Why did Hitler initiate the Night of Long Knives?
Why did Hitler initiate the Night of Long Knives?
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Was this written by JK Rowling
Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.
Read through this thread, it's all there...
Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.
actualy hitler was trans
It's normal when assuming power to clean house
>Why did Hitler initiate the Night of Long Knives?
strasserists & commie retards
>Hitler was a fag
Impossible, because Hitler was a pedophile who abuse little girls. He also had one testicle and a micropenis supplemented by an addiction to methamphetamines, heroin, krokodyl, and spice imported from a desert planet far far away.
As a gay guy, I could see hitler being a little gay, maybe bi. He never really showed true affection for women and he was apparently close to Ernst Rohm who was an open homosexual. Eva Braun could have been more for show, but also could have really liked her.
Also, homosexuality didn't really bother Hitler, including Ernst Rohm's homosexuality. It was his inner circle that it bothered and they used it to wipe him out by falsely claiming he was doing inappropriate stuff with underage boys.
To hide the Night of the Long Dongs
>LGBT aren't satisfied with making all the heroes of history gay, now it's the villains too
>Eva Braun could have been more for show, but also could have really liked her.
dude, the last thing he did in his life was getting married with her
Butthurt Jew thread in response to based black nazi cabbie thread lol "Hitler was a homosexual meth head with one testacle three nipples and a micropenis" fuck off
Because the SA were a bunch of low IQ blue collar retards
every couple years he gets gayer, or becomes a trans, or his penis shrinks like 1"-2" inches.
this book im reading says Jews are lying backstabbers.
Yeah, I should rephrase that. I think he loved Eva Braun, but I could see him having relationships with men as well. Maybe not even a sexual one, but a deeper philosophical relationship, particularly with Ernst Rohm whom he was close with.
> muh based black mangs
fuck off civnat nigger lover
He also spent a lot of time with Albert Speer. I don't think it was a sexual relationship, but a loving relationship built on commonality and deeper spiritual connection.
Ernst Rohm was killed because he was raising his own private army which was pissing off Wermacht officers. Hitler wanted the actual army's support, so Rohm had to go.
faggot jews projecting again
Hitler is the most lied about man in history. He really fucking rattled the Shlomos. Hitler 2.0 is less than 100 years away.