>Goes to Restaurant run by Mexicans >”Hola senor Gordon” >”Right. Can you tell me what’s wrong with the restaurant” >”We don’t have any customers” >”Okay, but can you identify any problems with the restaurant”? >“We don’t...we don’t have any customers” >Gordon puts his head in his hands
>Goes to black Restaurant >finds a mouse in the doorway >shows employee >”Nah nigga you planted that shieet” >”I can’t believe you would even accuse me of that. Fine I’ll go tell your manager” >”Ma’am can we talk”? >About dat mouse you planted? Dey told me bout dat already” >He leaves.
id let him take a slice of my boi pussy tee hee hee xD
Camden Walker
It's all so tiresome
Oliver Long
>>“We don’t...we don’t have any customers” That's literally every single episode. He then proceeds to bttfo and shit on them until they break down and cry.
James Rogers
>the flavour is so weak, I just saw it apply to join the London police force.
Liam Howard
John Jenkins
I’ll give you guys a story about this dude >be me working in hollyjew >working at studio >boss tells me Gordon coming in to record some VO >he comes in with his team, they are extremely polite and gracious >he consumes literally 8 cups of tea in a hour >say thank you and he leaves
Omg a few bad apples makes me hate an entire race!
This logic is literally why the Jews have worked so far to try and educate your kind.
Jordan Torres
cute waitress at the beginning is dead (i think she's cute anyways)
Kayden Cook
UK version: >GR shows up and sees what the fuck's up >takes hard but honest and professional look at food quality and business management and customer service and whatever >GR slaps their shit in order in a hardass but professional way >show ends with restaurant in better shape >cut to 6 months later >owner reverted back to being a retard, business failed
US version: >GR shows up to the restaurant and orders literally everything on the menu >camera shots of anxious staff with tense music in the background >"OI M8 THIS FOOD IS DOG SHIT" >camera shots of even-more-anxious staff >"FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK" >camera shots of customers looking up to see what the ruckus is as if they hadn't noticed the VIP surrounded by 20 cameramen until that instant >"LISTEN UP SHIT-FOR-BRAINS..."*30 seconds of loud tense music* *5 minutes of truck commercials*"...YOU'RE A FUCKING WANKAH AND YOU'RE GONNA GO BROKE IF YOU DON'T GET YOUR SHIT IN ORDER" >*$50,000 overnight remodel* >"HOLY FUCK OUR RESTAURANT IS PERFECT NOW!" >*everybody cries*
Isaac Young
have you ever been around black people? it's not a few bad apples
Ethan Rivera
>a few >6.5% commit almost 50% of all violent crime
Connor Hughes
>The food here is really good, it's probably the best I've ever tasted >lemme_microwave_this_real_quick_for_a_5_star_chef.jpg
Michael Walker
Yes I have. They acted white, because I grew up in a Jew controlled area where we didn't have racist hicks trying to turn black people resentful. We gave them a chance and they took it.
Dominic Perry
Might have to do with them having a cycle of poverty mired with lead exposure and lack of grocery stories near the ghetto.
Try not having magnesium in your diet for several years it'll turn anyone violent.
This is shit bait. Poor Appalachian whites have a lower violent crime rate than wealthier American Blax.
Carter Williams
Chase Peterson
You're trying too hard, you've overplayed your hand.
Oliver Williams
That isn't badly you stupid fuck white people also like on the show. Rick fucks do not and never will be one of us
Charles Morris
Every race has the same range of potentialities. You probably think you are above average, just like every other retard on here.
Leo Brooks
Restaurant owners hiring third world cheap labor. Gets basic third world culinary expertise. There are exceptional chefs in 3rd world countries, unironically they have no reason to move to Commiefornia and sling chimichangas.
Justin Cooper
Huh. You know I never actually noticed it before, but Ramsay's surprisingly nice to the wait staff, given his role as the Angriest Gourmet on Earth. He's still abrasive, but he doesn't shit fury on them like a war god with diarrhea. He really does save it for the deserving.
Henry Richardson
Why is there going to be a dead mouse in the doorway in broad daylight? Especially in the corner like that...
You need me to expect too much not to go along with the nigs on that one.
Carson Carter
>people not near a city or exposed wealth disparites are less criminal This has already been researched. You are just uneducated, please don't try and pretend otherwise.
