/gioyc/ - get it off your chest

Get it off your chest!

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I like you.


One of the biggest problems in present-day society is that the majority of psychotherapists are women. Modern female "intellectuals" tend to gravitate towards the field of psychology in college and/or university, because psychology hardly requires having to do anything with mathematics (or any truly intelligent, logical thought whatsoever). Women are overall pretty damn terrible with mathematics (because mathematics requires a great deal of logic which men do not lack, but women do).

It would seem that the general populace is finally beginning to notice how much of a pseudoscience psychology really is. This is exemplified by the fact that people who work within the fields of psychology, psychoanalysis, and/or psychotherapy are now making less money than ever before. That's why men are now gravitating towards the fields of psychiatry and neuroscience (rather than psychology, psychoanalysis, and/or psychotherapy). Psychiatry and neuroscience both require an actual, physical, empirical, logical, rational, reasonable, and scientific understanding of the neurochemistry occurring within the human brain. Psychology, psychoanalysis, and psychotherapy are all based off of an intangible, metaphysical, anecdotal, emotional, illogical, irrational, unreasonable, incorrect, and unscientific understanding of how the human mind works. Psychology, psychoanalysis, and psychotherapy are gradually losing their importance in medicine, as more of the general population is beginning to turn to psychiatry and neuroscience for help. Because of this, men are being forced into the psychiatry and neuroscience professions out of financial necessity.

Having so many psychotherapists be women is just horrifying, because not only are women overall absolutely terrible at giving advice, but they're especially awful at giving advice to young men. Female psychotherapists ultimately do more harm than good to young men.


no one even tries to understand each other anymore.they always seem to just assume, assume, assume, until the day they are proven wrong. No one really cares for each other. It's all just pretense.

I have been suppressing anger for years and I want to finally fucking explode and beat the shit out of someone. I daydream about some faggot starting a fight with me so I could justifiably kick somebody’s ass

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I'm in a movie theater.

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The more good you do, the less bad you do.

What the. you're a fucking monster!
im here at kfc.

Who the hell are you?

I have to wait 3 months for surgery but holy shit this wait is unbearable, I need it now.


I ate some bacon that was about ten days past its best before date. It was chicken bacon if that matters.
It tasted okay though, I just realized a bit too late after it was cooked and I checked the package that was thrown out.
I did a few quick Google searches and from what I'm seeing, some things have strict expiration dates (like baby formula, or meal replacements, whatever those are) whereas "best before" is just about freshness, although you should still exercise caution.
I'm just paranoid about literally everything at every waking second of my life. It's so fucking exhausting. For whatever reason, that's just how I am. Paranoid and anxious about fucking literally everything.


With how society is, I can't imagine why any woman would willingly want to be with any man.

All men are evil disgusting rapists after all, aren't they? Every last one of them? At least, that's the impression I've been given.

When I'm high I can't handle reality man. It's really scary.

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>All men are evil disgusting rapists after all, aren't they?

Yes. Yes we are. That's the natural order of things. The males of this planet have been forcing themselves onto the females for millions of years. Except that for millions of years, sexual intercourse wasn't called "rape" because there wasn't anyone around sufficiently sentient to understand the concept of rape. Due to overpopulation caused by the neolithic revolution, women have become entitled and "independent", and have begun to not consent to sexual intercourse. Thus the concept of "rape" was born.

I went to go change my tampon but I couldn't insert the new tampon into my vagina.
How do I get my vagina to open up so I can give it a tampon? It's closed shut.

Uh, have your husband stick his penis into your vagina to loosen it up?

Don't got one.
Sigh, guess I just have to use the pad :/

Bad larp, not possible
t. Fem

Not even a larp. I even switched from using the regular sized tampon to the light flow one but it wouldn't open up.

Go to the doctor

Why do I fuck up everything

I've been told that it's normal to have bad days, but I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to be like that every single day...

You want to hear the funniest thing in the world? I actually thought you liked me.

I keep making really bad decisions and disregarding red flags. It's led me to a very bad relationship and a terrible job that I hate so much I want to die

I liked you once. Not anymore.

Okay, I'll make a serious post for once.
We could've taken over the world. Our star signs were the same, our birthdays within the same week, we were really two parts of one soul-- and I loved you so much, not in a romantic way, but in the truest sense of the word. I didn't lust after you, I just wanted to be with you and see you happy. But you weren't and there was nothing I could do about that.
It's been two years since, almost three. You and I, we could've been able to take over this pathetic excuse of a planet. We could've shoot to the stars. We didn't belong on this planet. No one understood us. I'm not happier now the way things went.

