Does anyone remember a song named "I want to be an extremist" by Carl Klang? It was basically a song about a guy who wants to join a militia, sympathizes with skinheads and hates kikes. I used to listen to it on JewTube all the time but it's been completely scrubbed from the internet. The only link I could find was an old bitchute link but it has no seeders so it's unwatchable. Can anyone still find this song? Also, post your other memory holed content. I'm sick of the kikes censoring information.
Memory holed content
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Predictive programming thread for the next false flag.
please don't tell me that's a man
not fooling anyone
I just want to find this song.
>Hey guys ummm where are all the banging white power songs posted to.
If Op is legitimate I'm thinking he's very young and bad at searching for things
Used to watch a guy on YouTube like 10 years ago who moved to Thailand and rode his motorcycle everywhere. Seemed pretty based, always had some good stories and talked about how leaving America was great. I think his channel was called M13 but I might be wrong. Anyway checked in a few years later couldn't find a single video. Maybe he died.
You're young if you don't remember Carl Klang. He was pretty big in the 90s and early 2000s militia movement.
You realize that (((movement))) was mostly FBI/ATF honeypots to damage control in the interest of securing their funding after Waco, right?
Literally a Google search, my man.
Here ya go user
Problem is that the video can't be watched because there's no seeders and I can't find any websites where you can download it without getting a gateway error.
No shit, I was in a militia in the early 2010s and there were plenty of feds trying to build a case against us. The music is still catchy though.
Thank you user but it doesn't have the song I'm looking for. I'm looking for "extremist too", his second album.
right ok um well ive never heard of it so......
There is term for this, it's called "black propaganda"
This is BuzzFeed article fodder
Goes something like this:
"I want to be an extremist"
"I want to join a militia and wear camouflage"
"I want to be an extremist"
"and run around and sing a rabble rousing rebel song"
"and sympathize with the skinheads"
"who realize it was the Jews who did the Germans wrong!"
"I want to be an extremist!"
"I just want to get the job done!"
It's either been memory holed or I've been living in an alternate universe for the past 28 years and I don't think it's the latter.
The Jews are very good at gas lighting people.
I'd like that one as well.
He was Christian Identity and he died in Feb. 2019
Only the Swedish reported on it.
I used to own physical copies of his music years ago but I don't know what happened to them. It's too bad.
found it
I Want To Be An Extremist
I want the whole album as well
Holy shit user, you're a fucking saint. Thank you!
We need to find somewhere where we can get the entire album before it's shoahed. I downloaded extremist 1 that the other user posted because I have a feeling it will be memory holed as well.
I know how you feel. Back in the mid-late 90's there was a hilarious Korbel champagne commercial where a man enters his girlfriend's apartment with a bottle ,and you hear her say "the champagne's not Korbel!", when he exits the apartment he is 2ft tall and mumbling. Can't find video on the web,nor any mention of it. And it was funny.
Hey is this the whole album ?
Hmm doesnt look like its the whole album. Just some various songs by him
This is the track list
Like I said, it's all gas lighting. There are all these things we know existed but have been completely scrubbed from the internet like they never existed. It's getting to the point that we don't know what's actually real and what isn't. It's a big Jewish psyop.
Pretty sure some of those are from extremist too but I think some of those are from extremist 1.
>memory holed
Maybe they got sued by midgets.
I don't get it.
Anybody remember when the Iranian government was smuggling in missiles via mexican cartels and they were staging terrorist attacks. and then it just disappeared after a week. happened a few years ago in mid Obama years
I don't remember that but there's probably a (((reason))) for that. Now you've peaked my curiosity.
If anyone has any of these albums please upload them
Carl Klang - Extremist too
Carl Klang - Extremist won
Carl Klang - Selah
Remember when California state senator Leland Yee was sent to prison for being an international arms dealer funneling millions of dollars worth of guns to Muslim extremists in south Asia, despite being one of California's most vocal advocates of gun control laws?
I hope you find it, I can't. I know it happened. It was the most obvious piece of bullshit I'd ever seen. It was early Syrian civil war and McCain and Graham were hell bent on us invading Iran.
You don't hear much about that, do you?
Of fucking course it is. Stupid kikes.
M13 still exists you fucking sperg.
Project Cassandra?
Looky looky I got a cookie
Holy shit I can't believe you found the original website. That brings back memories.