What will happen in 2020?

Most likely Trump will win, and the left will flip out. OR, Trump loses and refuses to accept the results, the left will REALLY flip out. Third option...Trump loses and steps down, the left comes after us with everything they have, and WE flip out.

Do you think there's any likely outcome besides those three?

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75% chance of civil war after 2020 election.
95% by 2024

Your country is collapsing. Not enough resources to go around. There's likely to be a constitutional crisis similar to what happened in USSR in 1991/1993

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Except Trump is a huge pro Israel advocate...

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Judge people by their actions, not their words, Moshe. Kikes seem to disagree with you strongly.

November 2020:
No candidate gets minimum 270 electoral vote threshold. Election is (by Constitutional law) thrown into House of Representatives. Dem wins, Republicans scream "coup", Election of 1824 and U.S. Constitution notwithstanding in their memory/playbook

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>Most likely Trump will win

Depends on who the democrats run
Trump only won because Hillary was the worst possible candidate the dnc coulf shit out.
For the record I hate Bernie
If they actually run him he might win
Bernie is popular with the base, but he might get the nomination stolen from him again

Shit head right wingers will get BTFO. Trump is a disgrace, and has proven that the so called "Religious right" only care about sticking it to "libruls" and have no real values.

Option 4: Trump is shot in the head after his Jewish handlers realize he’s such a pain in the ass that he’s not worth it.

The left pretends to not be thrilled and the right gets mad at Muslims, blacks, and Mexicans. No other republican has anywhere near enough popular support to win and a moderate Democrat takes office. The left doesn’t need Bernie or anyone crazy to win against the other republicans.

The country heals and Trump is buried in an unmarked grave with Jewish cum all over his bloated orange-stained corpse.

The money is all made up anyway, it doesn't matter. In terms of raw resources, there are plenty.

For instance, we are the:
#1 oil producer
#1 natural gas producer
#3 coal producer
#8 iron ore producer
#4 copper producer

That's just nonrenewables. We also have the overall most farmland in the world, when adjusted for total output, and how easily that output is achieved.

We can't produce our own coffee, but fuck it, I have a stash I'm willing to share with the neighborhood.

The civil war will obliterate our old monetary system and wipe away the imaginary debt holding us back.

Yeah, that's my thought as well. I'm not so sure that Trump won so much as Hillary lost. That said, he's been great for our country and overall has been getting more and more popular. He may have a chance.

Democrats flip Pennsylvania and Michigan, Trump holds on to Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, Iowa, Wisconsin and the district in Maine. Trump wins 270 to 268.

Wow...that's dark.

>Trump holds on to Florida
What about all the new felon voters?

yes that's why Israel put him on a coin & he got all that adelson money.

Nothing like always

Just sent this to USSS. Fuck you.

As seen in the very examples you don't even argue, that Adelson money isn't nearly as much as the kikes dumped into Shillary. Actions speak louder and words, and the money clearly says Trump is the better choice for non-kikes.

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Has he been getting more and more popular? I feel like besides the (((polls))) the people I know have not changed their mind either way - like none.

>Democrats put up their dogshit candidates
>Psycho Kamala gets nomination
>Trump wins due to ongoing Dem corruption and media drowning us in leftie propaganda
>sjws do nothing
>commies do usual dumb shit
>silent majority maintains stability
>numerous unpredictable wildcard events to follow

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anyone else see Eats With Comb and her "please clap" moment?

Checked. 2020 will be the start of the civil war. Honestly it may break out before the election.

This graph scares me. I'm just now finally starting to get heavily invested in the stock market / housing at 30, but I can't help but feel that we're in for a worldwide, economic collapse soon, on multiple levels.

How likely is it that the bottom will fall out on the debt market in the US?

Trump wins in 2020. The real deal is 2024 when pence runs. We're gonna have a real electoral crisis and the left won't accept a pence win. Cyclic cycles predict violence from 2024 to 2029.