Easton Powell
thats a new flag for me
Alexander Parker
If by 'cute' you mean 'fat'.
Ayden Morales
US tv is cancer made for retards
Lincoln Green
>what are black countries? Cesspools or crime, rape, murder, and corruption.
Only smart niggers able to be rich =/= 80 IQ apes that are racist because they only listen to what Gramps tells them about whites and are only taught about American slavery. It's the black neighborhoods in the city where they are taught to resent whites while rarely ever meeting one outside of when the home owner shows up in the middle of the robbery.
Juan Brooks
Ramsay was always baped and foodpilled, he's also one of the fastest drivers on top gear consistently.
one of the times he actually liked the food was some old black lady's soul food restaurant
Michael Adams
Worst uk kitchen nightmare restauranteur was the lady who had a vegetarian restaurant in paris. She was playing with her dads money and didnt give a shit. She wouldnt show up to the meetings to fix the restaurant. the cook was a crazy black. Ramsay tried to bring in a new chef. Came back a couple of months to check up and the retaurant was closed and the lady had disappeared leaving her father holding the bag. The father was absolutely dejected and disappointed and embarassed in the person he raised.
Assuming you're actually able to read Japanese, can you look at this for me m8? Just made it today. I've ran it through several translators and it's come-up clean. (I design edgy t shirts and I actually like a little bit of Engrish).
I'm actually very interested in how much of nigger behavior is nature vs nurtur. Could a strict Asian parents whip their ass into being smart and hard working?
>4x more likely to get their child killed >Nigger mothers will feed their babies animal milk instead of formula to cut costs when the human brain requires more fat and sugar than any milk except human provides. >Higher rate of brain damage from child abuse, neglect, shaken baby syndrome >Constant exposure to narcotics in womb >Exposure to pot while in womb and childhood and early use when marijuana stunts brain development >Exposure to pot boosts lack of impulse control in adulthood
Cameron Long
Have you? Most Japanese programs are not the cartoons for children you know.
japan isn't his country, newfag. he's an expat. nips, gooks, and taiwan chinks never post here. that being said, nip commercials are still more entertaining or straight to the point overall. US ads are unfunny garbage, because they literally have to cater to the low IQ spics, nigs, and white trash which constitute most of the US population.
t. did english teaching meme for 2 1/2 years
can't wait to go back to nipland with the waifu. trying to settle back here was a fucking mistake
Bentley Wood
Jaxon Hernandez
And obvioisly the potentialities of making up words.
Leo Scott
Owen Rodriguez
>can't wait to go back to nipland with the waifu. trying to settle back here was a fucking mistake They wont take your ass, so get it back here whitteu piggu
>racist hicks living around black people make blacks resentful >blacks live overwhelmingly in dense urban centers K.
Aaron Gray
Yeah but you shouldn't feel bad. They have an extremely unhealthy superiority complex and it does them a lot of good each time someone takes them down a notch.
David Bailey
Why do you think all the grocers left?
Easton Foster
God fucking damnit I can't stand spics. Always stood around in swarms, trying to slowly ruin the USA. I fucking hate the way they throw random Spanish pronunciations in with their regular 'American' English.
I know Gordon. Give zero fucks if you don't believe me. He is proper based.
James Ward
why not, user? they took my ass once. it's not hard to move there, if you aren't some double digit IQ moron. you can make the jump too, friend. we can watch the west burn together in comfort :)
Wyatt Bell
Lmfao dude. Go hang out with more niggers, faggot.
Blake Gray
Couldn’t understand a single word
Logan Wright
As what, a fucking english teacher? My only excuse for moving to Asia in general is only if Cathay Pacific, Singapore Airlines, Emirates, Japan Airlines or All Nippon Airways take my sorry ass after 5 years of regionals
Yeah I have only ever seen 1 nigger in my town, thankfully. My area is a small town in the Northwest and we're very much clear from the shitskin problem. However, I've been visiting the USA every year since 2010 now, and I very quickly learned that the 'never relax' rule isn't just a meme. In the midwest at least, there's an unmissable us vs them feeling radiating off them. Stay safe lad!
You're just thinking of them in the US. There are plenty of countries where the conditions they are raised in are completely different and they still fail to excel.
Michael Mitchell
Looks like she is demonstrating the lack of feeling in the nips of those balloon bags
Ayden Diaz
Someone tell me the dude at 17:35 was fired before the ep was over.