It's starting to be obvious that I'll never catch up. More than 5 years - my entire teenage period - spent in front of a computer, only to realize that during that time people were outside making friends and living life. This past year I've gotten a lot better but I'm still so far behind others in terms of social skills, looks, life experience, etc. I hate this. I hate these patronizing looks from people, I hate people treating me like I'm stupid, I hate people making these snarky remarks about my flaws. Everytime I get better at something, I take a step back to see where I'm at and I realize once again that I'm miles behind where I should be. What's even the point ?

So I think my crush is finally fading away. It actually feels freeing, like a huge weight was lift off me. He wasn't that cute anyways. :/

Yay! Now leave!

>We could've shoot to the stars.

But how could we have done that, when you refused to answer your phone?

Kill all men and trannies too.

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I have this problem. Try to insert it with your leg up on something, like foot on toilet or side of tub. Make sure it's really up there or it will probably get pushed back out.

I practically never use my phone and everyone who knows me knows this.

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It is possible

I don't think I loved you. You picked me up when I was at my lowest and you gave me a chance when no one else did, and for that I started caring about you a lot. Do you understand why it couldn't be ? We didn't start on equal grounds, I owed you from the beginning.

>Kill all men

I imagine that that's going to prove to be quite difficult, considering that men overpower women in just about every way: physically, intellectually, logistically, economically, politically...

Also use the slim ones with smooth applicators like tampax if your vadge is just dry throw something on the applicator until you get use to it. Pads smell

Why don't you like me anymore?

went to go see an escort
brought some wine to split with but drank it all myself
got drunk
left without having sex with her
realized i just want a woman to want to be with me instead of fornication
realize this will likely never happen because of my psychology, height, receding hairline, etc.
lost 300+ dollars trying to have sex with a stranger but couldn't

'cause you sucked off your friend's dick behind my back and posted it on instagram you fucking homo faggot.

Because of your spying, manipulating, gaslighting, insulting, mocking, ridiculing, lying, cheating, committing immoral, unethical, and illegal acts... (just to name a few things).

I gave you six years and you have only gotten worse. You are still the same sad needy bitch who can’t do anything. You’ve only made more excuses why you’re worthless. I was the idiot sucker who wanted you and you made my life garbage too. I spend everything and did anything I could for you until my mental break. And then where were you? You can’t handle it. I hate you. I wish you hated me. I wish I had the gumption to leave your ass and let you rot.

You've been gone for 8 years but i still hear you, see you and feel you everywhere i go. At first i was afraid it would never stop... now i'm afraid that it will.

t. Psychopath

What it do baby boo

Many memories of you haunt me, but many of them also remind me of why I love you. Although you went your separate way, I make my self better in every way I can. I'm still weak, but I'm on course to becoming the best I can be. I hope we meet again on a day where I'm truly ready. Almost every thing around me wants to cut me down. I won't let them, and I won't give in to the darkness you helped pull me out of so long ago. I miss you dearly.

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Never said that I didn't.
Could say the same about you.


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Microdose with psychedelics instead

im still here. waiting and waiting.

i'll wait forever...

I don't love you anymore. I'm glad.

I legitimately hate my girlfriend's family for a lot of what I think (and other people have agreed) are very good reasons, but now their most recent stunt is inviting me to legitimately every fucking event they have knowing I'm going to turn it down so they can act like I'm some elitist asshole and it wasn't the fact they are a bunch of racist shit heads who threatened my life in the first place when I was nothing but polite and respectful to them and the girl I'm dating.

I figured I'd draw the line at them jokingly discussing the ways they'd try to kill me and so I told my girlfriend "yea I'm never going to your family's stuff again" since that came after a series of other things including commenting on my income in a really sleazy way (I make more than her parents and everyone in her family really), my physical fitness and trying to accuse me of using steroids (I've never done them in my life), my family's wealth, trying to have religious and highly political debates with me, trying to get me into their MLM schemes, and so on.

I really would hate to break up with this girl over this because she is really nice, she's pretty, easy going and so on, but the end game here is what, an entire life time of this shit? I'm not going to cuck to these people and take their horse shit. I'm not going to be around them just waiting for them to bait me into losing my cool around them. I'm not going to try to come between a girl and her family either though. I've never had to deal with anything even remotely close to this before. My gut just says the writing is on the wall, bail.

Fuck you assholes at this site. I didn't send
" an excessive number of server requests "

I didn't do anything wrong. Fuck you for banning me for this and fuck you for banning me talking about heroin and fuck you for banning me for doxxing because you misunderstood and fuck you for banning me for other reasons too. Fuck you small dick loser mods for getting offended because your cocks are the size of an earthworm.

