Wow she's doing a splendid job. She's also gorgeous. I bet 99% of you incels would fuck her if she'd let you, but she wouldn't!!!!
Other urls found in this thread:
Kamala's the only dem with a chance
She’s too boring to beat Trump desu
She wouldn't because fucking me wouldn't help her career
Kamala Harris is the candidate for emcels
Imagine how good she looks naked . What a hot fucking milf. I want to lick her all over and her butthole too. Kamala please give this white boy a chance .
This, sadly, is the key determination in who wins the nomination. Trump won the nomination because he was the only one that wasn't boring as fuck. He said whatever the fuck he wanted while everyone else spouted NPC shit.
Now here we are four years later. Who's not boring?
Tulsi is my wife, fucker. This nigger can fuck off.
>I bet 99% of you incels would fuck her if she'd let you
>54 years old
No thanks user.
One of those jokes that's funny because it's true.
Unironically, Tulsi would be better if the DNC would stop stonewalling her.
Plus she's hotter.
Holy shit. Reparations. Hoe-bama to the core.
Kamalas tongue my Buttigeig.
This is the most skin she shows on Google
ew shes an old lady
Kamala will win the nomination in the end. She checks all the right boxes. She's a strong and powerful minority woman (so the social justice crowd will be satisfied). She's liberal enough to win over progressive but not quite crazy enough to scare off big businesses.
Psycho Kamala has 0 charisma
Did she finally put some campaign money into astroturfing?
He great grandparents were slave owners. BASED
I fucked her in High School along with everybody on the Football Team. She spread her legs on the 50 yard line and we drilled her for hours as she screamed and carried on. Later we flipped her over a turned her over to our nigger soccer club that pounded her for hours. Next young Willie Brown walked up and fucked her in the mouth for about an hour before we all went home. Not sure what happened to her.
Wrong, she's going to plow through the competition.
Not even bullshitting but a few weeks ago I made a random girl orgasm by just touching her hand at a party based on some shit I read from a pua. I've known her and her boyfriend for 15 years and he was pissed off to all hell. All the girls dragged her off into a bedroom but everyone could hear her. It lasted like 15 or 20 mins and then she left the party after our of embarrassment. I know most people will think this I'd bullshit but to you anons who believe, pua tactics work.Wonder if this could work on Kamala
would minorities in America actually vote for a fucking prosecutor? Wouldn't she be considered a race traitor or some shit?
She’s homely. Also she fucks niggers. Pass.
I'd smash but she's irrelevant since she has 0% chance of winning
They already do consider her an oreo.
He still does yo
she already got caught lying about listening to Tupac and Snoop in college. that is some Hillary hot sauce level cringe.
Mmmmm. Das rite.
Black people here in California hate her. She gave many black people extremely harsh sentances for petty crimes and fought to keep innocent black people locked up after they were proven innocent. They're already calling white people who support her racists.
Damn right and it still pisses off (((tptb)))
she's very awkward and all over the place with her answers.
So many words, so much nothing. She really is black Hillary.
No, she's uncharismatic and ugly like Clinton, and has a history of prosecuting niggers. She's DOA
>should 16 y/o be able to vote
You should have to be 21 and a net positive tax payer
I think I dislike this phony cunt worse than Shill-Dog
Just say 'no.' No. 16 year olds should not be able to vote for president. Simple.
We don't need a conversation.
>16 year olds voting
Come on even the dumbest of dumb fucks can see through this right?
Who’s the most moderate dem?
What'd you expect, they're democrats.
Tulsi, Biden, Klobuchar, Delaney
Sad if true.
>t. Brown Mutt
is this the thread?
stream link?
99% of people have fucked her....
Barnie could do it
Underrated post
So, where her feet pics at?
Might be a bad match up. Trump focuses on what he did for criminal reform and spotlights kamala on her prosecutorial record.
This guys name is buttchug but w/e
She’s from California. If GOP is smart, they will continuously hammer home the point that voting for Harris is voting for California everywhere.
did she suck a dick yet?
brown hillary
Would you REALLY want to lick the bung-hole of some ho who evidently 'screwed her way to the top'?
You'd be tasting the remnants of tons of the Elites' genitals..............but if you're into that kinda thing..........
IRL, I personally do NOT know 1 single fuckin incel who comes to this board.
If this is a pathetic attempt by Lefties to get even for being the KEKS that they actually are....... it just makes me laugh harder with each beer I crack open.
Please..... make more idiot posts for me to laugh at!
I'd buttfuck Klobuchar too.
Is it wrong to want her to spit in my mouth while she milks my prostate?
based on facts alone, yes she'd ball you if she could get a little higher up the ladder in exchange...
after all, to her way of thinking, you are just one more rung on the ladder to success.
oh, and ballin you is just one way luciferians "worship"
buttigieg is the most well spoken no name ever
still gonna vote bernie tho
I hope this is a slide thread, stills sucks, they fucking pay you to shit this bad, shill?
>Who's not boring?
Bernie is really the only one with an out-sized personality
Will this poem get me arrested?
Nigger whore
Nigger whore in Chief
White man gonna kill yo ass
Dumb bitch
I'd rather fuck a crocodile.
99% of Politicians have already literally fucked her
Only slightly.
can you stop with the toxic masculinity please?
op, you're right. where are the nudez
ok ok ok...we will go to facts
she fucked one specific politician to get herself on the road to where she is now
Lol, If i show you my tits will you GTFO?
That sex worker question asked by the Chinese girl named Ding was so hilarious. Kamala even mentioned something along the lines of “sleeping to get ahead”. She is literally a walking example of sleeping your way to the top.
>no children
What did she mean by this?
Top kek
Kek, you said "Toxic Masculinity!"
Jim Webb/Tulsi would be an amazing ticket
lol he's a christian
lost the democrat vote
WTF? *'Cuck' in caps now gets changed to 'keks'? Just like S. 0. y. gets changed to 'onions'?
>voting for Harris is voting for California everywhere
I can push this if she becomes a thing. I think I'll save that idea for the moment. Thanks user.
>stop with the toxic masculinity please
Tits please.
Kamala called for Trump's impeachment. She has full blown TDS. If she become president we should turn the tables and call for her impeachment for shit's and giggles to let em know what it feels like. Anyways. Trump's gonna win 2020 anyways. Fuck this loser. I'd rather vote Yang and at least get my $1000 NEETBUX. If I lose. At least I want to get $12k a year out of it.
She will eventually drop out due to video of her at an orgy with Willie Brown where she gets a money shot, which she and the media will blame as a “deepfake” screencap this post for when it happens.
imagine how mad you'll be when it hits mainstream in 2 years
It's not wrong. Just get back to your containment /b/oard please.
Stupid Democrat leaders would never push somebody people would actually like and vote for.
She's a pathetic CUNT that has no chance against Trump.
I would hold this crazy bitches hand so hard
She is actually a reasonable Democrat. Speaks from the heart about legit issues. She also likes pussy and cock. She's a good girl.
Tulsi could actually win, she seems to have a lot of support with centrists and even rightwing voters. She's pleasant, likable, speaks well, and actually has political and military experience.
I get the sense that if she became the Dem nominee she'd win in a landslide against Trump. Though I think the odds of her actually becoming the candidate are basically 0% since the DNC is retarded. Instead they'll put forward a Kamala or a Biden, or less likely Bernie, and any one of them will lose badly to Trump (which is fine)
Casting Couch Kamala literally fucked her way into politics.
Her character is dirtier than her skin looks.
>read that in Rodney Dangerfield's voice
>innocent black people
All 5 of them?
Sorry user. I'm going with butt this time instead of vagene