally a domestic terror/violence group.

It was really boring I doubt I'll go back. I just was curious to see what it was like after seeing vids of them on /v/ (mainly post on /v/ here).

My friend asked me what I thought of it after and I lied and said it was interesting tho. Didn't feel like stirring the pot.

They rented a YMCA room I don't think the FBI is doing much against them even if they are considered terrorists.

Now we know antifa and am-nat are tied groups. Anyone know how Amnesty international does recruiting?

I went to an "anarchist book fair" in my city a few years ago, what a circus that was.
Besides the main area where there were tables and booths set up for different organizations, there were seminars in separate rooms.
I went to one that I think was about environmental destruction or something. Didn't matter what it was supposed to be about, because the whole thing was basically hijacked by a tranny and it's friend who spent the whole time arguing with the person holding the seminar about why some other person, supposedly some other anarchist called out as an abuser/rapist, was allowed to attend the fair.
When I'd had enough and left, there was a crowd of people outside the building handing out flyers with info and photos of some apparent Nazis. (Pic related, not posting the photos to. The funny part about it is that there are some Latinos listed)

>head arab looking guy
arab looking goy, or dark style jew?

The left has always hated Israel. That's why I'm always suspicious of jew hate on pol. Seems like a good way for the left to gradually infect minds here.

Maybe he was Jewish idk, I assumed he wasn't because he bitched about Israel a lot and got tear gassed by Israeli troops in palestine

American evangelicals love the Jew.

You can report the YMCA to them for being accessories to their actions

yes but they refuse to accept any form of truth.

wouldn't those faggots get stoned there?

Lol'd hard at that pic

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YMCA is run by stoner teenagers with lip rings I don't think they're very aware of any of this

Was the meeting in NW Denver? Like off 44th?

how many people? what was the ratio of men, women, xirs?

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Fuckin bizarre, I used to be into anarchism (the Edward Abbey type) when I was younger and some of the mean streak is still in me today in the form the multiple guns I own and disdain for authoritarianism, particularly the communist kind. What were the series of events that led to you going to this commie LARP session?

Did you catch the AIDS?

>Not tied to "anarchist"
Come on man.

so do you love fighting the MAN

25th East 16th Avenue YMCA in Downtown Denver

About 25 I'd say


It was boring, even everyone there seemed bored. This came off as really mundane.

>Seemed pretty loose about security.
Antifa is protected by the police in every western country. It's an unofficial state agency in countries like Sweden or Germany used to attack opposition.
That's why they are weak cucks, they always depend on the police to protect them if things get really heated.

>Does that count
Yes, but violence against Ben Shapiro is something we can all agree on.

Well there weren't any cops there or anything. A guy even brought out all the communist and palestinian and etc flags on the way out to put back in his car and nobody seemed alarmed

Alright its been fun lads just thought I'd post for a bit. I'll post another thread next time my friend asks me to go beforehand so one of you can crash it instead of me

God speed inf-bro

opinion discarded

Show them Bezmenov lecture. youtube.com/watch?v=rB8dxgFI0vg

did they discuss any forms of marxist or communist or socialist theory? anything about organizing workers to better defend themselves against economic exploitation? anything about scab labor? anything about anything of value?

t. kike lover

How do I call niggers niggers with my eyes Jow Forums?

Just look at them. Or avoid looking at them. They'll know.

So basically just be white?

das a rasis qeeston beco yoo don beeleev

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well im

What was the gender ration like? How fit/obese was everyone? Were there any rules about recording faces?


Che killed homos all of the time, too.

Look up rocky mountain Antifa's website. They had a part about Chicago Antifa sending a "traitor to the hospital from creating him with pull queues.

>selling something for money

I'm assuming he forgot the suicide bomber vest?

A fucking wasted night. Do better, user. BE BEST.

I was thinking of going to one of those things, I would kind of stick out though. I don’t have any black hoodies or skinny jeans and tats.

Why do commies support an ethnostate for kurds and palestinians

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Was there any actually strong bodybuilder or all lil faggs who die by a single punch

>The left has always hated Israel. That's why I'm always suspicious of jew hate on pol

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(gulf war)


Is this all you can come up with to prevent people from infiltrating your fag meetings, shallow threats of violence on a jurchen finger painting forum.

When and Where is the protest going to be ?

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A commie activist (Marxist-Leninst he called himself) told me once that gayness and gender-dysphoria are just symptoms of "capitalistic decadence and hyper sexualised indvidualism" and that if the world would just go full communist they'd turn straight and CIS.

Where do you guys meet so I can shoot up the place.

You antifa faggots deserve the oven.

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the "people" who support the evil invert the reality and pretend they aren't behind what they do and admittedly historically supported sounds like jews