Trump will win leftists will burn a trash can then go back to their cuck porn. 2024 is when shit goes down if at all

2024 is when Cruz gets in.
>Reign of Runes

>Your country is collapsing
you mean the whole world.
if US goes so does the rest of the world.
Middle east turns into a giant slab of glowing glass

>Most likely Trump will win, and the left will flip out.
Its this one.

>Implying elected officials could ever stand up to der juden

White man must create chaos and pain to the establishment to exhist. Relocate...anywhere and wherever you feel comfortable. Strap in and live frugal. And most importantly, cease paying taxes. Do it now.

Oh man, thought Trump being reelected would bring the ass hurt. Pence would lead to... I don't even know what level of ass hurt and salt.

I think the bottom line is that eventually the left will regain power, whether it's in 20 or 24. They will do everything they can to "undo" Trump and attack the right any way they can...it will be payback on a grand scale. I don't think there's any doubt that the shit will hit the fan in the next few years.

Since Clinton it seems dems and gop just rotate every 8 years. So its highly possible dems take 2024 and undo the Trump agenda as he did Obamas.

To your point, this may be a flashpoint to the fuckery.

>judge people by their actions
-cut aid to Palestinians
a-game the Golan heights to Israel
a-game Jerusalem to Israel
-vetod bds bill
-gave most money to isreal
-bombed Syria
-canceled the iran deal
-married his daughter to Jewish mafia kingpin
-cancled 3 pullout for the sake of isreal
-his cabinet is made up of PNAC members and giga kikes
>judge him by his actions
I'm fuckin tired of all you smooth brain trump cultists. Hes just Bush 4.0 super Zion

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mexico gets another one year warning

When 2020 rolls around nothing will happen. You fucktards will still be here asking what's going to happen, fapping to traps and looking for your latest dragon dildo to fuck your poor used up arsehole. Complaining about Jews, Muslims, and Dindus. Same old fucking same old. Free speech will be clamped down on even further, and soon even this shithole for venting will be gone. Get used to it. The world's afire, and there isn't a damn thing you're gonna do about it.

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>Bernie becomes president
>Trillions generated in tax revenue by closing loopholes and making billion dollar corporations pay taxes
>Millions of neets put to work through federal jobs program
>Billions poured into crumbling infrastructure
>Billions saved by not participating in scam wars
>Millions of Americans saved from being overcharged by the private health insurance scam by getting medicare for all
>Take back elections for the people by repealing citizens united
>Millions of American workers get better pay and benefits because Bernie has made it easier to unionize
Feel the Bern!

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>I dont care what he dose as long as it triggers le leftards

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How jewish are you?

Why not keep enemies close? What if doing said things keep them off your plan or suspicious?

Make them look over here while you construct a plan to end all conspiracies against USA?

Not subscribing to any current theories, but majority of the promises have been kept (unlike any other president or politician). You think draining the swamp can happen within a year? This is an unfolding of years of roots into the system.

Trump wins hands down because even normies are tired of the left at this point, the commies throw a fit for a little while and get stomped by police/counter protesters like last time. Life goes on.

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>t. Nihilist who thinks hes the smartest guy in a room full of speds
>guys were fucked and nothing can change it
It takes a bit of turmoil and a few martyrs

Pretty much user, but you forgot one thing....after the clownpill, comes the RESET BUTTON

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Congrats on winning that fight against that strawman.

>Bernie becomes president
>trillions are lost as companies flee the US
>millions are added to the unemployed with the promise of Bernie bucks
>millions end up dead when the govt. has to cancel the gibs and instigate a civil war

god i hope it breaks out while trump is alive and in office, so he can put the ban hammer on the left with martial law

Hillary seemed like the worst possible candidate because she was the only Democrat who had to face Trump and the full meme campaign that went with that.

You know, all three sound pretty fun.

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Fourth option. Trump wins and America keep colapsing under it's own weight

Gas the evil

Trump will win because he is incumbent, a lot of celebrities will talk about moving to Canada and won't. Trumpfags will claim that now he will build the wall and repeal Obamacare and Trump will do neither of those things, in 2024 a democrat will win and the system will repeat.

