Degeneracy Thread

Degeneracy Thread

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Jow Forums is a christian board of peace
delete this thread

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What the fuck is that on the right one's forehead? Literally looks like some sort of chaos sigil

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I guess you could say he has a pretty polished appearance

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Literal demons from hell. The world is becoming possessed—looks like we’re gonna need a big exorcist.

evil people gotta look evil

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"were here for the job interview!"

>911 this is an emergency
>they're here


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To each their own, would not discriminate against them but I do wonder, I would love to observe them and understand the motivation. I have a pretty good ideas about this behaviour but still don't comprehend it!

You can't understand the Lovecraftian. Their mind is not human and therefore does not function and perceive like yours.

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The new age is here, you plebians are just unevolved.

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WTF is wrong with whiteoids????????

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even evil needs love

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Saved for the next leftist that wants to justify abortion with "rape cases".

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>fuckin white people

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demons arent re-

Must be nice to have so much time and excess money to do retarded shit.

are they all puns? plz post more

They have a guy they paid to look grossed out in the background. Once you realize this is all planned out even the dispersal to Jow Forums you'll recognize this as kino.



"Does our love trigger you, smoothskin?"
"Donate to our capreon"

that woman doesn't deserve to be a mother, what the actual fuck doesn't she know the sister will resent her even more for killing the twin brother.
>i'm too lazy to repaint my child's room better just kill one of em

sure thing senpai

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we are reaching levels of cope that shouldn't be possible.

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How desperate does one have to be for attention to do this to yourself? How deep does the psychosis have to run?

Why we don't just kill these freaks on sight ?

Seriously looks like a job for the doom marine

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Those people are really diabolical.
Even the one with the wig.

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I don’t know if that’s degenerate but it looks uncomfortable.

holy fuck that has to be b8.

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What would happen if I held a magnet to it's face?


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jesus christ did this guy really chop off his nose? What the absolute fuck

How is this degenerate? Most people aren't able to handle twins. It only makes sense to get rid of one and wait a bit to get preggers again.

Obvious bait

Whats with the fuckin feet on the pink one? That's gotta be shopped


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more bait

Vampire the Masquerade 2 looking good.


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If anyone has the tranny dick shit make sure to post it. Even I'm too squeamish to save that level of degeneracy...

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is the side by side suppose to make either of those pictures make sense or more scary?

>Blocks your path

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The demons on the left are generally hot, actual have vaginas, and would probably be fun to fuck. They are Slaanesh demons after all.

The one on the right is a nasty dude with a hairy ass and tattoos. The horns probably don’t even stay on during sex. He’s just a disgusting freak.

>"were here for the job interview!"
sorry dude, i got the job already

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Being an amerimutt is degeneracy by itself

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que rico mueve el culo nosferatu

It's unfathomable, isn't it?


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I feel an urge to crush this things skull and snap the race traitor's neck.


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Time to become an underground exorcist.


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Come on, Craig is the perfect partner. You can practice jiujitsu and then he sucks your dick and its not totally gay.

That’s the old blood inside you

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I have so many questions.

Damn those some thick legs. I'd practice jiujitsu and taekwondo

I can’t wait until genetic engineering allows me to have literal horns.