My sister convinced my mom to go vegan because she says it's so much "more nutritious" whatever the fuck that means and...

My sister convinced my mom to go vegan because she says it's so much "more nutritious" whatever the fuck that means and because "vegetarians just flat out DO NOT get cancer user".
I know that this is bullshit because vegetarians are sickly and weak and vegans are worse and you can tell just by looking.
Help me save weekly family dinners guys. She served tofu enchilada pie with fucking spinach and green beans all mixed in it. She used to be based until my fucking sister infected her with reddit bullshit

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Do you not have a job and buy your own food?

whats with the statue it looks like someone of the homo erectus species, who died out hundreds of thousands of years ago

Hitler was a vegetarian

>don't get cancer
NIGGER PLEASE. Former vegan of 15 years here, I saw a LOT of vegans die from cancer, including a good friend of mine (RIP, Michael, you were one of the few good vegans I ever met). I've known:
- 2 female Canadian vegans who both got breast cancer, one had both tits lopped off at age 42, the other was almost 50.
- Friend died of pancreatic cancer, no way to save him at his stage on diagnonsis
- Jameth Sheridan, raw food vegan founder of Healthforce Nutritionals died of unspecifed cancer in his 40s and he was a complete health freak
- knew 3 other vegans who both had cancer as well (can't remember their diagnoses, it was a long time ago)
Add in that I've heard of multiple lifelong or long-term vegans dying of heart attacks (such as the guy who founded V-Dog vegan dog food shit), one who has crippling MS, and others with various ailments, and you realize that veganism doesn't prevent ANYTHING compared to just living a decent life where you don't eat shit food all the time.
Anyone who actually believes veganism makes you disease-proof is literally subhuman-tier retarded.

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not eating meat makes your diet literally "less nutritious" holy fuck vegans are so stupid. animals eat plants all day so we can eat the animal its the cycle of life.

My neighbor is a 30 year old vegan. She got breast cancer this year and the Dr. said DNA tests confirm the cause was 100% diet.

Basically she ODed on onions protein. They caught it stage 1, so she's gonna survive.


Your mum's gonna get cancer from Round Up.

Vegans are gonna eat a hell of lot more roundup than most

do a bit of research on how vegan basic-ingredients like palm oil are grown on huuuuge plantations. and what has to be burnt down in order to build those? rain forest.

>weekly family dinner
Are you paid to be retarded or do you do it for free?

That's the best story I've heard in a while. Veganism causes cancer, and she will survive.

Humans aren’t evolved for agriculture. It’s too evolutionarily recent, especially for Europeans

desu, a lot of vegan companies moved to sourcing their palm from sustainable sources because vegans threw a shit fit over orangutans and manufacturers freaked out over it. Not all of them, but some. But, vegans on the whole still consume tons of garbage-tier ingredients, and the logical disconnect they have for how much pollution is caused by their shipping weird ingredients halfway around the globe to be processed here is astounding. Vegans want to protect the ocean, yet they can't seem to do without eating things that 90% of the time have to be imported by ocean freight. Funny people.

yeah that was too hard to figure out

people have farmed and gardened multiple tens of thousands of years

people began farming en masse about 10-20 thousand years ago. very recent indeed

What is b12
What is DHA
What is heme-iron
What is calcium, zinc, iodine, etc...
All of these nutrients are absent or extremely rare in a vegan diet. Just give her the facts. It's not hard.

D3 deficiencies are rampant as well. I had one, felt like I was dying AND losing my mind simultaneously, worst shit of my life.

He gotta be paid, dude's a professional

Your mom is going to starve unless you feed her protein and vitamins, sperm is probably the optimal way to do this. You know what you must do.

So you're tell me he can't eat something different then his mom and sister while eating with them at the same table?

That's just too crazy for you

Veganism IS largely bullshit, but so is the Jow Forums approved diet of red meat and offal that I see promoted here. The fucking state of people's bowels and breath on keto is a nightmare.

I eat meat and fish because I have a lot of nerve damage and have lost a lot of muscle tone since getting sick a couple of years ago. However, I try not to eat too much processed stuff and I only eat it 1-2 times a week.

Ultimately no-one is going to be less healthy for eating more plants and less animal products - especially of the quality you see in most supermarkets. The ideal diet is subjective, but I'm getting best results from eating what I cook for my vegetarian girlfriend 5 days a week and eating meat 2 days a week.

Most vegans I know spend a lot on weird supplements, shakes, powdered yeast, blah blah blah. Most of the time it's stuff they could make themselves. Your average container of Almond milk has about six almonds in it - the rest is water.

It might be something approaching a healthy diet if they just fucking cooked more, and were flexible about getting those extra nutrients from the odd bit of meat.

As much as I have a very low meat intake, I think a good measure of a live human being is walking past an Australian/Portuguese chicken place and whether or not they're entranced by the smell.

To be fair, we should expect most anons to be high school kids. That is how it's always been. Be grateful they're not more retarded.

She is absolutely correct. Your mom can rest easy, she has at least one kid that isn’t retarded.
>t. Vegan bodybuilder for over 27 years

>vegan body builder

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They're partly correct; vegetarianism is an extremely nutritious choice and also a great way to lose weight. If you're overweight, replacing meat with vegetables or fish is a great idea. Meat is often processed and unhealthy with carcinogens and contains higher risks for food poisoning. And you would save money too as meat is generally more expensive. I'd love to reach based vegetarianism but enjoy lean meat especially chicken too much.

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Read Ray Peat(190 IQ)

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I call this the "hedging your bets" diet and think it's the most sensible. I worry for the state of MEATBROS guts as much as I do BASEDBROS biceps.