I think that happens because of your adblock (some adblocks send the ad back to its source)

then you must you see it as no big deal, just regular sex, when a big ugly guy overpowers you and shoves his huge cock up your ass.

It's all my fault, and that's okay.

Larpers pls go

Why are you doing this to me?


1 min

Sexual intercourse can only occur between a man and a woman.

I know you don't care, I know it's your job to fuck people's minds up. To study what your gas-lighting and manipulation does to people but I wonder....there must be something in you that knows what a piece of shit you are, even if you deny it to yourself. I wonder how much your sell your soul for.

Yes. It is indeed all your fault. As punishment you must now leave Jow Forums and never return.

>piece of shit you are
I don't know anything
>I wonder how much your sell your soul for
Never did fren

>there must be something in you that knows what a piece of shit you are

I am well aware. You and I are two pieces of the same turd. You're the bigger piece, however.

No. It's used for anal sex.

No one is leaving because you said so. Get a fucking hobby if someone upsets you so much here. Leave. Live your life.

Speak for yourself you horror of a 'person'

>Get a fucking hobby if someone upsets you so much here. Leave.

You seem upset. Did I upset you? Perhaps you need to leave.

I told you I was this way and yet you still talked to me. Why?

>sexual intercourse
>Definition of sexual intercourse
>heterosexual intercourse involving penetration of the vagina by the penis

You people are so fucking sick. Your actors have that certain dark and sickening vibe. The psychopathic one. Like the Sandy hook doctor or the brother of Stephen Paddock. You people are fucking sick monster psychopaths reading your scripts. I wish so much someone takes you all out one day and you get what you deserve for all the horror you've caused.

What street are you in?

No, I am just tired of you trying to harm people here.


I don't talk to you, I don't even answer the phone, remember?

Love and light to you too brudda

I'm not trying to harm anyone here. If my reply to your post doesn't apply to you, then it doesn't apply to you. I'm just a LARPer. Just ignore it. Don't worry about it.

The old town one

Whoa whoa whoa, what exactly is going on here, cannot we be civil and talk things out?

It's literally not. Vulvas don't "close up" like that.

Well. What then? I could use your love now.

It was my vagina, not my vulva, like the muscle inside.
I kept stabbing myself with my tampon but it wouldn't go in. Maybe it wasn't feeling well today or something. Maybe next month.

All orange tents huh.

I mean it all adds up, in so many way but I didn't want to believe it.

I've had that happen too. I couldn't get the tampon in and felt like I was stabbing myself. It doesn't happen with smoother applicators or mid-cycle flo) (heavy tho

What the fuck is that even?
Ask the driver.

You're replying to a LARPer. I'm the one you're looking for.

You're all spooks, fuck you. They tried to warn me so many times about you but I didn't listen.

Yeah whatever, you. Asshole.

You're the mute too? I don't know you but I hate you nonetheless.

I miss you so much, N. It's all my fault our relationship ended and you lost your feelings for me. It's my stupidity. You are a sweet and kind girl but I lost you through my actions. You will never like me again or see me in the same way and that sucks. That i'm never going to be with you.

I will fight no more forever

Take my body. I don't want it anymore. I surrender it and my life. Find some use for them both.

Motives for spying...what were they now?

ideology. money, blah blah. Fuck you cunts. I hate you and your puny lives.

>I feel a strange wave of calmness wash over me as the sun rises outside. I haven't felt this way for a long time. So long, in fact, that my first instinct is to blame it on some drug, but I have not taken anything out of the ordinary.

>And so, as I'm lying here unable to sleep, I cannot help but think of the present.

>I suppose I understand now that I really do not matter. If I do not matter to myself, then how could I matter to anyone else? But the truth is that I cannot let go of this hate without your help. I'm sorry for putting this burden on you... You are not obliged to be there for me, even though you said you'd try. You really didn't know what you were signing up for with that one, did you? It's alright, I understand now. It's only natural to react that way. I would too.

>And yet I still long for your friendship. You offered it, but to whom? It is dawning on me that I am not what I should be, what I needed to be. Maybe won't ever be.
I am so little and so behind that it is a miracle I am still visible at all. I really am nothing. But still, I wanted to see more of your world. Selfish? Delusional? Quite possibly. But you seemed to be so full of life. I wanted a small inclusion, a taste of your will. I'm sorry for everything. I hope you'll be able to move on unscathed, that's all. I don't expect forgiveness.

How can I help you overcome your hate, when you refuse to answer your phone?

what are you waiting for? me?