>He thinks anything major or important will happen
>He thinks and incumbent might lose reelection
Trump could sodomize a 6 year old boy on national television before eating him alive and as long as the economy holds up he would win reelection.

> bombed an evacuated airfield
> put out motions to pull out forces three times, three times it was undercut and he was blamed for the latter
> did some zio pandering shit literally every single one of his competitors either did or would have done, even Bernie
Oh god, that's so...wait that isn't anywhere near as bad as you try to make it. Instead
> built the wall
> abolished catch&release
> introduced merit-based pro-white visa system
> over a dozen times more kiddy diddlers get busted that magically escaped the law on previous administrations
> refugee admissions imploded
> trade deals have been replaced
> wages increased
> taxes decreased
> there are even soldiers at the southern border
I didn't expect him to try fulfilling any of his promises, and yet I got all this, and if it weren't for boomers being asshurt and abusing their offices for obstructionism, there would have been even more.

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Electric Pence is a meme. In reality, a Pence victory would be a return to the status quo of left-leaning governance with Republicans cucking along.


Get off this board cuck and kys


It's the Dems race to lose anyways

Don't talk to me about values, leftist scum.


patents.google.com/patent/US10144532B2/en nothing of note at all

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>why dont you suck your enemies ass while they fuck your wife
Some good logic there niggerboy but I dont see how building your enemy a superstate is helping the situation at all.
>muh 4 gorillion D chess
Let me guess, one dey when isreal thinks their safe behind their diamond encrusted nukes all the based migapedes will downvote Netanyahu into submission? Than the lord and savior Dahnald trumpstine will bless USS all with legal immigrants and tax spikes
>the majority of the promises have been kept
How about telling me what then, and I'm not talking about some pety tax reform or something I'm talking about the things that got him elected like building a wall and pulling out of Syria. And before you start, no a wall was not started or built and replacing obongos picket fence doesn't count either
>muh pictures of prototypes
I can go out in my yard and build a 1×1 wall too, so no his example doesn't count either

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>Religious right
Is it 1996 again already?

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>muh strawman
What is there to strawman you fucking retard

I fucking pray to Easter that trump gets re-elected.
It might actually start ropeday

Nah, Trump will win. Some dems will wake out of this drunken stupor and reason with their base to accept the 2016 and 2020 results and move on by ditching all the batshit crazy people like AOC, Warren, Schiff, Schumer, Booker etc. Dems will basically break apart into 2 parties. Centrists and far left. Our elections are going to look more and more like German elections where several parties are running against each others and form a power coalition to take the majority.

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forgot right pic

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They've become quite adept at fisting themselves, haven't they?

Implying felons vote

Nope, they are all far left. Some just have trouble hiding their 'power level.'

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>They’re all Far left

Prove it.

Trump will win again and he will continue to forge the republican party into a force of hyperliberalism, migapedes will embrace multiculturalism and Trump will grant amnesty to all illegal non-whites while Israelis dance and cheer.

When your platform is a clown fiesta, you deserve to be ridiculed and antagonized

Haha nobody is going to flip out if the left comes for you. You're just going to whine and cry about it on the internet. Until they kick you off the internet, that is.

Fuck... he got trips so this is going to happen now.

Bernie can probably beat Trump if the dems are willing to nominate him.
Steals the key demographics in swing states perfectly.

No there are plenty of resources (some would say too many resources).
What's happening in the US economy is an entirely man-made phenomenon and has no precedent in history.
It's a huge experiment by modern economists, the Fed, and financial system.
Nobody knows how it ends. Yet.

>How likely is it that the bottom will fall out on the debt market in the US?
Nobody knows.

If he passes any of it through congress i'll be awestruck.

