Any fans of Pamela Geller here?
This lady is based AF. Just take a look at this. What Jewish woman posts stuff like this anywhere? She's tough:
Any fans of Pamela Geller here?
This lady is based AF. Just take a look at this. What Jewish woman posts stuff like this anywhere? She's tough:
Other urls found in this thread:
>The most based and redpilled woman in America
>Pamela Geller
>This lady is based AF
In the article I linked above Pamela Geller wrote:
>Easter worshippers”? Why not “chocolate bunny eater”? It’s clear what was happening here. These Democrat leaders don’t want to identify the victims as Christians because they don’t want to identify the perpetrators as Muslims. If they acknowledge that there is a global persecution of Christians, they’re on the way to admitting that Muslims are the one who have massacred countless numbers of Christians, driven hundreds of thousands from their homes, and made Christians the most persecuted religious group on the planet today. But they’ll never do that: they’re in bed with the persecutors. So we get “Easter worshippers.”
That strikes me as being pretty based. You see achmed, on this board you have to actually read the link and see what is written at it.
>Unironically promoting Pamela (((Gellar)))
The fact that you are evading on the content of the article is telling. You are a Muslim.
The fact that you also evaded the content of the article when you made the initial post and chose to rather promote the (((person))) is telling. You are a Jew.
Oh really and how did I evade the content of the article? I made no misleading statements oh, and no I am not a Jew.
You however are very obviously a Muslim
>if you don't support Zionists you are Muslim
Fuck off Shlomo
She looks like a fucking whore.
Oh that's not the giveaway. What gives you away is the fact thatyou are posting memes here and immediately accusing me of being a Jew. and why are you doing this? Because I am sharing an article written by someone who is a very strong opponent of Islam and Islamic Jihad terror, the same thing that killed all those Christians in Sri Lanka, which the article is about.
Your behavior is exactly in keeping with Quran 5:82, which states that the Jews are strongest among the enemies of Allah:
>You will surely find the most intense of the people in animosity toward the believers [to be] the Jews and those who associate others with Allah; and you will find the nearest of them in affection to the believers those who say, "We are Christians." That is because among them are priests and monks and because they are not arrogant.
- Quran 5:82
That's exactly what Muslims all over this board did when Brenton Tarrant massacred a bunch of Muslims. They accused him of being a mossad agent, for the exact same reason because of Quran 5 82
That article is a lie Pamela never said anything like that
Do you even realize who you are replying to Shlomo?
Thought it was the same user as you. Doesn't matter my points still stand.
fpbp and /thread
Can you blame her though? Europe is Muslim now.
She's not calling for attacking Europe there. The paragraph break makes it clear.
>Doesn't matter my points still stand.
No it actually doesn't Rabbi.
I'm glad you can see that it doesn't matter how I even if you are lying about me being a Jew
>hat she retaliate with everything she has at Tehran, Mecca, and Medina...............Not to mention Europe.
She she was. Go back to the_donald.
Social Pamela Geller argues for taking strong measures to protect Christians from Muslims, I guess you are recommending that Christian countries should NOT take those strong measures, and so they would be more vulnerable vulnerable to Muslim Jihad terrorist and the casualties of Christians will be maximized. Looks like it's clear what side you're on.
there is a paragraph break in the original article that you have deceitfully removed, as anyone can see from looking at your link.
Meanwhile the Donald on Reddit is controlled by Muslims
>paragraph break
Irrelevant. The phrase "not to mention" means shew as still addressing the previous topic, which was what Israel should target with their nukes if Iran ever attacks them.
>I'm glad you can see that it doesn't matter how I even if you are lying about me being a Jew
>it doesn't matter how I even if you are lying
Learn proper English before using proxy JIDF.
Muslims have no place in Christian nations. Just like jews have no place in them. I don't stand behind the muslims, to be honest I could care less about them. ((((Geller))) has ulterior motives in getting muslims and Christians to fight each other. If the west discontinued all support for Israel (and even maybe helped the arab nations invade it) I am sure we could strike a deal where they stay in their shitty nations and possibly even aid in the repatriation of muslims from Europe, the US, and Australia.
>In summation: I don't support muslims. I just don't trust the kikes.
>Looks like it's clear what side you're on.
The side that doesn't want nuclear war and invasion of Iran to build the second temple.
>Muslims have no place in Christian nations.
>Christian nations
Which nations are those, please make me a list.
Geller is wanting Christians and Muslims to fight one another? Where are you getting that?
Geller has argued for years that Christians should take action against the Muslim Invaders. The Muslims are going to want to attack Christians no matter what. She has argued consistently for a closing of borders, for deporting jihadis from Western countries, for cracking down on Muslim rape gangs. She was a strong and early supporter of Tommy Robinson.
Everything you're saying is a bunch of lies, as anyone who has read her website knows.
Any based Western man Christian or atheist should be hugely opposed to Iran getting nuclear weapons. Iran is a huge menace to Christian lands. Indeed Christians are regularly persecuted and murdered by the Iranian regime.
But you already know that Achmed
Christian majority lands. That means almost all of Europe except for Albania and Bosnia all of Russia with the exception of a small Buddhist state state called kalmykia, all of North and South America and Australia
>Any based Western man Christian or atheist should be hugely opposed to Iran getting nuclear weapons. Iran is a huge menace to Christian lands. Indeed Christians are regularly persecuted and murdered by the Iranian regime.
>But you already know that Achmed
That nose.
>Any based Western man Christian or atheist should be hugely opposed to Iran getting nuclear weapons.
Your day is coming.
>Christian majority lands.
>That means almost all of Europe
Good joke kike, there are barely any real Christians in those lands except for maybe Greece.
>Christian majority lands.
Everywhere the Jew parasite and destroys their host
Jews are enemies of all mankind Muslims understood this so did many others. You are retarded