Since women can also rape men, is there a way to create an anti-rape device for men...

Since women can also rape men, is there a way to create an anti-rape device for men? To stop them being taken advantage of especially when inebriated.

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men are responsible enough to not get raped when drunk.

>mfw the antirape device is just a giant dildo essentially.

>women must fuck themselves to prevent getting raped.

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>anti rape device
It’s called a gun

There's a pretty good example of such a device in the movie Seven. Can't get raped if your dick is a sharp knife.

well I got "raped" in uni by a girl at a pool party that said she'd look after me, but she kept bringing me drinks until I browned out and told me what we did the next day on Facebook. I wouldn't have minded a capsaicin cock for protection but I didn't want to shoot her after I found out

You consented when you kept drinking. Don't associate with people you don't trust.

>You consented when you kept drinking.
Try that one when a woman accuses you of rape and see if the argument holds water.

Women not accepting an argument doesn't make it invalid.

What's she going to do, call the cops?

imagine complaining about getting 'raped' by a girl


the fact you even have the shame to admit it happened means you need to commit honour suicide

Yeah call the cops and send your Chad ass to nigger rape town


Consenting to getting drunk isn't consenting to sex. I'm not arguing one cannot do both, but fucking a man or woman who's blacking out is rape.

This. As long as she’s not fat, ugly or black, what’s the problem

Here, dumbass. It has the benefit of working for both sexes.

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You have to be an ultra Chad for a woman to go all the way to making you drink in order to get you to fuck her

So person A blacks out and thinks person B raped them. With no evidence no DA would convict.

Wear this

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based and Jow Forumspilled

Men can't get raped unless it's in the butt you pussy

I'll make sure to rape them in the ass from now on.

So if you're forced to suck a cock it's not rape?

I am pretty sure that would get you killed.

God I love this country.

Bite it off you fucking homo

Call it whatever you fucking want faggot. Shoplifting and pick pocketing are still theft. Bringing up distinction and rebranding isn't going to alter reality, stop thinking you're God or Harry Potter it's not healthy.

Maybe cyber stalked by that weird black girl who loves anime and white guys too much

yes. don't go to whore houses and get drunk.

>Consenting to getting drunk isn't consenting to sex
Consenting to getting drunk is consenting to losing your ability to perform certains tasks or to pass appropriate judgement. If your black out drunk? Yeah, the other person is guilty, because you couldn't possibly consent when blacked out. A pissed drunk person can still give consent, though, and it's not any less consentual because of that.
In short, drunk consent is still consent. Black out people can't even say a coherent sentence, much less show consent.

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>> browned out
Is that where you shit on your own face and then cant see?

women shouldnt own guns, they will kill innocent people more often than not, they dont understand grounds for self defense, white women need white men with guns

It looks like a bomb pop.

Its when you dont completely black out but forget bits and pieces

I thought he shit himself lol

Women rape men by simply existing. Those roast beef flaps are the only thing you think or talk about. You fap to porn every fucking day.

>be rapist
>see weird old condom color hanging out of victims pussy
>fish it out
>see its a spiked condom
>turn spiked condom inside out for her punishment
>proceed to rape her cunt to shreds
oy vey

no rapist would ever have a dick that big

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>projecting this much
gtfo roastie don't even bother showing your rancid spud tits

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>is there a way to create an anti-rape device for men?
What do you think my fist is for?

Self defense.

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And what if she is? I mean I was "raped" in college by some fat pink haired chick. Never pressed charges or confronted her because who gives a shit, but still I'm not proud of fucking some fat lesbian looking slut.

fag like you looks for any reason to put things up his ass

No it's murder because I would just fight to the death and probably get shot before any dick went in my mouth.

>Since women can also rape men
When the fuck does that happen?

>be rapist
>put finger in first
does anyone even think these devices work?

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>lets wrap out dicks in sandpaper

>or be a human being and defend yourself

Based retard

this is what I use, I call it the thot alarm.
Its not for rape but Im sick of these whores who think they can claim me by touching me or grabbing my ass.
I make it clear that I dont do hook-ups but this is for when I get groped without warning or some drunk girl starts putting her cottage cheese ass on me

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forgot pic

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>imagine complaining about getting 'raped' by a girl
Imagine being such an incel that you have no standards and rape is considered getting laid. Ofc not bong, ur cuck personality has nothing to do with the state of your country. Go on though, you having no standards does indeed make you more of man. Were you trying to not sound like an incel ? Because only an incel would consider forced mating with a subpar female a bonus, fucking cuck.

>So afraid of being raped you walk around all day with a ribbed plastic half dildo stuffed up your girl-gape.