>left comes after us
>we retaliate

The monetary system is what makes everything run and with global integration of trade you can't just snap your fingers and make things better overnight if there is a breakdown. Natural resources can't be exchanged if we don't have an agreeable standard by which they are bought and sold. The people who run this country aren't going to have a war with nuclear powers over our natural resources, and they aren't going to lose much if they cuck the nation with a new global standard, which is what they will do when shit hits the fan.

Are you a fucking retard? Everything he's done has been for the Jews.

>there isn't a damn thing you're gonna do about it

Some of us have. I have a feeling as time goes on more of us will.

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Nothing happens but people whining online, like the usual.

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As if "sticking it to liberals" isn't in and of itself a worthwhile venture.

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The 2008 crash wasn't solved; it was postponed. This cannot mathematically continue. Have an exit strategy, probably for hyperinflation.

didn't USSR collapse due to unpaid debt?

Looks like USA is going the same way

>the left will flip out
Why even bother mentioning this? They are and have been and will be in a permanent state of psychosis. Also, who gives a fuck if they are?

You think they don't?


Kek, keep dreaming faggot

>implying the pundits and pollsters won't be among the first against the wall

>Our elections are going to look more and more like German elections where several parties are running against each others
There's a reason this doesn't happen already. Our system selects for big tent parties. Have you ever stopped to think why libertarians, paleocons, neocons, and christfags all congregate in the GOP rather than forming their own parties? It's because our winner-take-all voting system demoralizes small parties, so over time they wise up and merge into the larger ones.

What your suggesting can at best happen maybe one election cycle, but all that would happen is they small niches would congregate around two big tent parties again.

Trump looses and the left does like they did under Obama and the right just talks shit and does nothing.
Trump does nothing for for more years and we go back to rhinos and donkeys.

Trump will win

OR, as the God emperor has "joked" recently, he could be president for life. Crazier things have happened thousands of times in history, which is still ongoing

Yeah honestly this
Id add:
>Commies and atifa types commit more violence than in 2016
>this drives the moderates to trump even more
>wildcard meme world ensues

Trump wins a landslide and there are parades everywhere

I'd support it, even though hes a kike. but I just want a monarch.
I'd fight for the god emperor.
The final stage of empire is always an emperor

They can in Florida it is new

>bombed an airfield
He bombed more than that and you know it, and regardless he still bombed another country, it wouldnt matter if he bombed a desolate desert he still launched bombs at another country for the sake of Israel
>tried to pull out but had no balls but that's not his fault
What was stopping him? He had the power to pull out but didn't
>did Zionist shit just like everyone else
So you admit hes a puppet but that's okay. And were not talking about some other talking head here were talking about the cheeto man
>built that wall
Where is the wall, I dont see one and I've been down to the boder to see for myself, I'm pretty sure he stated himself that there will be no wall
>abolished catch and release
So ice deported a few thousand Mexicans but trump left a few million for in return
>some bullshit
>muh pedos are getting busted
Trump is good friends with Jeffery Epstein and has been on his plate the "lolita Express" and has even been on orgy island. Also I want you to direct me to a major pedophile or even any pedophile that was imprisoned and is currently in prison due to trump's administration
>refuge admission imploded
We still get thousands of niggers a day and it's only been rising. I live near a city that gets niggers
>trade deal
So he challenged China and lost but made it more expensive to transport goods from China to the mainland and made it harder to produce domestically. That's what really happened in the end. Like it or not but Chinese made goods are going to stay, we are past the point to be able to be a self sufficient country
>wages increased
I dont think they did but if they did it wouldn't be trumps doing just like how if the stock market crashed or rose it wouldn't be because of him, only unless he is directly responsible for it. You cant give trump credit for the natural cycle of the economy
>taxes decreased
Yeah sheldon Adelson really appreciated it
>there are even soldiers at the southern border
He pulled them out

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I think he means how many felons would actually get off their ass and vote.

Trump wins, leftists complain on Reddit, nothing else changes except the USA continues becoming less white

Apparently most of the ones who have registered to vote have registered republican maybe they like Trump for letting them out