Netanyahu on U.S. President Trump: that’s the way to deal with Iran

>Netanyahu on U.S. President Trump: that’s the way to deal with Iran

>The White House announced Monday the intention to end sanctions waivers to eights countries that are still trading oil with Iran, increasing the "Maximum pressure" campaign.

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We love our based Netanyahu, don't we folks?

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Trump is going to bomb the fuck out of Iran and Migapedes will cheer him on the entire way

cringe and tranny pilled

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>Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday that the decision by US President Donald Trump to end waivers for energy companies that deal with Iran “is a decision of major importance.”

>Netanyahu, who was visiting Capernaum with his wife Sara, said “this is the way to confront Iranian aggression, this is the way to prevent it,” the Office of the Prime Minister said in a press release.

Anyone who still supports trump deserves to die. He's unambiguously starting a war for Israel. FUCK BOOMERS FUCK ZIONISTS

The only time this faggot will go strong and make things happen is when it is for Israel.

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Relax Ahmed

Sorry schiz user, you're not allowed in this thread. Stick to talking to yourself in one of your spam threads.

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100% correct. You should buy a hand gun and use it to blow your 80IQ brain out of your skull if you support this kike puppet. Feel free to spam your schizo boomer nonsense as well about how Trump is playing LE 4D CHESS XDD. Death to Israel.

fucking (((Trump)))Tards will defend this.

fuck this jew/pol/ old Jow Forums is dead and gone.

Another war for Israel.

fuck (((Trump)))

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jew cunt

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Fuck Iran, why would we be nice to them?

i want to see JIDF and (((trump)))tards trying to defend trump when the fucking war actually starts.

i want to see how much this place sunk since that faggot got elected.

there is no smoking mirrors after this shit either you're a kike slave or you'll oppose this shit.

no more 4d bullshit

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fucking same ass shit. Im tired of being a satellite state for an unwanted population of long nosed assholes

i look at it like this. everyone knows israel has a huge internet propaganda ministry. if they helped trump win (which im sure they did), so be it if he showers israel with favors. did we actually want hillary to win?

because they are Aryans?
low IQ retard.

i hope you're a fucking kike or just baiting.

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I think it's a bot tbqh.

Wow gosh you must be right! I mean, why would Jews ever play both sides? They wouldn’t do that and certainly not in politics!

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Its not about being nice to Iran. Why the FUCK is it acceptable for for the US to go out of its way to destroy their country with sanctions? It's ostensibly an act of war. The reason is obvious, but it's disgusting.

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the bread is being slided by kushbots and (((Trump)))Faggots.

fuck jew/pol/

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This decision is beyond retarded

>Starting a war with a middle eastern superpower is just a small favor.

I hate you more then you will ever know.

Give me one good reason that Iran is a threat to the US, and then prove to me how it's a bigger threat than Mexico (which the US is currently not trying to destroy)

fucking imbecile

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Traitors get gassed first

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kek Jews hate when Trump makes deals with Israel

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Iranians managed a regime change without a war before

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I saved the pic lol, thx

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The arrest of the German pissed me off, fucking “Nazi hunters” are all scumbags, to look at things on the bright side, in the near future if power shifts, there may be “Jew hunters” one day

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Will people stop bitching about this. The CIA kicked off the fundamentalist revolution, Iran has been a puppet state and pretend bad guy like North Korea ever since. The Iranian people hate their government and don’t give a shit about Palestine or Israel. The Iranian govt only stays in power because they’re funneled heaps of dodgy cash. Without the cash they can’t bribe enough people to keep hold of power. America doesn’t need to go to war.

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I get that Trump has to do all this shit for Israel and Jews because if he didn't, the Jews would just turn their controlled media full progressive and Trump would never see a second term and might not even make it to the end of the first.

But these fucking policies on Iran, Syria, SA - I like to at least believe that if it were entirely up to Trump himself, it would all be done a hell of a lot differently.

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>trump has a higher approval rating in a foreign country

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I listen to this every morning

someone needs to rip Bibi’s head off and shit down his neck.

Trump just does what his war mongering cabinet wants to do, as seen as the massive pressure and turnaround when Trump said he wants out of Syria. Both dems and republicans want war with Iran.

He needs to be crucified upside down, or a blood eagle. All these kikes and politicians

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>Iran is Aryan
Fucking LEL. you fucking /sg/ morons are really something.


all of trump's grandchildren are jews. he's not on our side

everybody report this guy
he's a bot

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fuck kikes

Nice memeflags sandniganons

Trump should do everything in his power to stop the threat of Islamic terrorism.
By which I mean stop selling nukes to pic related.

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Extra hummus for you and your child bride tonight shillanon.

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At this point if you support Trump, you support sending US citizens to die so Israel can have oil money and expand their stolen lands.
You're a traitor.

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I notice you ignored my reply.
Is it because it BTFO your narrative?

Don't be a needy whiner.
>selling nukes to pic related
[citation needed]

This isn't even a new story

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Post the full length one where he turns around after to shake his hand.

So, not nukes, but nuclear power tech.
Why would you need to lie if you had an actual point?
Also, memeflagging is inherently dishonest, so that's two strikes.

It's one step away from it.
Why is he selling them that?

>one step
Another lie
Three strikes and you're out.

If you can build a nuclear power plant then you can build a bomb pretty easily.

Fuck off Kushner shill

zion don strikes again

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With Kushner in the White House there's a complete Chabadist-Zionist takeover of US foreign policy.

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