Every now and then I think I might be paranoid for CC'ing a handgun on my belt all day erry day, but this really puts things into perspective.

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>get raped by thot
>kill thot
>go to jail
>get disarmed and raped by Mexican
not so great

>kill thot
>bury thot

i protect my precious magic man seed.

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divorce court

>yes. don't go to whore houses and get drunk.

"but wah wah I wants to be drunk around womens.."

You forgot to change ur proxy pine gap, fucking amateurs.

found the degenerates who will fuck any skunk-pussy that will let them

Have some fucking self respect boys

Do all rapists have giant horse cocks?

So, this device:
>doesn’t prevent rape because it requires penetration to work
>elevates chances of catching HIV if the rapist is positive probably to 100% with him bleeding inside their pussy
“genius” artifact

Yes especially the female ones!

Yes because all rapists are niggers

He shat himself. He was drinking Bud Lite and it went right through him

I could go balls deep in that anti rape device without ever hitting the walls



>whats the problem
there are many problems with this situation. For instance she could refuse to let him pull out resulting in a chance of her getting pregnant, then being forced to pay child support in 9 months time when she reveals that the kid is his. The fact that you don't even think this far just shows how little (more than likely no) pussy you get. Pathetic.

>is there a way to create an anti-rape device for men
Yeah, you just take this thing and turn it inside out.

And men rape women, it's like an endless rape cycle. I think GBV wrote a song about it.

digits do not lie. also nigger

faggot OP
imagine not wanting to be “raped” by a cute girl

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I want that gilf to handle my cock

>be me
>brutally rape a bunch of thots
>necrophilia even
>go to prison
>word gets out
>thousands of thirsty roasties send me love letters every day
feels good man

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> How man women buy Rapex or whatever the fuck.
Very few.
> Of them, how many women shove Rapex or whatever up their hole(s)?
Even fewer.
> Of them, how many wish they had a dick in their pussies?
All of them.

This device has been around for over a decade and if ever a dick and a rapex met, you would hear about it. So there you go, 0% effective.

How does a woman rape a man?
Pegging? Sticking a finger in his asshole without his consent?

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ask your mom how you were conceived

I'll ask your mom cletus

Great comeback, Pedro, the memeflag really makes it.

would wife

I don’t know about human women, but I’d imagine a big ‘ol nigger sheboon might rape a man by forcefully sucking him off.

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Yea it’s a penis cage

He said that guns are MEN's defense against rape. Women are retarded and don't take guns seriously, generally. My mother bought a gun so she could get over her fear of it, she now believes guns are necessary, but she is irresponsible with them. No matter how many times I try to show her how to handle them, she just reverts back to holding it like a 1970s cop with finger resting on the trigger with space between the web of her hand and the beaver tail. My mother is just one example, I know, but in general, women don't get guns, they see them as overly masculine toys.


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She shoves that whole silicone thing in her cunt and wears it every day but she's afraid of dick in her cunt.

This. First time with a girl without a condom, was waking up from being blackout drunk and could tell a girl was on top of me, but not much else.
That was the initial physical rape. Still have 12 more years of child support as icing on the cake.

but you're a man so you can't be a victim

Sorry user, but I have to #believewomen no matter what.

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how most sexual assault / rape laws are written at the state level, rape is defined as forced penetration. According to that definition, women can't rape men, they can only commit sexual assault, unless they take an object and penetrate your angus

>forced penetration
So why isn't it rape when they forcefully penetrate themselves with your dick?

You were asking for it mate. Why did you get wasted in a place full of horny women?

Lol this fucking guy

because feminism, user. Shit like the Violence Against Women Act. Because tying a man down, getting him hard with viagra and riding him simply doesn't fit the legal definition of penetration of the victim. Sane people would see it as rape.

then why did that hot teacher go to jail?

Based and redpilled.
Only an absolute fucking degenerate or retard recklessly gets drunk and puts theirself in a dangerous or compromising situation.

If you do everything right and still get rape...I'll kill the rapist(s) for you.

If you act like a complete fuckup, you reaped what you sowed, you dumb bitch.

Fucking retards putting their heads in shark tanks and expecting white knights are worse than rapists.

Why are republicans against gun licenses when people like this exist? someone that doesn't know how to aim, shoot the center of mass, not shoot the pavement so the bullet won't ricochet, not to unload an entire clip into a crowd because a black guy stole your chocolate bar, would take like a 1 hour safety course and then you could have a gun license for the next 10-15 years and liberuls wouldn't whine.

why would you even go out if you thought you were going to be raped?

That's always a great way to keep roasties from accusing you of rape as well.

Why is the guy wearing a banana hammock?

borat made them fashionable

>anti-rape device for men?
its called being poor and homeless