Hear me out on this, Jow Forums. Since society is going to fail anyways...

Hear me out on this, Jow Forums. Since society is going to fail anyways, why don’t we just live on welfare benefits and have tons of children through that. We’ll never have to work again. Only wage slaves will disagree with me on this.

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here's your fatal flaw, furfag. if we "all" live on welfare, who does the work? are you tarded?

no one. your question assumes that his plan is permanent and sustainable. he is saying that america is broken and so why not do the political equivalent of turning it into scrap metal

>why don’t we just live on welfare benefits and have tons of children through that.
you really fucking think they let white people do this lol

because i like my basic utilities, toilet paper, and shitposting contraption? if you wanna live in a third world shit hole move to niggersville, africa

if they let us then the plan works. if they stop us then they broadcast their genocidal intent. use your neet bucks to buy books on homesteading. get a gun ASAP.

yeah, because someone will let you get them pregnant, faggot.

> if they stop us then they broadcast their genocidal intent

You must be like 12 years old. They have openly and repeatedly called for less whites, covered up actual white genocide in South Africa, etc. Every major city in America is minority-majority and if, despite this, you oppose additional migration you are called a literal Nazi bigot who deserves physical violence.

We are LONG, LONG past the point where it's not okay for them to "broadcast their genocidal intent".

>living on american welfare isthe same as living in an african country
>welfare niggers don't have toilet paper, utilities and shitposting devices
i think you might be (((purposefully misinterpreting things)))

Commit knife neck.

>[] he is saying that america is broken and so why not do the political equivalent of turning it into scrap metal
Alzheimer is a bitch

Our day will come furfag.
Worry not, the Day of the Knot is soon upon us.

But everyone is furry for Krystal you dummy.

You are a dumb nigger. You are the blackest retard gorilla nigger I have ever seen.

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>Since society is going to fail anyways, why don’t we just live on welfare benefits and have tons of children through that. We’ll never have to work again. Only wage slaves will disagree with me on this.

That is honest to god the esoteric truth of the matter. Westerners have become so utterly decadent that even when the jews tax every single commercial transaction at 20% (EU vat), even with planned obsolescence, debt slavery and wageslavery, westerners love their materialist consumerist lifestyles so much that even the zog regimes would throw money at them for having kids, they won't breed. They rather stay wageslaves and buy shiney bullshit, drink iced frappuccinos and consume garbage media and entertainment.

Realising this made me stop caring about white genocide. The minority of high quality whites will survive, the decadent masses will be culled. It's a desireable process.

Varg got it right.

Kikes, spics and chinks

Memes aside, if you live in Western Europe, being a Neet is the only way to go if you want 3+kids. You'll actually have more money left Neeting it up with a big family than trying to support it on a salary and the 55% tax and social services deduction that comes with it

White man must create chaos and pain to the establishment to exhist. Relocate...anywhere and wherever you feel comfortable. Strap in and live frugal. And most importantly, cease paying taxes. Do it now.


There are plenty of fem Neets with failesd "careers" who are just looking to be impregnated which would solve all their financial problems.
At least in Yuropoorland, don't know about the US

You would unironically be better off just getting a degree or license or career in something useful, getting a qt conservative church girl (may or may not be a virgin), moving to a low-cost area of a low-tax red state and popping out several kids there while Trump's child tax credit is in place since it's double what it was before.

That's the point hun

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What happens when society falls and you have no useful skills to provide for your kids? Then you'd be fucked.