So now WE WUZ...... Native Americans?
Wait, What???
I am of Mi'kmaq ancestry and I don't look like that bitch on the left. She looks full-blown Mexican.
we wuz dem sittin bull and shiet nigga???
She's not native american. Dumb bitch probably hasn't seen a single leaf of sage or sat through a sweat lodge. Fuck man, it's no wonder native american suicide rates are so high, we're lumped in with retards like her.
and they got to Australia first...via the great barrien reef
Kek, niggers will literally steal anything you let them.
Shouldn't you be more mad at the Blacks who are willfully attempting to your culture?
Niggers and prairie niggers are subhuman races. Both species are shit.
damn... is there anything that blacks wuznt?
>egyptians BLACK
>native americans BLACK
>europeans BLACK
>asians BLACK
ive literally heard nigs claim all of these as BLACKed.
its not my place to tell off the nigger on what she wears. maybe if i met her in person, i might.
Suddenly it all makes sense!
No, they literally think that they're the real Native Americans (read the comment section). If it was just a question of wearing transitional cloths then I would agree with you, but these people are actually claiming your culture and accomplishments as their own.
This is good. We need the niggers to disgust the other races so much that they shift the blame from whites to niggers. Once they realize that niggers are horrible by nature, they will accept the redpill about the jews.
Can't blacks stop stealing shit for 2 seconds?
God, niggers
Saved, LOL spreading misinform should be our primary goal when it comes to these retards because they'll actually believe it. Guaranteed this shit would trend on Black twitter.
This is true, during one of those early ice ages the Atlantic ocean froze and people walked from ghana to here. I'm pretty sure this is how human migration played out.
>another intelligent brother!
kek these people are such clowns
Thats no mi'kmaq, she's full blown navahoe
i guess i looked over that. i know the theory that humans originated in africa, but there is no way that blacks are the original redskins. you dont just start off as black and turn brown, especially since native americans were just about as isolated as you could get before the europeans started living in canada. plus the transfer from the heat of africa to the cold of canada wouldve 100% killed off the retards. fuck man, with niggers it's either theirs or it's racist because it was created by da white mun.
Fuck I have to start a new folder for this material, This shit is to good.
They also invented fucking everything, and don't you forget it. They crossed over in Pangea, that was 250 million years ago!
Seriously, this is the problem, they're educated just enough to to believe this shit. Its fucking dangerous.
You'll probably enjoy the "Melanin Theory" as well.
>Pangea & Gondwanaland
I'm black myself and have quite about of native american ancestry myself. it happens.
>ancient people looked more like niggers
no shit
All they had to do is show a few pics of slaves that ran away to a tribe and that's all the proof they need
Wait till we settle mars they will claim that they're the original pepos from Mars and shit that traveled to earth cus we waz kangs and shit
Lies from some jew professor who proposed this idea
Isn’t that the meme native Americans that were so heavily bleached that you’re now just a bunch of whites larping as natives
I've googled this shit it's more wide spread then I would have thought.
Even black celebs have fallen for ir
Rapper Waka Flocka: 'I'm Not Black, I'm Native American'
I guess I shouldn't be surprised Negros try this shit with everyone's culture, Pic related
The white peoples left these guys alone.
Das right. We Africans ruled the world before you melanin deficient pinkies even evolved. And now that all of you are dying out, we gonna rule again.
"native americans" crossed the land bridge, which doesn't make them native even.. jesus Christ niggers are the dumbest fucking people. so now they were niggers from Africa? public education needs nuked and restarted.. you can't possibly be this stupid.
European dna has been found to be here before the said "native americans" got here.
why do blacks complain "they were moved there" then?
These people aren't saying that they have a percentage of Native American blood. They're saying BLACK Africans are the true Native Americans.
No, they're black.
indigenous aren't much better
always trying to suck the cum from any asshole that will hate on whippo with them
Pangaea broke up some 175 million years ago. Niggers think their nigger relatives were around at that time?
Black people TAUGHT whites how to BATHE. Ya CAVE BEASTS didnt WASH YA ASSES before we told you how. S.M.H
It's not really uncommon for black americans to have quite a bit of native american ancestry considering how far back they go in america. It's often downplayed by geneology companies by categorizing it as "asian" and/or including african immigrants into the african-american category when really it should only include ADOS(american descendants of slavery. For example Oprah winfrey has 10% asian DNA, which is likely explainable as native american, and snoop dogg is a whopping 25% native.
by even if you're black, you're not a Massai, a Dogon or a Dinka so you can't use their clothes just because you're black. It has nothing to do with you.
>I've googled this shit, it's more widespread than I would have thought
It's good to know that it isn't just one nigger trying to fuck stuff up. At least I can be on the defense and provide multiple sources if some cunt tries to pull one over me in an arguement.
Well... dey wuz dick washahs n sheeiit
Natives Americans had Black slaves also, So their was some mixing that happened. That's all the proof these retards need to make wild assumptions.
Yeah, I mean my great-grandparents literally lived on a reservation and I look nothing like them. I do have the documents though, which helped when it came to paying off student loans.
Wide nose =\= black. Those are Toltecs (Toltecas). Look at the features of the young ones and look up the adults. Once they fatten up, their heads look identical to those stone heads.
>typing this shit unironically
Jesus christ tyrone please go back to high school so that some coked up nig can shoot it up and take you to hell where you belong you raging dumbfuck
What that faggot is saying is true though, you ugly faggot. Solutrean artifacts have been popping up all over the east coast that date back to way before Siberian gook amerindians migrated here.
Shhh, with the Solutreans, man, you know it BTFO the we wuz native ameicans and shit narrative.
I wonder...may be a nigger can answer.
But let's say it is proven blacks wuz kangz.
Like 100k years ago blacks were all peaceful and powerful and ruled the earth.
Okay, let's assume that is true, let's assume there is evidence that supports it. What changes? You're still a nigger.
We wuz Vikangz
Well, that and the Natives have been destroying any evidence they can.
Shit bro, they couldn't invent a wheel, let alone rule the Earth, give them a break.
I like this one
Still waiting on those extraordinary things
Many blacks actually believe pic related.
There are legitimate people who unironically would not only believe that pic, but would feel smarter for it.
I came here to post this. There is nothing that niggers won't steal. Absolutely nothing. Theft is bound up in their DNA.
Watch Hidden Colors. It's great. It turns out, Africans are everybody. Even white people.
Yeh, and the lefties want to suppress the info, cos yeh sucks to be second in the line.
The blonde haired mummy in a cave in the Nevada desert comes to mind. That the "natives" refuse to let people study because it would desecrate "their" ancestors.
Point is...what changes NOW? Hmm?
I love being white.
The bitch in the left is not pure native, take a dna sample cunt, none of these whores are a real "native"...
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
These folks be killing people with their minds.
Even if this was true, what's wrong with wanting people to stop fucking so much and filling up the world with more people?
Its more than that, there's a shitload of federal money tied up in Reservations, and if it were to come out that they weren't first, then a lot of the special privileges and money would go away.
That dude is Italian.
>She looks full blown Mexican
You are aware that Mexicans are Mestizos and therefore 50 percent indigenous right?
It's funny because Moors were never black either. Niggers are ALWAYS trying to steal peoples cultures and bicycles.
Yeh man, truth is, if you can find an honest "native" elder, they will say they weren't the first on Murican clay.