(((They))) Fear the Black Israelites. They are derailing that thread very hard. Even to the point where (((they))) are now playing both sides... I think we need to turn this into a General, I have never seen kikes kvetch this much about a topic! This shit seems to get a more severe response from the JIDF than the standard "This is how the Holohoax lead to decline of the west." kinds of threads...
> But user why are threads about niggerjews better than just exposing the Holohoax?
Because those Black Israelites do not just expose the kike lies behind the Holocaust but also completely dismantels Jewish Culture and exposes them as leeches to whatever is the dominant Power of the time. (I.E it is like a Holohoax thread ON STEROIDS!!!) Unlike (((Richard Spencer))) and other Controlled Opposition these Proud Negros are willing to broadcast these views openingly in public, and never back down. They also are masters of debate and at the very least the sermon leader posses an abnormally high IQ for a Nigger... (There are plenty of Videos of them utterly defeating Kikes IN PUBLIC DEBATES!!!)
The way I see it gentlemen, is that these Black Israelites are the only force publicly fighting back against modern Jewry. And even if you hate the concept of Niggerjews, the Kikes utterly hate them even more... So we should undoubtably make more threads about the Black Israelites. They Expose Kikes much better than anyone of us has in public... > The JIDF will attempt to derail this thread. Do not fall for their Jewish Tricks! Lest you will unintentionally be doing (((their))) bidding!