I went out to record people without their permission again. I have a feeling ill get arrested soon. Enjoy.
HONK Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
26:57 to see me get rejected.
i did this for you, you niggers
Keep up the good work.
doing the lords work eurobro
Thanks. I just want a better cam man.
Well done user, I bet your european shithole is littered with CCTV and public cameras. Whenever anyone asks why you are filming just find one and point to it.
God speed.
You doing God‘s work Sir
Lol why don't they just walk away. Good shit Colgate.
Surveillance Camera Man: Polder edition
was that asian kid a retard or something?
fucking weirdo..you should have slapped him for talking like a fag
>So uhhh...are you Dutch?
I dont get it either. Sometimes they do after i tell em to. Npc much
Lol, again! OMFG lol!
Im just watching the vid back again, after it took 5 hrs to upload and... Man that girl was feeling incredibly uncomfortable
wow this is some high quality stuff
I wonder if you plan on going to the red light district soon and recording the whores that stand in front of the windows
would love to see some dumb hooker chase you around lel
What's the point. What are you trying to prove or bring awareness too?
Honk honk
he's just filming bro...take a hike
Very nice
Surveillance Camera Man did it better years ago.
this. Is it like a social experiment?
the reactions made me kek
Not as good as surveillance camera man.
is it easy for hollanders to learn english? they all speak very well even when angry lol
This came to mind too
Op have you seen this channel?
Post this on >NeinChan you sperg where there is much more traffic. All the based Anons are there
Surveillance camera man inspired me, so i tried it myself. I dont have anything to prove desu, but these surreal situations and interactions are making me laugh internally.
Fucking lel, just got to this part.
Dude you could have smashed if you told her you had were a faggot vlogger
This was such a weird encounter. He just stood there, frozen almost. I cant be that fucking intimidating
Dji Osmo Pocket
Oh cool. I like it. Flower shirt guy was p Cool
The cameraman should talk as little as possible.
Op, keep the chatter down ffs.
These are great. Keep it up
Nothing will be as good, thats a fact.
Ilike it, keep them coming friend.
The couple with the dog was great
I'm wondering if you're that same faggot that used to post on Jow Forums years ago.
He was also obsessed with "Surveillance Camera Man"
What is wrong with you people? I mean it doesn't seem like you're just interesting in filming people it seems more likely that you're interested in provoking people. Pissing them off so they can attack you or whatever.
You're a hack and a faggot. This is uninteresting.
For those of you who want to know who this faggot is copying it's this guy right here:
He released 8 videos almost as an experiment and for some reason you get Jow Forums copycats trying to harness views from this stupidity.
i keked out loud when you honked at the soiboi
Christ almighty, you sound like the biggest sperge ever.
>go to the timestamp in the OP
Holy fuck you found him in the wild user
time stamp pls
I stopped watching after he got rejected
the cringe was way to overbearing and I had a panic attack
I think it’s pretty obvious from the name of his fucking channel, no?
they grow up on american TV, gives them slight american accent on some words desu
its literally after the rejection
At least you tried. She was cute.
This thread. I like it.
>IRL Vloggers get so much pussy..
that would be suicidal
It fucking got me too and I knew it was coming
Do you have autism?
Wow a good thread on here, fuckin finally.
Yea I know but I feel like dutchanon would be up to the task. I feel like deep down he wants a big confrontation and he gets some kind of a rush or high from it. I could be wrong though..
brother i must buy you a beer
i hope this is really you
lol user this is creepy and cringy of course no one wants to be filmed by you
Don't know if you're being sarcastic but she was interested in him when she thought he was vlogging, then realized he is retarded and left amicably.
The basedboy in the floral shirt was pretty funny, I think he realized it was a gag and just went with it.
Yeah she touched me too when i came close, grabbed my arms a bit, hence what i told her. Oh well
I hope someone takes that camera and shoves it up your ass. You've gotta be Jewish, only Jews are this much of a cancer on society.
>Hehe, me filming private conversations and your face alone for minutes on end is the same as a cctv camera watching the top of your head for .2 seconds.
Eat shit you autistic retards. I hope someone stomps this faggot's knees in and he gets the footage.
I know. I promised myself to talk less than the previous but failed miserably. Fuck
He's just honking asshole
This is the most autistic shit but I love it.
please go to the red light district
Would do this myself but would probably get shot.
aaaaahahah get rocked nigger. great job though
Why are you so retarded
Just skimmed through it. Very surreal. I wonder what kind of psychological effect doing this longterm will have on you. Will it desensitize you to social interactions?
Glad you liked it man.
I dig it, worth a sub. I enjoy IRL streams more than political banter these days, Andy Warski doesn't do much for me, Carl ii is pretty dope too, but they both usually end up getting cucked in altercations.
Nobody is safe from this madlad
God bless you autist
I cold approached women for 5 years straight (not in this autistic way) and got laid a lot of times.
Approaching women is 1000x worse and will completely fuck you up, but youll atleast get laid. So yeah
When Dutch Milkers shot you down, it made me kek out loud when you went straight into wizard level autism with your hand. Good shit man. You should interact a tad bit more. You’re funny.
Go to bed grandpa.
Ga enkele bontkraagjes filmen,
Ik ben zeker dat je dan top footage hebt
Honk honk
you absolute madman.
Seriously that black beauty at 14:37 HAD me though. keep doing the lords work you mongoloid
Fuck it, you've earned a sub my dude, this is the jam.
Why are there so many manlets I thought the dutch were tall
I guess I was wrong, OP is a coward ass nigga that won't even consider going to the red light district. What a pussy, a coward, a bitch, a girl, a woman....you lack inner strength is what I'm trying to say.
No. Maybe
Your soul is shit - please die.
I didn’t mind the chatter to be honest, it made it all more surreal even. Will watch it full length when I got the time. Keep it up, neighbor!
Based. I wish the jannies would stop deleting your threads.
By the way, it's the following them part that is going to get you arrested. You're free to film in public, you're not free to follow people around.
At least this guy has the decency to let them know they're being filmed.
I went there once with my then long term gf and accidentally pulled out my phone to snap a pic of her. Cause all the thirsty men were looking at her. I did not get nice looks from the men i tell ya.
I laughed when you got real close to their face
The irony is, that all of these people are filmed every day. Their fingerprints, and now voiceprints are secured onto a govt server by google and amazon, their iris is being scanned right now very subtly and they have no idea or don't care. Their liberties and freedom are being whittled away with speed. No right or means to protect themselves from deadly harm without the dependence of a government. Yet a guy in a park with a camera scares them.
Honk Honk
>please sate my incel desire to see prostitutes standing around, if not you’re a nigger cunny fag dick.
Wew lad, I can see your beefy Cheeto tits from here.
Can you imagine the content you will get at a place like that. Sit back and imagine it for just a second...ugh my head is about to explode just thinking about it. Can you imagine walking up to some 60 yr old turk looking at a window trying to pay for pussy and you stick a camera in his face hahahahha, ughhh fuck me that would be gold.
I am a heron. I have a long neck and I pick fish out of the water w/ my beak.
If you don't repost this in 5 other threads I will fly into your kitchen
tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans.
SCM did it better
Immigrant gangs roam the streets while raping and killing everything in their path.
Meanwhile, they get tough and angry at one autist with a camera from 2009.
I liked her smile, unironically. Very motherly.
Fuggin ebin, user.
certified fossilized dinosaur age oldfag