Are we still Yang Gang bros?
Are we still Yang Gang bros?
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Eat shit and die. Homu would never be part of your cuck squad
Nop, dead
>Bottom of the polls
hell yes nigga
3% and beating Dem big names like Cory Booker and Kirsten Gillibrand despite barely any coverage
always have been, always will be.
I bet all the yellow fever faggots like Yang.
>Still at the bottom
Cope some more.
Keep on sucking that boomer dick, MIGA fags. Maybe Trump will keep his promises if you re-elect him. Just like Obama did. And Bush. And Clinton. And...
Bernie is the horse to back
And you act like Yang would be any different? The only promises he would keep are making Washington DC in Puerto Rico into states.
when will you trannies finally get out?
your shilling was sad and pathetic and only made us hate you faggots even more
try harder next time
actually, just go an hero and join the 40%
its where you belong
Umm no faggot. If Yang doesn't make it past the primaries I'm gonna vote trump
No true Asian would accept or propose handouts. How disgraceful
Yang Gang is dead. He failed us. He was suppose to be 14% in the polls now. The most talked about candidate on all MSM reports. Time to grab the rope. It was nice knowing you guys.
did he even poll 1% lol fucking chink, get the fuck off my board you niggers, i will feed that slant some opium and watch him sell me his daughter for more drugs
>Promises you a $1000
>Creates hyperinflation causing the value of $1000 to be worth $10
I've got plenty too, just holdfast till the dem debates. We got it in the bag fellow tranny!
Trump was bottom of the polls too til the debates. You have zero memory
100% until the general
Hey this meme is pretty good.
Hello fren
Nah, Team Tulsi
Nah, I'm done with Trump and his tax cuts for the rich and MIGA agenda.
piss of you bolshevik jew
Yang does not rhyme with gang.
It rhymes with "wrong".
hey, how are you?
Hes just a lazy cunt who wants free money. He is the worst kind of subhuman.
Wait Yang wasn't an ironic meme like Jeb?
Let me enjoy this ride is if all roads lead to an eventual downfall. There's no winning against these kikes, let me get paid.
Nope. Abandoned that for sede vacante tradcath. It's the only way out.
I kinda want him to get to the primaries, just out of morbid curiosity of how he would react finding out all his "supporters" like him for different reasons than he wants. Other than that, total fag.
Homura wouldn't support a cuck like Yang. You fucking goon. You absolute poof.
Yeet. Lets get this bag goys
Look up accelerationism plebs. I'll support Yang, Todd Barry, anyone whose ideas will help bring this shit system down faster. Why should I work my ass off to pay for niggers and spics? And if I get free money in the bargain, well then all the better. Fuck you.
>boomer tier work for you money meme
get in the grave already gramps, no one works for their money anymore specially welfare niggers and multi billion dollar mega banks that constantly get bailed out by government. Fuck you gimme the bag.
No one likes yang. He's just the least bad democrat.
Yeah but at least Trump was funny and interesting. Yeah he sucks now, but at least he gave people something to talk about.
Yang is an uncharismatic beta male.
The only yang gang left are memes and black pulled guys like He won’t even be on the stage for more than one or two debates
Yang can fuck off back to China or get in an oven with Trump and Kushner.
yanggang is chill until the actual elections get underway
Then its a dead meme
Then it's a revived meme
Then it's the rent is too damn high
I am ready to seize my bag and defend it from the (((grabblers)))
2020 is when shit hits the fan and the fan blows the t shit around and slings it evreywhere and gets on everybody so that everyon is covered in the shit
yeah I'm going with the big tiddy blackbird 9/10 this meme just went against your point hard out.
Yeah I think you picked the wrong meme there champ.
Ojeda is a boss
ITT stupid yang niggers think they can meme a president like the jews memed rabbi trump. silly memers
Nah nigger
The more of a failure of a human they are, the longer they plague society. Look at Kissinger and Ginsberg.
>check yang policies
>no orbital rings or space elevators
>no thorium salts reactors
>no infrastructural renewal
>no dividend from state-initiated infrastructural development
>just take take take and gibs gibs gibs
Nope, no yanggangers here. Their memes are worse than my OC, and that's saying something.
>On this episode of "Jow Forums is one person"
Point is he'll debate in the primaries and show up the other democrats. Then what? The independents that got Trump elected will be split even partially and it will be close. Be afraid. I don't really care either way. Trump is MIGA and Yang is like a leftist Trump probably still MIGA but it includes a bag. Fuck it
Trump is actually a Zionist like every president since JFK dipshit. Nice meme faggot
>No wall
>More immigration
>More wars
>Everyone I disagree with supports Trump
I'll bite. Tell me how Trump isn't a Zionist, faggot.
what's the point he has a less than zero chance....
YANG 2020
>Still projecting this hard
He is nigger, you're baiting is weak
the jews are using you like cheap whores. mining your info for free. memeing Jow Forums awareness in the MSM which confused and excited young 4chinners unused to attention. Soon they were banging you like a cheap slut in the bathroom stall. You gave them everything they needed to create a president that parroted what you wanted to hear just to get anudda ziokike Tree of Life awarded Israshill. 4d chess. trust the plan. nostradamus tier faggot Q. ya got memed on niggers
>voting for a fucking gook who is basically chink Bernie
the only reason to support this zipperhead is to destabilize the left.
Yeah, I'm voting Yang 2020
fuck off migapede boomer, this is a democrat board now
>names a bunch of politicians who never keep there promises
>g-guys yang will be different trust me
I'll vote for whoever offers the best bribe. If we're going to destroy the country, Pocahontas sounds like a better deal.
Yeah we should just vote for the people who are proposing things we think are retarded. Politicians don't keep promises, so if we vote for the guy we don't like, he'll do stuff we do like! Or something
If you say so. As for me, Yang gang, Todd Rod, idgaf. Burn the mother down.
>Hyper unled accelerationism is good
Nigger that's how you get Africa
Whatever are you insinuating? I am a #YangGanger! Lets get that bag together, brother! Kill them all!
If you dumb niggers wanted to accelerate shit you should have voted for Hillary. she would fucked everythig in the ass. psycho clintons. This acceleration meme is retarded.
We're stil Yanggang unless we gotta vote for bernie to win.
kek this false flagger again
I just want anyone but Trump to win at this point
Yes, the liberal salt was delicious in 2016 but imagine the boomer salt in 2020 if that geriartric kike loving faggot actually loses
It will be fucking glorious. Like the LA riots except 10 times worse, and 100 times whiter. Lets fucking goooooooo
where's the gore you usually post migapede?
Yeah its all a lie. They're just using it as an excuse to be a NEET without admitting to being one. They don't actually want to see it all go down because they'd have to work even harder than in a stable society.
He literally said nobody is better for Israel you obvious troll. He hasn't changed anything in regards to Zionism from the U.S. You know this and persist because you are a fraud.
Same goes for any candidate. But yeah we shouldn't expect he'll get the bag just as Trump didn't get the wall.
hey yang faggots.
if you want to accelerate things, put a gun to your head and pull the trigger.
accelerate your death, worthless fucks.
This somewhat. The same salt glory will be had if Trump loses.